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 Our story thus far: 

Episode 1 – Mary Lou messed up in the immunity challenge for Velasquez.  Jake, Nikki, and Matt stuck by her anyway.  The vote was deadlocked between Mary Lou and Millie.  After a series of tie-breaker questions, Mary Lou lost and was the first person booted. 

Episode 2 – Lauren began to grate on everyone.  Her refusal to eat dung in the immunity challenge cost Denson the win.  Everyone but Nate voted for Lauren. 

Episode 3 – At Velasquez, Matt and Mike got into a fist fight.  After losing the immunity challenge, Mike led his alliance in voting out Matt 

Episode 4 – At Denson, tempers flared when Mary accidentally knocked down the shelter.  After losing immunity, everyone but Carmen agreed Mary needed to go. 

Episode 5 –  The Twist.  Scott, Jonny, and Nate were switched to Velasquez, while Jake, Nikki, and Stone were sent to Denson.  After losing Immunity, Jake and Nikki joined up with Majel and Joe to vote out Stone 

Episode 6 – At Velasquez, Scott and Leah got into a nasty argument.  Leah was able to convince her brother Jonny to vote with Velasquez's "Power Alliance," and Scott was booted. 

Episode 7 – The long-awaited merger finally came.  Leah spread a lie that she had five votes piled up on her.  The Family Alliance of Jake, Nikki, Majel, Joe, and Carmen targeted Leah, while The Power Alliance of Millie, Leah, Jonny, Mike, and Nate targeted Joe.  The tie was broken by Joe's previous vote. 

Episode 8 – The Power Alliance targeted Jake, who was the biggest Immunity threat on the Family Alliance. 

And so we come to Episode 9.  The Power Alliance is still five strong:  Millie, Leah, Jonny, Mike, and Nate.  The Family Alliance is down to three:  Nikki, Majel, and Carmen.  If they don't take drastic action, they will be wiped out. 

Episode 9 – Date with Destiny
Jeff: (Narrating) Previously on Survivor 
After Tribal Council, the Family Alliance was feeling vulnerable.  Jake was very upset at being outwitted by Leah.  He took his frustration out on Jonny and Nate.  The reward challenge was a game of nine way dodgeball.  Nate took everyone else out and took  a mystery trip with his guest, Leah.  They spent the night in a haunted hotel, but ended up sleeping in the hall when a ghost manifested itself.  The next morning at camp, Carmen clashed with Millie.  Mike continued to pine for Leah.  The immunity challenge was a ropes course.  Jonny took an early lead and finished strong, winning immunity.  Jake hoped to persuade Jonny to vote with the Family, but in the end Jonny stuck with his alliance and sent Jake packing. 
8 remain.  Tonight, one more will go.  
Theme Song  
(It's dawn.  Majel's the first one up.  She stares at the sunrise)
Majel: (Narrating) Well, at the, um, council, they voted for Jake.  I wish he could have stayed longer, but I guess that's just the way it went.  We can't control what happens, so we just have to do the best we can. 
(Nikki gets up and walks over to Majel)
Nikki:  Hey Granny.  Whatcha doing up this early? 
Majel:  Just watching the sunrise.  It's a beautiful day.  You know it? 
Nikki: (sadly) I guess so. 
Majel:  Oh, what's the matter with Grandma's big girl? 
Nikki:  Oh, it's this game.  Jake's gone now.  I think that I'm probably next. 
Majel:  Oh, you don't know that.  But even if you are, it doesn't much matter.  Grandma still loves you. 
Nikki:  I know, Grandma. 
Nikki: (Narrating)  I don't think Grandma gets it.  I could really use that $1 million, but there's really no chance of getting it now.  That's depressing. 
(Over in the shelter, everyone sleeps in.  Leah's snuggled up next to Nate.  Mike looks on jealously)
Mike: (Narrating)  S*** man.  I don't know what Leah sees in that artsy fartsy Nate.  That fag doesn't know how to handle a nice girl like Leah.  She'd be much better off with me. 
(Leah wakes up.  She kisses Nate, who awakens and smiles at her)
Nate:  You wanna get some breakfast? 
Leah:  Sure. 
(Nate and Leah walk to the fire, hand in hand.  Mike broods)
Mike:  S***!  That girl is so hot. 
Jonny: (Narrating) Leah and Nate are really starting to get on my nerves.  Like this morning at breakfast... 
(Majel and Nikki are off doing chores.  Jonny approaches the fire.
Leah is feeding Nate rice with her hands, giggling all the while.
Jonny stands there for several minutes watching)
Jonny: (impatiently) Leah, can I have some rice? 
Leah:  (Extremely annoyed)  Jonny!  Go away! 
Jonny:  What?  I just want some breakfast. 
Leah:  We were here first. 
(Leah turns back to Nate and continues feeding him)
Jonny:  Leah! 
Leah: (Shrieking) What? 
Jonny:  Give me some rice! 
Leah:  Fine!  Take it! 
(Leah throws the rice pot at Jonny, who ducks out of the way.  Nate laughs hysterically)
Leah:  What's so funny? 
Nate:  Nothing. 
Leah: (Pleadingly) Tell me. 
(Leah hugs Nate and continues to plead with him.  Jonny sighs
and picks up the rice pot.  Carmen approaches him)
Carmen:  What's up with your sister and Nathan, Jonathan? 
Jonny:  I don't know and I don't care. 
Carmen: (Narrating)  I'm not sure, but I think Leah and Nathan might be boyfriend and girlfriend.  I wish I had a boyfriend... 
(Mike's swaggering out to breakfast)
Carmen:  Hello, Mike! 
Mike:  Whatever. 
(Mike walks past Carmen and approaches Leah and Nate)
Mike:  Hey, Nate... 
(Nate looks up)
Nate:  Yeah? 
Mike:  I need you to help me gather firewood. 
Nate:  Man!  OK, just give me a sec. 
(Leah holds onto Nate's arm and won't let go)
Leah:  Don't go! 
Nate: (Pulling away his arm)  Don't worry.  I'll be back in a jiffy. 
(Mike and Nate walk through the woods)
Mike:  So you and Leah are getting along pretty good, huh? 
Nate:  We sure are.  She is one a-tractive female. 
Mike:  Yeah, well she's really my girl, you know. 
Nate:  Is she? 
Mike:  S*** yes, man!  She was in my tribe before she ever met you.  We went through a lot together. 
Nate:  Well, maybe we ought to let her decide. 
Nate: (Narrating)  Mike wants Leah?  Uh-huh.  That's gonna happen.  I don't think so. 
(Nikki and Majel go for Tree Mail)
Nikki:  We got a reward today, Grandma. 
Majel:  Is it another, um, challenge? 
Nikki:  Yeah.  Just like we have every day.  Let's see what it is:  (reading)  Choose a partner 
                                                                                                                              And prepare to run 
                                                                                                                              The winners will have 
                                                                                                                              A lot of fun 
. .. 
                                                                                                                              The three legged race 
                                                                                                                              Was never like this 
                                                                                                                              Win this reward 
                                                                                                                              And you'll be in pure bliss 
Majel:  Well that's a pretty poem. 
Nikki:  We'd better show everyone else. 

. . 
(Majel and Nikki show the Tree Mail to everyone else)
Jonny:  I bet they want us to pair off like in Survivor Three. 
Leah: (Clinging to Nate) I know who my partner is. 
Mike:  Well, I think it'd be more fair if we drew numbers. 
Leah:  You guys can draw numbers if you want.  But we're together. 
Nikki: OK.  (Picking up a hat)  Here, we'll draw out of this. 
(Nikki takes a piece of paper out of Leah's journal and makes three sets of numbers.
She passes the hat around, then draws a number for herself)
Jonny:  Who has one? 
Millie:  I do. 
Mike:  Two? 
Carmen: (Excited) That's me! 
Nikki:  Do you have three, Granny? 
Majel:  Um, yeah.  It's a three. 
. . 
(The pairs split up.  Leah and Nate remain where they
are and make out.  Everyone else practices)
Nikki:  OK Grandma, I'm going to tie our legs together. 
Majel:  Why on earth would you do that? 
Nikki:  To practice for the challenge. 
Majel:  Eh?  What challenge? 
(Across camp, Jonny and Majel are tied together)
Millie:  Faster, Jon, faster!  Losing this challenge is not an option! 
(Jonny trips and drags them both down)
Millie:  No!  That's not going to cut it!  We have to be the best team out there.  Now get back up and let's do this right! 
(Elsewhere, Carmen and Mike are practicing)
Mike:  Now look here, Carmen.  I'm not about about to let that d***head Nate win this challenge.  We have to be f***ing good, got it? 
Carmen:  Of course. 
(Cut back to Nate and Leah)
Leah:  We're going to be the best ones out there. 
Nate:  You ain't a-kidding. 

Reward Challenge:  Third Leg (Not that, sicko) 
(Overhead shot of a narrow field.  An obstacle course has been set up with
two identical, parallel tracks.  The Survivors exit the woods and meet Jeff)
Jeff:  OK, for today's reward, we've assembled a good old-fashioned Survivor obstacle course.  You'll start off with a long stretch of tires, followed by a section of hurdles of varying heights.  Next, you'll come to three wooden walls.  Pull yourselves through the holes in the wall, and move on to the rope net.  After you traverse it, you'll run a final leg of flat track. 
As I'm sure you guys have guessed, you'll be doing all of this with your legs tied together.  Cooperation and coordination are the keys to this challenge. 
For the winning team, a very nice reward:  dinner, and a movie.  First you'll go to a nice restaurant for a succulent lobster dinner… 
(The Survivors coo in approval)
Jeff:  And then you'll go to a nice theater to watch your movie. 
(Leah smiles at Nate.  Mike glares at them)
Jeff:  OK, you guys ready to do this?  We'll run the race in three heats.  We've randomly selected the order in which you're going to run.  Millie and Jonny, you're first against Mike and Carmen. 
(The Survivors move into position)
Jeff:  Survivors ready?  (Doing the arm thing) Go! 
(The race goes by fairly quickly in montage mode.  Mike's giving the race his all and
dragging poor Carmen along for the ride.  About halfway though, Jonny stumbles big time)
Millie:  S***!  Get back up!  We can't lose this! 
(Jonny and Millie recover, but it's too late.  Mike and Carmen win the heat)
Jeff:  Mike and Carmen, you're moving on. 
Millie:  F***! 
Jeff:  Next heat is Nikki and Majel versus Nate and Leah. 
(The Survivors move into position)
Jeff:  (Doing the arm thing) Go! 
(Another montage race.  Nikki and Majel are way too slow.
Nate and Leah pull off the win easily)
Jeff:  OK, Nate and Leah, you'll take on Mike and Carmen in the final. 
(The Survivors position themselves again)
Jeff:  Survivors ready?  (Doing the arm thing) Go! 
(The two teams run towards the tires.  It's a very tight race, as both
pairs are about equal in athletic ability.  They arrive at
the tires neck and neck.  Both pairs expertly step
through them, arms interlocked to help with balance.
Nate and Leah make it through the tires a little fast and on to the hurdles.  Grabbing the sides of each hurdle with their free hands, they swing their legs over in unison.  They hastily progress through the hurdles.  Mike and Carmen are just one hurdle behind Nate and Leah at this point.
The hole in the first wall is about waist level.  Grabbing the rim of the hole, Nate and Leah swing themselves through.  Mike and Carmen actually gain ground on them as Mike hefts Carmen through the hole faster than Nate does Leah.  The hole is eye level in the wall.  Mike has no regard for Carmen's safety.  He basically throws her over the wall, then jumps up, grabs the rim, then scrambles through the hole.  Since Nate is taking care not to hurt Leah, they take considerably longer.
Mike and Carmen approach the final wall.  This hole in on the bottom of the wall.  All they have to do is get down on their bellies and squirm through.  Nate and Leah finish the second wall as Mike and Carmen emerge from their crawl and head for the nets.
Mike drags Carmen up the net, then slides down the other side.  Nate and Leah crawl under the third wall and reach the nets as Mike and Carmen land rather roughly on the other side.  As Nate and Leah scramble up the net, Mike and Carmen sprint towards the finish line.
They cross it just as Nate and Leah finish the rope net)
Jeff:  Mike!  Carmen!  You just won yourselves dinner and a movie. 

Carmen:  Yes! 

(Carmen jumps up onto Mike and plants a kiss on his lips.  Mike sputters and wipes his mouth)
Mike:  What are you doing, you idiot?  Leah's watching. 
Carmen:  Oh.  Sorry, Mike. 
Mike: (Narrating)  F*** you, Nate!  You can't take Leah to the movies.  At least I took that from you.  And h***, I'm going to get a good meal tonight.  It's just too bad I'm going to have to eat it with that skank Carmen. 
Carmen: (Narrating) This is so cool!  I get to go on a date with Mike tonight.  (Sticks tongue out)  Ha ha, Leah!  Now I have a boyfriend, too, so you can stop walking around like you're so special. 
(Jeff puts blindfolds on Mike and Carmen and leads them off.
The rest of the Survivors walk back to camp)
Leah: (To Nate)  I really wanted to go to the movies with you. 
Nate:  We'll go once the game's over. 
Leah:  Really? 
(Carmen and Mike are led into a dimly lit restaurant.  Jeff seats them)
Jeff:  OK, you guys can take your blindfolds off now. 
(Carmen and Mike remove their blindfolds and look around.  They're in a hastily constructed
restaurant filled with Survivor crew members.  A neon sign on the wall says "Survivor Restaurant")
Mike:  S***!  This place is pretty ritzy! 
Carmen:  Yeah, it's really cool!  I think it's romantic, don't you? 
MIke:  H*** no! 
(Jeff brings out two lobsters, two baked potatoes, and a bottle of wine.
Mike starts drinking wine out of the bottle.  Carmen picks at her food, but mainly stares at Mike)
Mike:  Why are you staring at me? 
Carmen:  (Giggles) Because you're cute, silly. 
Mike:  Well stop looking at me, b****. 
(Mike takes a big swig of the wine)
Mike:  Keep it coming, Jeff! 
Carmen:  Are you looking forward to the movie, Mike? 
Mike:  Sure, I guess so. 
Carmen:  Can we hold hands during the movie? 
Mike:  H*** no!  I'm not letting s*** like you touch me! 
Carmen: (Sarcastic) Yeah right. 
(Mike continues to drink the wine.  Carmen keeps watching him)
Mike:  (Slurred)  That Nate is such an a**hole.  He gets up in my face and says, "Let's let her decide."  I bet he's not so smug when I bash his face in. 
Carmen:  I bet you can beat him up. 
Mike:  D*** straight I can!  That a**hole doesn't know who he p***ed off.  No one f***s with the stud! 
Carmen:  Yeah. 
(Jeff returns and blindfolds Mike and Carmen again)
Jeff:  OK, the theater is just down the street. 
(Jeff walks Mike and Carmen into the next room, then removes their blindfolds)
Mike:  D***!  That was a short f***ing walk! 
(Mike and Carmen look around.  They're in a hastily constructed theater with only two seats.  On the wall is a neon sign that says "Survivor Theater."  They both have a seat.  The movie starts up)
Mike:  (under his breath) S***ty movie. 
(During the course of the film, Carmen snuggles up against Mike.  He's too drunk to realize who it is)
Mike:  Leah... 
(Mike leans over and kisses Carmen, who happily accepts.
They make out for rest of the movie.  It ends and the lights come up)
Mike: (Seeing who he's kissing)  S***!  Carmen? 
Carmen:  Yep! 
(Mike spits several times.  Carmen gives him a contented smile)
Carmen:  I knew Mike was my boyfriend!  We even kissed during the movie.  So take that, stupid Leah! 
Mike:  S***, man.  I got wasted in the theater and put the moves on Carmen.  That f***ing sucks, man.  I wish it could've been Leah instead of that skank! 
(Cut to a shot of the moon.  The stars rush by.  Pan back down on camp, the next day) 
(Jonny gets up and comes to breakfast.  Millie's already there eating)
Millie:  Oh God, not you. 
Jonny:  What? 
Millie:  You're the reason I didn't win last night.  Do you know how much I hate to lose? 
Jonny:  No, but I bet I'll hear. 

Millie:  Don't be a smart a**, Jonny.  I'm already mad enough at you.  You made me lose out on a carb load last night.  Do you know how much my body needed a boost? 
Jonny:  Why did you need it any more than anyone else? 
Millie:  Because I'm in this thing to win.  My body is a machine.  A machine that's going to win me $1 million.  When it misses out on fuel, you can bet there's gonna be hell to pay! 
Jonny:  Whatever.  Just give me some rice. 

(Millie pulls the pot away from Jonny)
Millie:  Yeah?  What have you done to earn the right to eat? 
Jonny:  Whatever!  Give me that! 
Millie:  No way!  You have to be punished somehow. 
Jonny: (Narrating) Remind me again why I voted out my friend and stayed aligned with that witch.  This alliance is a joke!  Leah and Nate and Mrs. Ratch are really starting to get on my nerves. 
(Elsewhere, Nikki and Majel are scavenging for food)
Majel:  It would be nice to have some berries with our rice. 
Nikki:  Yeah.  I thought I saw a blackberry bush out here earlier. 
Majel:  I don't know. 
Nikki:  I think it was over here. 
(Eventually, Nikki and Majel stumble upon the blackberry bush)
Majel:  Now Nikki, mind those thorns. 
Nikki:  Don't worry, Grandma. 
(Nikki and Majel begin picking blackberries.  Nikki isn't careful of the thorns and slashes herself)
Nikki:  Ow! 
Majel:  Did you prick yourself? 
Nikki:  Yeah.  Got myself pretty good. 
Majel:  Let Grandma have a look. 
(Majel looks at Nikki's wound)
Majel:  That's deep.  Come on, we'd better get you some help. 
Majel: (Narrating) I told Nikki to mind those thorns.  I just knew she was going to hurt herself.  We got her patched up, but we had to leave the blackberries behind!  Now what do you think of that? 
(Mike and Carmen return.  Majel and Nikki are still out, and Nate and Leah
are too busy staring at each other to notice.  Jonny's the only one to greet them)
Jonny:  Hey guys.  How was it? 
Mike:  It f***ing sucked, man! 
Carmen:  Well, I liked it. 
Mike:  S***!  I was so wasted I almost f***ed that! 
Jonny:  Mike!  Could you please refrain from talking that way? 
Mike:  H*** no!  I'll talk however I want. 
Jonny: (under his breath) Yeah.  I'm real glad I voted out Jake. 
(Mike notices Leah and Nate)
Mike:  Ah, h*** no! 
(Mike storms over and grabs Nate.  Jonny watches in amusement)
Leah:  Hey! 
Mike:  I'm sick of this!  Leah's mine, you little s***! 
Nate:  Woah, easy there, hoss! 
Mike:  That's it!  You're going down, a**hole! 
(Mike hits Nate.  Leah screams.  Nate starts to get angry.  Mike lunges at him.
Nate sidesteps Mike.  Mike turns around and Nate belts him in the face)
Mike:  Son of a b****! 
(Nate hits Mike again.  Leah's in hysterics)
Leah:  Stop it! 
(Mike stands up to face Nate.  Nate wallops him again.  Mike doesn't
know when to stay down, he gets up again and meets Nate's fist again)
Leah:  Stop it, Nate!  You'll kill him. 
Nate: (Wiping blood from his mouth) Yeah, OK. 
(Nate turns around and starts to walk away with Leah.
 Mike gets up and punches him in the back of the head)
Nate:  Ah, jerk!  That was a cheap shot! 
Mike:  F*** you! 
(Nikki runs back into camp)
Nikki:  Guys!  Stop it! 
(Mike glares at Nate)
Mike:  OK, I'm done with this a**hole. 
(Mike turns around and walks off.  Nikki and Jonny go for Tree Mail)
Nikki:  What happened there? 
. . 
Jonny:  I don't know.  Both Nate and Mike like my sister, I guess. 
Nikki:  Man... 
(Jonny picks up the Tree Mail and reads it)
. . 
Jonny: (Reading)   Without it you're cold 
                                And your food's left uncooked 
                                Can you make a flame, 
                                Ya rabble of crooks? 
. . 
                                Whoever's the fastest 
                                Immunity earns 
                                Screw up on this 
                                And you may get burned 
Guess we're starting fires.  
Immunity Challenge - Queerdance  
(Close-up on a plastic Richard Hatch.  Close up on a fuse.  Zoom out to show
eight wooden towers. The Survivors enter the field, where Jeff is waiting)
Jeff:  First things first, I'll take back the Immunity Talisman. 
(Jonny hands Jeff the talisman)
Jeff:  Immunity's back up for grabs.  Well, if there's one thing you guys have learned, it's how important fire is out here.  You need it for cooking, purifying water, warmth, and keeping animals at bay.  Today, we're going to test how good you are at making fire. 
Each of you has a wooden tower.  Approximately four feet off the ground dangles a fuse, attached to our Richard Hatch figures.  The first one to create a flame high enough to reach that fuse will ignite the fireworks beneath Richard and cause him to do a little dance. 
You have everything you need to start fire here.  There's dry wood to rub together, plenty of dry grass for kindling, and so on.  You guys ready for this? 
(The Survivors murmur and move into position)
Jeff:  This is for immunity!  Survivors ready? (Doing the arm thing) Go! 
(The Survivors run and gather firewood and grass and run back to their towers.  Majel
slows considerably on the way back.  The short run's already taken a lot out of her.
Jonny gets to work rubbing his sticks together, but isn't having much luck.  Next to him, Leah is doing even worse.  She can't rub the sticks together with any speed at all.  Next to her, Nate is plugging away and getting a bit of smoke.  Carmen frantically rubs her sticks together, but just gets a lot of sawdust.  Millie is going at it with all her might, but can't make a spark.  Nikki's doing quite well, making quite a bit of smoke.  Majel doesn't even really try.  Mike is doing decent, generating quite a bit of smoke.
Majel completely gives up on the fire building and falls back exhausted.  Nate gets a spark from his sticks.  He ignites some grass and starts heaping firewood on.  Not long after, Mike and Nikki get fires started)
Jeff:  Nate, Nikki, and Mike have fire! 
(The others continue to strain, but have no luck.  Nate continues to pile firewood.  His flame grows higher.  Mike's flame falters a bit.  He throws more grass on and it flares up.  Nikki's flame is doing all right.  Nate and Nikki run off and to gather more grass.  Nate tosses it on the fire, and it flares up.  He throws on more wood and wipes his brow.  Nikki desperately works at her fire, piling on plenty of wood and kindling, but it's not as high as Nate's.
The contest is foregone.  Nate's huge flame finally catches the dangling fuse.  It hisses, and sparks shoot up towards the Richard Hatch figure.  Some fireworks go off beneath it, and it begins spinning in circles)
Jeff:  Nate!  Immunity!  You're safe from the vote at tribal council.  The rest of you have a decision to make. 

(Back at Camp, the Power Alliance has a strategy session)
Millie:  We get rid of Nikki now.  She almost won in the immunity challenge. 

Jonny:  Yeah, she's a bigger threat than Majel or Carmen. 

(Mike's not paying attention to the meeting.  He's staring at Leah)
Leah:  What? 
Mike:  Why won't you give me a chance? 
Leah:  Um, because you're a psycho who attacked my boyfriend? 
Mike:  I should be your boyfriend. 

Leah: (angrily) Mike, I don't like you.  There's absolutely no chance we'd ever be together. 
Mike:  Yeah, well maybe I'll take my vote elsewhere, then! 

(Mike gets up and storms off)
Millie:  Wait, Mike!  There's no need to do that! 
(Mike's long gone)
Millie:  S***! 
Millie: (Narrating) This little rift has come at exactly the wrong time.  Everyone knows I have four votes against me.  If Mike were to go over with the other three, they could target me and win in a tie breaker. 
Leah: (Narrating, crying) I hate this!  I just want to be with my boyfriend!  And now Mike might vote me out just 'cause I won't be with him.  What a psycho!  I'm scared for my life when he's around.  I'm honestly scared. 
. . 
(Elsewhere, Majel, Nikki, and Carmen meet)
. . 
Nikki:  I really think that if we can get Mike to vote with us, we might be able to turn this around!  (Laughs)  Of course, getting him to vote with us is an entirely different manner! 
Carmen:  I could get him to vote with us.  He's my boyfriend now. 
Nikki: (skeptically) Your boyfriend? 
Carmen:  Yeah.  We kissed at the movie the other night. 
Majel:  Kids... 
(Jonny sits by himself after the meeting)
Jonny: (Narrating)  You know what I realized today?  I dislike everyone in my alliance.  I would honestly consider switching sides and voting with Nikki and Majel. 
(Jonny approaches Carmen)
Jonny:  Hey Carmen, how would you guys like it if I voted with you tonight? 
Carmen:  Yeah right, Jonathan!  Mike's already going to vote with us!  We don't need you! 
Jonny:  Um, OK... 
Millie: (Narrating) I am not about to let the alliance I've built fall apart.  It may take some last minute persuading, but I will make sure that Jonny and Mike stay with us.  Losing is not an option at this point. 
Nikki: (Narrating)  I don't know if we can get Mike's help or not.  We've got our work cut out for us before Tribal Council. 
(Flash to several shots.  Nate and Leah hurriedly whisper.
Millie pulls Jonny aside.  Nikki approaches Mike)
Mike: (Narrating) The s***'s gonna hit the fan at Tribal Council tonight. 

Tribal Council # 9  
(The Survivors enter.  Jeff is waiting)
Jeff:  Welcome.  We'll now bring in the first member of the jury. 
(Jake enters.  He smiles at Majel and Nikki,, then solemnly sits down)
Jeff:  The jury will not be addressed.  No comments are to be directed to the jury.  The jury will not speak to you.  The jury is merely here to gather information that they will use in deciding which of the final two will get the $1 million.  As more of you are voted off, you'll become the jury.  The power will gradually shift from this side to that side. 
Now, last time you guys were here, I mentioned that we'd have a little surprise for you tonight.  Here it is:  Starting with Jake, we're instituting something called the Black Vote.  Immediately after Jake was voted out, he cast a ballot.  That vote will be counted tonight, the same as the rest of your votes.  The black vote is only good for the next Tribal Council.  If the person receiving the black vote wins immunity, it's wasted.  The black vote will not be used in a tie, since the person voted out obviously can't change their vote. 
(The Survivors react to this news)
Jeff:  Nikki, how do you feel about this new addition to the game? 
Nikki:  Wow!  This is pretty cool.  If we can guess how Jake voted, it's like having him back for one more Tribal Council!  So yeah, this is pretty nice. 
Jeff:  Mike, how was the mood yesterday when you and Carmen returned from your reward? 
Mike:  It f***ing sucked, man.  That pansy Nate was all over my girl Leah.  And then she goes and says we don't have a chance.  My heart's f***ing broken tonight. 
Jeff: (Nodding condescendingly) Jonny, how important are alliances at this point? 
Jonny:  They're still very important.  Of course, knowing which alliance you're part of is more important. 
Jeff: Nate, how important was immunity for you? 
Nate:  Well, really I think I was safe without it.  Still, it always feels good to win something. 
(Leah gives Nate a little smile and grabs his hand)
Jeff:  Leah, you seem to be the center of a lot of controversy lately.  What's it like being in center stage at a point in the game where it's maybe better not to stand out. 
Leah:  I didn't ask for any of this.  There have been some misunderstandings, that's all. 
Jeff:  Majel.  Is this game starting to take its toll on you? 
Majel:  Well, it's not easy, but I think I can keep going. 
Jeff:  OK.  It's time to vote.  Nikki, you're up first. 
(Nikki walks up and votes.  She votes for Leah)
Nikki:  If I know Jake like I think I do, this is the best vote I could cast.  It's really nothing personal.  She's a really sweet girl and I wish her the best of luck. 
(Jonny's next.  He's followed by Mike.  We don't see his vote)
Mike: (crying) This f***ing sucks, man.  I hate this game. 
(Majel's next, followed by Millie.  She votes for Nikki)
Millie:  I am going to be seriously p***ed if anyone betrays me.  Here's hoping everything goes according to plan. 
(Nate votes, followed by Leah.
Finally, Carmen votes.  It's Leah)
Carmen:  Me and my boyfriend are going to vote you out, then I'll be the cute girl in a couple.  (Sticks out her tongue)  See you later, stupid. 
(Carmen returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes. 
(Jeff leaves and returns with the canister)
Jeff:  Just a reminder.  Once the votes are read, the person will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.  First vote: 
Two votes Leah, two votes Nikki. 
Black Vote:  Leah
That's four votes Leah, four votes Nikki.  And the final vote: 
I need you to bring me your torch. 
Leah:  No! 
(Leah hugs Nate)
Leah: I don't want to leave you. 

Jeff:  OK, Leah, get over here. 

(Leah clings to Nate)
Leah:  Promise you won't forget me? 

Nate:  I won't. 

Jeff:  Leah!  Get over here now! 

(Leah sadly grabs her torch and brings it to Jeff)
Jeff:  Leah, the tribe has spoken.  (Snuffs her torch) It's time for you to go. 
(Leah looks back and mouths "good-bye" to Nate.  She walks off crying)
Jeff:  Tonight we see the difference that the black vote can make.  I think that was our most emotional Tribal Council ever.  I know you guys are drained, so I'll let you get back to camp and recharge. 
(The Survivors exit)  
Leah's Final Words:  This sucks so bad.  I was just starting to get to really know Nate, and now I have to leave him.  And I'm stuck on the jury with Jake.  Why does everything have to be so hard?   I wish stupid Mike would've been voted out long ago.  I'll bet he's the one who voted me out.  He definitely will never have a chance with me.  I hate him for separating me from Nate. 

Voting Record
Nikki:  Leah
Jonny:  Nikki
Mike:  Leah
Majel:  Leah
Millie:  Nikki
Nate:  Nikki
Leah:  Nikki
Carmen:  Leah
Jake:  Leah

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