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Episode 1 – Grace Under Fire  
(Aerial shot of two minivans travelling down a gravel road.  One is green,
one is purple, and each holds eight of the new Survivors. Jeff Probst sits
in the passenger seat of the green van.  He turns around to address the camera)
Jeff:  We're riding in two brand spankin' new Dodge Caravans along this remote American road.  . These 16 Americans are about to be abandoned.  They will be dropped into the heart of one of the most unforgiving places on earth, the Missouri Wilderness.  For the next 39 days, they'll fend for themselves, forced to work together to create a new society while battling the elements and each other.  They must learn to adapt, or they'll be voted from the tribe.  In the end, one will remain and claim the $1 million prize. 
39 days, 
16 people, 
One Survivor.  
Theme Song  
Jeff:  As we drive into the most remote reaches of the Missouri Wilderness, these 16 Americans ponder the adventure of a lifetime.  But this time, the game is different.  All of these Survivors are related somehow.  Some are mere acquaintances, some are friends, some are even family!  But make no mistake: all have vowed to do whatever it takes to walk away $1 million richer.
The Survivors have been separated into two competing tribes:  Denson and Velasquez.  One crate of supplies awaits each tribe, and after the vans drop them off, they'll only have five minutes to salvage whatever they can carry.  They will then face a grueling five mile hike that will take them to their new homes for the next 39 days. 
The Denson tribe, which will always wear purple, consists of: 
Scott McCall, a student and aspiring musician from Springfield, Missouri 
Jonny Weir, a high school student from Sherman Oaks, Missouri 
Joe Schmidt, a banker from Brickline, Missouri 
Nathan Rumsfield, an art student from Birchtown, Missouri 
Lauren Sandinsky, a weekend news anchor from Diamond, Illinois 
Mary Heracles, a high school student from Sherman Oaks, Missouri 
Carmen Foster, a high school student from Liberty Ridge, Missouri 
and Majel Kraut, a homemaker from Sherman Oaks, Missouri 
The Velasquez tribe, which will always wear green, consists of: 
Edwin Stone, a college professor from Riverton, Missouri 
Matt Kilborne, a factory worker from Sherman Oaks, Missouri 
Jake Kraut, an art student from Sherman Oaks, Missouri 
Mike Evans, a student from Laketon, Missouri 
Leah Weir, a student from Sherman Oaks, Missouri 
Millie Ratch, a middle school teacher from Sherman Oaks, Missouri 
Nikki Kraut, a salesperson from Jefferson City, Missouri 
and Mary Lou Rowan, a homemaker from Perkins, Missouri  
(The tribes exit their vans and are allowed to speak for the first time.
Before rushing to their crates, they size up the competition)

Jake:  Jonny Weir!  You're playing this game? 
Jonny:  Sure am.  But it doesn't look like we're on the same tribe. 
Jake:  Meh.  I'll see you at the merge, then. 
Stone: (chuckling) Well, if it isn't Nathan Rumsfield. How are you? 
Nate:  Doin' just dandy, thank you. 
Majel:  Nikki? 
Nikki:  Yeah, Granny.  What are you doing here? 
Majel:  Well, I'm here to play a game.  What do you think of that? 

(Scott runs around the various subgroups, trilling and screaming at the top of his lungs)
Lauren: (To Mary) What's his problem? 
Mary: Oh, that's just Scott being Scott. 
Millie: (Yelling) OK, my group needs to get over here now! 
(The Survivors reluctantly split up into their tribes and disperse towards
their supply crates.  At Velasquez's crate, Millie has taken charge)
Millie:  Mike, Nikki, Matt, start hauling out some of this heavy stuff!  And you- what's your name? 
Stone: (Offering his hand) Edwin Stone. 
Millie: (shaking his hand) Millie Ratch.  Now, I need you to help me with the water jugs. 
Jake: (To Matt) Oh man...  I can't believe we're stuck on a tribe with her. 
Matt: (Winding up a rope) I know.  I always hated Butt Ratch. 
Jake:  No, not Mrs. Ratch, man.  Leah. 
Matt:  Oh, right. 
(At Denson, it's more of a free-for-all.  Everyone grabs items, but Nate's already gathered the most,
with two water jugs and several cooking utensils hanging somewhat awkwardly from his shoulders)
Joe:  You need some help with some of that? 
Nate:  Nah, it's OK.  I got it. 
Jonny: (picking up some pots) Well, if I can't be on a tribe with Jake and Matt, I'm glad you're with me. 
Scott: (nods) Yeah, me too, man. 
Carmen:  All right!  I found the map! 
Mary:  Yeah!  Great job, Carm! 
(As the five minute deadline arrives, the tribes
split up, encumbered by several heavy survival tools)
Jeff:  The tribes will now split up and head in opposite directions.  Their camps are situated four miles apart.  Each campsite is marked by a Survivor flag.  Finding these sites will be the first unofficial challenge for these new Survivors.  
Denson - Day 1
(The Denson tribe hikes through a hilly forested area.  Majel, carrying
absolutely nothing, huffs and puffs as she tries to keep up with the rest of the tribe)
Majel: (Narrating) Well, it was hard keeping up with the younger ones on our walk.  They walk so fast!  We had to go all the way up the hill, and then down the hill, and then up the hill again... It wasn't easy.  But we have to just do the best we can with what God gives us. 
Lauren:  (Narrating) Oh wow, did the walk to camp suck.  We were moving over rough terrain, and somehow the brainless younger girls got ahold of the compass and map. 
(Mary and Carmen lead the tribe with a map and compass)
Carmen:  OK. (pointing) I think camp is that way. 
Mary:  Are you sure?  I thought the arrow was supposed to point to the "N." 
Carmen: (shakes her head) No, ‘cause we’re walking West. 
Mary:  Oh.  Well that makes sense. 
(Jonny, and Scott set down their loads as they wait
for Mary and Carmen to start moving again)
Jonny: (Narrating) Carmen and Mary got us completely lost.  They didn’t even know how to read the compass.  And when Joe tried to take the compass from them, they flat out refused to let him take it. 
Joe:  Girls, why don't you let me see the compass? 
(Carmen drops the ground and rolls into a ball)
Carmen:  No!  It’s mine! 
Joe: (laughs) What are you doing? 
(Joe gets down and tries to pry the compass from Carmen's hands)
Joe:  All right.  Let me see it, please. 
Carmen:  No!  You can't take it from me! 
(Carmen won’t let go.  Joe begins violently wrestling her for it, but
Carmen squeals and refuses to let go.  Finally Joe gives up, exasperated)
Joe: (angrily) Fine!  Keep it! 
(Carmen sticks out her tongue at Joe and
continues leading the tribe in the wrong direction)
Nate:  (Narrating, snickering) Yeah, those girls got us really lost.  And we were carrying some really heavy stuff.  I had two jugs of water, and Joe was carrying a bunch of canned food and cooking pots.  So we were carrying all that stuff, and we were lost for probably six hours. (snickering) Oh man!  I was about ready to slap those girls around. 
(Scott and Jonny are carrying as little as possible.  They're
taking the opportunity to talk about the new Dogwood CD)
Scott:  They put out two albums this year, but the first one was just a compilation CD.  It has a lot of songs from their self-titled CD. 
Jonny:  Yeah, I saw that on the internet.  It's orange. 
Scott:  Ah dude, you’d like the new one.  It’s just like Building A Better Me. 
Jonny:  I can’t believe they put out another CD that quick! 
(In the foreground, Lauren rolls her eyes)
Lauren:  (Narrating) Some of the people out here don’t care about the team at all.  The two young guys, what were their names, Jimmy and Scott?   All they did was talk about some band all the way to camp.  I mean, hello?  We’re out in the Missouri wilderness.  Nobody's going to be listening to any music any time soon, so I wish they'd just shut the h*** up. 
(Lauren drops the canned goods that she's carrying in exhaustion)
Nate:  Hey, you need some help with those? 
Lauren:  Oh, no!  You're carrying too much already. 
Nate:  It's no problem.  If you could just put those up on my shoulder. 
Lauren:  OK... 
(Lauren touches Nate's arm, which is nicely muscled)
Lauren:  Nice... 
(Nate just grins.  Far behind the main group,
Majel falls down with a loud crash)
Mary: (spinning around) What was that? 
Joe:  Majel! 
(Joe rushes back and helps Majel up)
Joe:  Are you OK? 
Majel:  Oh, I'm fine.  The ground was just so slippery there, ya know it? 
Joe:  Here, why don't I help you for a while? 
Majel:  Well, I'd appreciate that. 
(Joe drops his box of canned goods and helps support Majel as she walks.  The
tribe trudges ahead.  As they crash over a hilltop, they scare a white-tailed deer away)
Mary:  Oh, look Carm!  He's so pretty! 
Carmen:  Who?  That tall guy? 
Mary:  No, the deer, silly! 
Carmen:  Oh, OK. 
(Cut to an aerial shot of the tribe hiking.  Zoom over across a bunch
of trees to the Velasquez tribe, also making a difficult hike through woodland)

Velasquez - Day 1
(Velasquez hikes through the woods, led by Millie)
Millie:  OK, guys!  It shouldn't be that much farther. 
Leah: (Whining) Can we take a break? 
Millie:  No!  Velasquezes don't take breaks!  We need to get to camp as soon as possible! 
(Jake walks at the back of the line, carrying just a
couple of knives.  He looks at his new tribe analytically)
Jake: (Narrating) When I first saw this cast, I was amazed at how many people I knew.  In fact, it seems like every single person in this game is connected around the central hub that is me.  You got both my Grandmas, my first cousin, my three best friends, a couple of my old teachers, my little sister's best friend, my college roomate, and some people I went to high school with.  Very weird.  I'm OK with most of the cast, but there's one person in particular that I was not at all pleased to see.  One Ms. Leah Weir.  I don't really want to get into why I hate her, but suffice it to say that I do.  Just being around her makes me so angry I could just... explode! 
(Matt, who's carrying quite a bit, drops back so he can walk beside Jake)
Matt:  Dude, we're on the same tribe!  How freakin' cool is that? 
Jake: (bitterly) Yeah, I'm glad that if I'm stuck out here with her, I have at least one true friend around. 
Matt:  Dude, me and you gotta be the final two. 
Jake: (nods) OK, Matt.  You have my word.  I'll do everything possible to get you and me to the final two.  I'd shake on it if you weren't carrying so much. 
Matt:  Sweet! 
Matt: (Narrating) I was very happy to hear Jake say me and him was gonna be the final two.  That was the high point of my day.  And I think the low point would have to be what came next... 
(As Matt and Jake continue to walk together, Leah slows down and shyly approaches Matt)
Leah:  Hey Matt.  Want me to help you carry something? 
Jake:  (outraged) What the heck do you think you're doing? 
Leah: (annoyed) What, Jake? 
Jake:  You’re trying to take Matt!  There's no way this is happening.  Matt is my friend!  You can take everyone else, but you can’t have him! 
Leah:  Jake, you're being ridiculous.  Matt's my friend, too.  I was just saying "hi." 
Jake: (yelling) Oh bull crap, Leah!  You thought you'd be all buddy-buddy with him and draw him away from me just like you've always managed to do with everybody else!  Well, I'm not going to let it happen this time.  Not with Matt!  Just stay the heck away from him! 
(By this time, Jake’s drawn everyone’s attention)
Leah: (incredulous) Jake!  I was just saying "hi." 
Jake:  Oh, you are so full of crap!  You're going to try to play all innocent, just like you always do! 
Leah:  I have no idea what you're talking about. 
Jake:  Oh, what-ev-er!  You just waltz up and say "hi" to Matt!  Why didn’t you say "hi" to me? 
Leah:  I was going to. You didn't give me a chance. 
Jake:  Oh, that is such a lie! 
Mike:  (Narrating) I don’t know why the f*** Jake was yelling at Leah like that.  (Laughing) That was so f***ed up, man.  I mean, last I heard, Leah was like, one of his best friends.  And now he's going off on her for no f***ing reason?  That's some f***ed up s*** right there. 
(Everyone's stopped the hike and gathered around Jake, Matt, and Leah.
Jake's having what appears to be some sort of tantrum.  He's yelling and crying a lot)
Mary Lou: (sharply) Jake!  Lower your voice. 
Jake:  I'm sorry, Grandma.  It's just - her! 
Mary Lou: (soothing) Just calm down, OK?  You- what's your name again? 
Leah:  Leah. 
Mary Lou:  Right, Leah.  Can you just give us a minute? 
Leah:  Yeah, sure. 
(Leah walks over and sits down under a tree)
Stone: (To Millie) I didn't know that Jake had such a violent temper. What did that girl do to set him off? 
Millie: (shakes her head) I have no idea. 
Nikki:  (Narrating) The fight?  Oh man, that was awkward!  None of us really knew what to do, so yeah...  We just really let his Grandma talk to him. 
(Mary Lou hugs Jake and whispers to him.  Matt and Nikki stand nearby.  Millie starts to get antsy)
Millie:  OK, what do you say we get moving again? 
Stone:  Capital idea! 
(Stone, Mike, Millie, and Leah start hefting up the things they were carrying)
Stone: (To Millie) "Capital idea."  You ever heard that?  It's like something an Englishman would say.  You know, like in those old movies with the bobbies... 
Millie: (annoyed) Yeah, I got it. 
(The procession continues in two distinct groups:  Stone, Mike, and Millie with Leah,
and Matt, Mary Lou, and Nikki with Jake)
Leah:  (Narrating) After Jake blew up at me, everyone was really nice to me.  A bunch of people walked with me and told me it would be OK.  I don't know what I would have done if they hadn't been there for me. 
Leah: (upset) Did you see what he did, though?  I didn't do anything but say "hi" to Matt.  He's unbalanced! 
Millie:  We all saw it, Leah.  And don't worry.  We will get rid of him first chance we get.  I promise. 
Jake:  (Narrating)  Yes, I yelled at Leah.  She deserved it.  She just ticks me off so much.  She should’ve known better than to try to take Matt from me.  Ungh!   The very sight of her just ticks me off so much!  Wait… I already said that. 
(Matt, Nikki, and Mary Lou walk with Jake)
Mary Lou:  Jake, you scared me when you were carrying on like that.  What did she ever do to you? 
Jake:  Look, it’s a long story.  Just... keep her away from me, OK? 
Matt:  Don't worry, man. 
Nikki:  Yeah. 
Nikki:  (Narrating) Well, I guess Jake and Leah have some sort of past.  He won't talk about what happened, so yeah...  But it is a real source of conflict around camp.  So I don't really know what to do about it... It doesn't seem fair to have to take sides this early in the game. 
(Filler shot of two squirrels copulating)  
(Establishing shot of a grassy field surrounded on all sides by thick woods.  A purple Survivor
flag is stretched between two wooden poles.  The Densons enter the field and spot their flag)
Jonny:  Finally! 
Scott:  (Redneck voice) That’s some nice work there, gals. 
Carmen:  Shut up, Scott! 
(An exhausted Nate drops the load he's been carrying
and sits down on a log.  Mary surveys the new campsite)
Mary: (Narrating) I think the rest of the group is kind of mad at us for taking so long to find our camp, but I didn’t see any of them leading us.  If they're just going to whine and complain all the time, then I don't know how much I'm going to like being in this tribe.  (Putting up her fists) Maybe me and Carm will just have to band together and get rid of the rest of them. 
(Joe helps Majel walk into the campsite, supporting her as she walks)
Majel:  Well, I thankee, Joe. 
Joe:  Oh, it's my pleasure, Majel.  Now, why don't you have a seat? 
Majel: (nods) All right. 
Joe:  (Narrating) The long walk really took a lot out of Majel.  She never complained the whole way, but she was exhausted by the time we got to the campsite.  And then when we started setting up the shelter, she still wanted to help.  She's a remarkable woman. 
(Joe leads the tribe in building a shelter).
Joe:  All right.  Mary, Carmen, I'd like for you to gather us some more of these sturdy sticks.  How's that support coming, fellas? 
Scott:  Um, pretty good... 
(The support Jonny and Scott are working on crashes over)
Jonny:  Whoa! 
Scott:  Or not... 
(Majel sits on a log and watches the shelter's construction with great interest)
Majel:  (Narrating) Well, I can’t hardly sit still and watch everyone else do all the work.  So I offered to help the young men build on the shelter. 
(Majel grabs the end of a small log and tries to
lift it.  Joe notices her and runs over to stop her)
Joe:  Majel!  Put that log down.  You just sit down and let us take care of the shelter. 
Majel:  Well, I thought you could use my help… 
Joe:  Majel, please, just sit down and rest.  You can help cook later when we get a fire. 
(Nate rests off to the side.  Lauren sits with him,
mocking the others while they work on the shelter)
Lauren:  What is that old woman even doing out here? 
Nate:  Not a whole heckuva lot. 
Lauren: (Narrating) Ohmigawd!  I couldn’t believe that creepy old lady trying to build the shelter.  (shudders) Why doesn't she just check herself into a nursing home or something?  Someone that old should not be out here playing this game, I'll tell you that. 
Nate:  Lauren?  (Smiles lecherously)  Oh, she is one A-tractive female.  We get along great. 
Lauren:  So, this is my luxury item:  It's a make-up case. 
Nate:  (Grinning) Too bad.  You might be able to scare the other team into submission without your make-up. 
Lauren:  (Punching Nate playfully) Oh!  You’re terrible. 
(Jonny watches Nate and Lauren as he holds up a stick)
Jonny:  (Narrating) Yeah, that about made me spew when I saw Roomnate and Lauren over there flirting.  Are they allowed to boink out here? 
(Shot of Nate and Lauren staring at one another intently.  Cut back to Jonny, who shudders visibly)  
(Establishing shot of a somewhat rocky clearing in the deep woods.  A green Survivor
flag is stretched between two poles.  The Velasquezes enter the clearing and spot their flag)
Nikki:  (Narrating) Well, when we saw that flag, we were all pretty relieved.  (Laughs)  Thatt was not a fun walk.  But anyway, the tension didn’t really stop when we got to camp.  So yeah, it's still sorta awkward. 
(Jake sits on a log by himself.  The tribe builds a shelter out of logs.  Leah helps
tie knots.  Jake watches her, scoffing to himself.  Matt approaches him)
Matt:  Jake, you gonna come help us with the shelter? 
Jake: (sullenly) Not if Leah’s helping. 
Matt: (sighs) Well, all right, then… 
Matt:  (Narrating) To tell the truth, Jake not helping out made me a little mad.  It's not gonna be easy to get everyone else to keep him around if he doesn't want to do any work.  C'mon!  Just forget ‘bout Leah and do somethin'! 
Jake:  (Narrating) I don’t know why I had to get stuck on a tribe with her.  If she weren’t around, I’d be over there doing something.  But I’m never getting near that girl again.  Ever. 
(The tribe continues building their shelter.  Millie, Mike, and Leah work in close proximity)
Stone: (Narrating) I don’t see Jake contributing much.  We're trying to get this camp up and running.  We can't really have people sitting around feeling sorry for themselves.  As much as I like Jake, I'll have no problem getting rid of him if he keeps this up. 
(The hut builders stare at Jake)
Millie:  Gawd!  Look at him!  He's just sitting over there fuming!  I think it’s pretty clear who we need to vote off first. 
Mike:  Well, I don’t get it.  What’s he so mad about, Leah? 
Leah:  Who knows?  Jake's supposed to be so smart, but most of the time he just acts like a four year old. 
(A few feet away, Nikki and Mary Lou look at one another,
then walk off.  Stone approaches the builders)
Stone:  All right.  Who wants to go on a firewood run? 
Mike:  I’ll come with you, Mr. Stone. 
(Mike and Stone walk off)
Stone:  So, Mike, what do you plan to do with your life? 
Mike:  Aw, I plan on going to law school as soon as I'm finished over at St. Joe.  And once I'm a successful lawyer, I plan on going into politics. 
Stone:  Uh-oh.  I never met a politician I could trust... 
Mike:  Aw, come on, man!  Being a politician is the s***!  One of these days, the stud's gonna be President, man! 
Stone: (chuckles) Well, you'd have my vote. 
Mike:  Hey, thanks.  So, what do you do, Mr. Stone? 
Stone:  I’m the head of the Art Department over at Riverton Community College.  Jake’s one of my students. 
Mike:  Really?  My sister went to RCC. 
Stone:  Oh really?  How’d she like it? 
Mike (Laughs) She f***in’ hated it, man! 
Mike:  (Narrating) Aw, Stone’s all right.  We shoot the s*** all the time, man.  He just sits there and listens to whatever I have to say.  Pretty f***ing cool for an old guy. 
(Mike and Stone continue to talk as the camera pans out)

Joe: (Narrating) After we got the shelter up, we decided it was time to make a fire.  (Sighing) Unfortunately, the two girls decided it was their job to do so. 
(Carmen and Mary sit on the ground trying to start a fire)
Carmen:  Starting a fire’s easy.  All you got to do is rub two sticks together. 
Mary:  So what do we do with this bow thingee? 
Carmen:  Lemme see.  (Carmen snaps the fire bow in half)  See?  We got two sticks. 
Mary:  Good thinking, Carm. 
Jonny:  (Narrating) They actually broke the... bow thingee.  You know... (calling off camera) What do you actually call that thing, Scott? 
Scott: (Off camera) I don’t know, dude. 
Jonny:  Well, they snapped it in half anyway.  And when Joe tried to take the all the fire stuff away from them… 
(Cut to a shot of Carmen rolled up into a ball.  Joe wrestles with her)
Carmen: (whimpering) It’s mine!  It's mine! 
(Joe tries to pry the broken fire bow from
Carmen's hand, but soon gives up)
Joe: (muttering) That girl has a real grip! 
(Carmen jumps up and sticks her tongue out at Joe.  Majel
watches Mary and Carmen and just shakes her head)
Majel:  (Narrating) Well, I was hoping they’d get the fire started up so I could fix supper, but those silly girls wouldn’t let anyone help them.  So we ate our rice raw.  A little raw rice never hurt anyone... 
(The tribe lounges in the waning daylight.  Lauren throws uncooked rice into Nate’s
mouth.  They both laugh hysterically.  Lauren puts a grain of rice between her lips)
Lauren:  If you want this, you’re going to have to come get it! 
(Nate darts in and grabs the rice with his teeth, then laughs.  Jonny and Scott watch in disgust)
Scott:  (loudly) Someone’s gonna get lucky tonight! 
(Jonny laughs.  Nate and Lauren look at one another
in embarrassment.  Cut to a shot of birds flying out of a tree)  
(Stone attempts to start a fire by twirling the fire bow.
Millie holds the base log for him.  Everyone else watches)
Stone: (narrating) Well, I do have some experience starting fires, so the crew decided that I should be the one to lead the fire-making effort.  For whatever reason, though, it just wasn't working today. (chuckles) Guess Lady Luck just wasn't on our side... 
(Stone works up quite a sweat.  Millie tries to encourage him)
Millie:  Come on, Edwin!  Come on! 
Stone:  I'm almost there... 
(Smoke starts to come off the log)
Stone: I need kindling! 
Leah: (jumping up) Oh!  I got it! 
(Leah runs off to grab some straw.  Jake
mimics Leah's vacant expression to Matt)
Stone:  Hurry up! 
(Leah frantically gathers dried grass.  Stone keeps twirling, but the smoke subsides.
Leah gets back with the grass, but it’s too late.  Stone collapses in exhaustion)
Mary Lou:  (clapping) Oh!  Good try, you guyzers! 
Jake:  (To Matt) We’re not eating tonight, are we? 
Matt:  Don't look like it. 
(Night begins to fall.  The sun sinks below the horizon and the stars pop out)  
Denson - Night 1
(It’s now fully dark.  The tribe sits in somber silence.
Lauren and Nate get up and take a walk away from camp)
Jonny:  (To Scott) Wonder where they’re going? 
Scott:  Don't worry about it, dude. 
Joe:  (Narrating)  Well, I think we may have a budding romance in our tribe.  Nathan and Laura?  Is that right?  Anyway, we spotted them walking off by themselves that first night, and no one knows what exactly they were doing.  Not that it's any of our business anyway... 
(Nate and Lauren talk in hushed voices outside of camp)
Lauren:  It's so peaceful out here. 
Nate:  You ain't a-kiddin'.  You go camping much? 
Lauren:  Me?  No!  I'm a city girl!  I'm out of my element here. 
Nate:  Well, you look pretty good to me. 
Lauren: (coos) Thank you! 
(Nate's loud laughter is clearly audible in the camp.  Carmen covers
her ears and starts singing loudly, much to the annoyance of the others)
Carmen: La la la la la! 
Jonny:  Could you please not do that? 
Mary:  Whatcha singin' for, Carm? 
(Carmen doesn't hear Mary.  Mary shakes her slightly and she stops)
Mary:  Why are you doing that? 
Carmen:  'Cause I don't want to hear Nathan and Lauren over there. 
Mary:  Yeah, they are kinda loud, aren't they? 
(Cut back to Nate and Lauren.  Lauren looks around,
then snuggles in close to Nate.  He just smiles)
Lauren: (Narrating) Me and Nate?  Oh come on!  It's nothing like that!  We're just friends.  He's a really sweet, funny guy.  It just feels good to click with someone out here, you know? 
Nate: (Narrating, snickering) Kee kee kee kee! (Nate begins laughing hysterically) 
(Night vision camera catches a glimpse
of Nate and Lauren kissing in the dark)
Mary:  Well, they've quieted down now, Carm. 
Jonny:  Three guesses what they're doing... 
Joe:  Now Jon...  That's not for us to judge. 
Majel: (breaks in, uncertainly) Is that Nathan boy courting young Lauren? 
Joe: (nods) It looks that way. 
Majel:  All right.  My, they'll make a handsome couple, won't they? 
Joe:  Yeah, I think so too. 
(Carmen lets out a little whimper, gets up, and leaves)
Majel: (Narrating) Well, I reckon that kids will be kids.  When you get the strong young men and the pretty young girls together, well, they're bound to do some smoochin'. (laughs) Aw fiddle... 
Nate: (Narrating, laughing hysterically) Kee kee kee kee kee! 
(Carmen sits down under a tree and sobs to herself.  Pan up to the sky.  The stars
rush by and the moon falls in the sky.  Soon, the sun peeks up over the horizon)

Velasquez - Day 2
(It's morning of the next day.  Jake's up early, staring at the sunrise)
Jake:  (Narrating)  I did not sleep last night.  I mean, it's sleeping on the ground, outside, in the cold.  I don't know how anyone could sleep in those conditions. (Pauses) But also, I was thinking about my little shouting match yesterday.  That may not have been wise. 
(Jake just sits in the same spot as the day progresses.  People
get up and start working on the campsite.  Mike approaches Jake)
Mike:  Good morning, Jacobo.  What's up? 
Jake:  (Not looking up)  Nothing's up, Mike. 
(Mike has a seat beside Jake)
Mike:  Look, man, we need to talk. 
(Jake makes no motion to Mike to
continue, but he does so anyway)
Mike:  I've been talking to some of the other players, and you're not the most popular guy around here. 
Jake:  (monotone)  Really? 
Mike:  Yeah.  But since we go way back, man, I don't want to vote you out.  I've been talking to Mr. Stone, and he agrees that you could be in our alliance. 
Jake:  (Suddenly interested)  You and Stone have an alliance? 
Mike:  S*** yes, man!  We're thinkin' ahead.  So what do you say, man?  You with us? 
Jake: (smiles) Yeah, sure. 
Mike:  Good deal, man! 
(Jake just smiles and rolls his eyes as Mike walks away)
Jake: (Narrating) The relationship between Mike and me is interesting.  We were best friends in elementary school, then we sort of drifted as we got older.  I don't see him that often, but when I do, he'll talk at me for hours.  Mike does enjoy talking quite a bit... 
(Work on the shelter continues.  Mike chats with Nikki as they work)
Mike:  So my sister and my rabbit police brother in law had to move in with us after the poachers got him fired.  You don't f*** with poachers.  Those guys are the s***! 
Nikki:  Oh yeah, Mike? 
Mike: (laughs) H*** yes!  You think I'm kidding? 
Nikki:  No, I don't think you're kidding. 
Mike:  H*** no!  Poachers are like gangstas, man.  You don't mess with the family, or they f*** you up royally!  I s*** you not! 
(Nikki smiles and shakes her head as Mike continues to talk)
Nikki: (Narrating) Most of the time, I have no idea what Mike's talking about.  And he doesn't seem to care if you're listening to him or not.  He just keeps jabbering away.  So yeah... At least it doesn't get boring around here! 
(Millie barks orders as the tribe works on the shelter)
Millie:  Matt!  Why are you wasting time holding that?  Leah can do that.  We need you to haul logs. 
(Matt grumbles to himself as he leaves his task to go follow Millie's order)
Matt: (Narrating) I done had Butt Ratch for a teacher, and I didn't like her then.  And I still don't like her now.  She's too bossy for her own good. 
(Pan out as the tribe continues to work on its shelter)

(Majel and Joe hike over and fetch the Tree Mail.  Majel pulls it out)
Majel:  Oh, well isn't this pretty.  Can you read that for me, Joe? 
Joe:  Sure thing, Majel.  (reading)  So you tried and you tried 
                                                           But you couldn't get fire 
                                                           And now the game's coming 
                                                           Down to the wire 
                                                           Your dreaded first challenge 
                                                           A quest for the flame, 
                                                           If you can't work together 
                                                           One's out of the game 
Majel:  (Chuckling) Not a very good poem, is it? 
(Joe shakes his head)  
(Mary Lou and Nikki come back with Tree Mail)
Nikki:  OK guys.  Sounds like if we're gonna get fire if we win! 
(The tribe cheers)
Mary Lou:  But if we lose, we have to vote somebody off.  Right? 
Jake:  Afraid so. 
Millie:  Well, that is not an option!  Velasquezes don't lose! 
Reward/Immunity Challenge:  Quest for Fire  
(Aerial shot of a long dirt path, lined with unlit torches.  A giant wooden
statue lies at the end of the course.  The two tribes arrive.  Jeff is standing there)
Jeff:  What's up, guys?  Gather round!  So, any luck with fire? 
Stone:  No luck on our end. 
Joe:  None for us, either. 
Jeff:  Well, I've got something I think may help. 
(Jeff pulls out a small wooden container)
Jeff:  Waterproof matches.  One of the things we're playing for tonight.  We're also playing for something much more important: the Immunity Idol. 
(Jeff holds up a wooden figure covered in feathers)

Jeff:  You want to get to know this guy well, because the tribe that holds the immunity idol will not have to go to Tribal Council and vote out one of their own members. 
That brings us to challenge number one.  You're playing for fire and immunity.  Let me tell you how this is gonna work.  We've converted the frames of two old abandoned cars into fire-bearing litters.  Your job is to run your car frame along the course, lighting all the torches along the way.  Do not put me in the position of having to make a judgement call!  Get each torch clearly lit before moving on.   All the members of your team must have a hand on the car at all times, so you're only as fast as your slowest member. 
The first team to make it through the course with all the torches lit wins fire and immunity.  Let's move into positions. 

(The teams line up around their car frames)
Jeff:  Survivors Ready?  (Doing the arm thing) Go! 
(And the teams are off.  They begin the race fairly tight, as both teams are matched about equally  athletically.  The car appears to be quite heavy, and both teams are having a tough time of it.
Mary Lou and Majel seem to be slowing down their respective teams quite a bit.  Neither
seems to be carrying much weight, but they struggle to keep pace with the rest of the team)
Millie:  First torch coming up!  Who's lighting this? 
Mike:  I'm on it! 
(Mike brandishes the small tribal torch from the middle of the litter.
He places it next to the first torch, which flares up and lights.
Denson's also at their first torch.  Scott pulls out the tribal torch and lights the torch)
Scott:  Fwoom! 
(Both tribes start moving again.  The race is still very tight)
Lauren:  Come on, Denson!  Let's pick it up! 
(The tribes close in on their second torch)
Millie:  Come on!  Faster, people!  Losing is not an option! 
(Mike and Scott light the torches and the teams move on.  Mary Lou
stumbles slightly over some uneven ground.  Velasquez has to stop)
Mary Lou:  Oh dear!  I'm sorry, guys! 
Millie:  No time to stop! Get it together! 
(Mary Lou gets a grip on the car and the tribe starts up again.  Denson's taken a small lead)
Lauren:  We're ahead!  We can so do this, guys! 
(Denson arrives at their third torch.  Scott lights it and they move right
along.  Majel's becoming increasingly fatigued as the race goes on.
Millie screams at Mary Lou as Velasquez struggles to cover lost ground)
Millie:  Come on, Grandma!  Move it! 
(Velasquez arrives at their third torch.  As Mike lights
it, Denson plods towards their fourth one)
Lauren: (squealing) Oh!  We're gonna do this, guys! 
(Velasquez barrels towards the fourth torch)
Millie:  Move, move, move!  We have to taste this! 
(Velasquez arrives at the fourth torch just seconds after Denson.  The tribes
light up and continue towards the fifth and final torch dead even)
Lauren: Come on, guys!  They're right on us! 
(Fatigue's really taken its toll on Majel.  As she slows, so does the team.  Velasquez starts to pull ahead)
Lauren:  Come on!  Dig deep! 
Millie: We haven't won this yet! 
(Suddenly, Majel's legs crumple under her.  She painfully falls to the ground, letting go of
the car in the process.  Denson picks up speed without her, but Jeff puts a stop to that)
Jeff:  Denson, you've got a member down!  You'll have to go back and get Majel before you can continue! 
Lauren:  S***. 
Scott:  Come on! 
(Denson backtracks.  Nate and Jonny help Majel up.
Velasquez arrives at the fifth torch and lights it)
Jeff:  Velasquez coming down the final stretch! 
Millie:  Keep moving!  We are not blowing this! 
(Denson moves forward with difficulty.  Majel's having trouble walking.
She crumples again, but Jonny and Nate catch her)
Jonny:  Come on.  It's just a little further. 
(Velasquez barrels down the home stetch)
Millie:  Move it, old woman!  We have to finish strong! 
(Velasquez arrives at the wooden statue, they set down their car, and Mike lights a
wick hanging off the statue, it sizzles, then flares up.  Half the statue catches fire)
Jeff:  Velasquez! 
Millie:  Yes! 
(Velasquez is elated.  They jump up and down and hugging one another.
Leah and Jake almost hug, but catch themselves and turn away from one
another.  Mary Lou smiles as she wheezes and catches her breath)
Jeff:  Your reward:  Waterproof matches!  And perhaps more importantly, the Immunity Idol. 
(Jeff hands Millie the idol.  She throws it above her head and
yells.  Denson drops their car and walks towards the finish line)
Millie:  Look at the losers!  We destroyed your pathetic a**es!  One of you's going home! 
(Jake and Matt roll their eyes at Millie's display
of poor sportsmanship.  Denson glares at her)
Jeff:  Denson.  I'll see you guys at Tribal Council tomorrow night.  Someone from Denson will be the first person voted from the tribe. 
(Denson walks away dejected as Millie continues to hurl insults at them) 
Denson - Day 3
(The mood around camp is somewhat somber)
Mary:  (Narrating) Well, our tribe lost the immunity challenge, which means we're gonna have to vote someone out at tribal council tonight.  I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel vulnerable.  Sometimes I feel like me and Carm have big targets painted on our backs. 
(Carmen and Mary sit staring out at the forest.  Scott walks by)
Scott:  Start any good fires today, gals? 
(The girls mock laugh, then scowl at him.  Elsewhere,
Majel's lying on her back staring up at the sky)
Majel: (Narrating) Well, I did fall during the, um, the challenge.  And I don't think some of the young ones much liked that. 
(Joe is making final adjustments to
the shelter.  Majel approaches him)
Majel:  Joe? 
Joe:  Yes, Majel?  What can I do for you? 
Majel:  Are they going to get rid of me? 
Joe:  (grasping her hand)  Majel, I don't want you to worry about that.  We're going to take care of you. 
Majel: (Smiling)  Well, I think you kindly. 
Joe:  (Narrating) It's a real toss-up who to vote for. (Sighs) On the one hand, you have Majel.  She's a dear soul, but she did cost us in the challenge.  Then on the other hand, you have the young girls, who've stepped on a lot of toes around camp.  Who knows?  Maybe I'll go.  We'll just have to wait and see. 
(Nate and Lauren sit staring at each other intently.  Scott and Jonny walk up to them)
Scott:  (Falsetto)  Oh, Jonny, I'm so glad to have found you! 
Jonny:  And I, my love. 
Scott:  Kiss me, you fool! 
(Scott puts his hand over Jonny's face and kisses it.  Nate and Lauren scowl at them and leave)
Jonny: (Narrating) I'd really like to get rid of freakin' Nate and Lauren tonight.  It's pretty sick to have to watch them running around being so sexual all the time.  Still, I think there are probably other people who would be wiser choices...  Nate and Lauren are good at the challenges, and they're not as destructive around camp as Carmen and Mary are.  I don't know... 
(The tribe packs their bags and heads off for Tribal Council)

Tribal Council # 1

(Eight figures approach a circle of tall oak trees in the middle of a vast plain.  They
walk down a wooden path, lined with torches.  In the center of the circle is a great fire pit.
Jeff stands on the other side of the fire, waiting patiently until the entire tribe enters)
Jeff:  Guys, come on in.  We begin your first tribal council with a ritual.  Behind each of you is a torch.  Grab a torch and approach the flame.  Dip your torches in, set them afire, and put them back in the slots.  We do this because fire does represent life here.  These torches will now represent your life at tribal council.  You'll bring these torches to each tribal council, and when you return home tonight, you will have fire. 
Before we begin tonight, I want you guys to just look around a second at where we're at.  We're surrounded on all sides by these ancient oak trees.  They tower over us, their mighty branches forming a criss cross ceiling that hides our activities from the heavens.  I don't know about you, but I can't think of a better place for the drama that's going to go down here every three nights. 
Tribal Council is where you account for your actions.  Some of those actions are gonna come back to help you.  Some may come back to haunt you later.  One thing's for certain, one of you guys will be the first person voted out.  Before we begin that, a little gauge of how the first three days went. 
Carmen, walk to camp, how was it? 
Carmen:  It was cool, Jeff!  I led the group.  Without me, they'd still be wandering around out there somewhere. 
Jeff:  Joe?  You agree? 
Joe:  Oh, absolutely.  The girls did a fine job leading us to camp. 
Jeff:  When you say "the girls," are you referring to a specific subgroup? 
Mary:  Oh.  Everyone calls me and Carm "the girls," since we're the youngest ones out here.  But just because we're young doesn't mean we don't know what we're doing, right Carm? 
Carmen:  Yeah! 
Jeff: (nods) All right.  So already we're seeing friendships develop.  Jonny, any other friendships blossoming? 
Jonny:  Well, I think we're all getting along fine, Jeff.  Personally, I spend most of my time with Scott. 
Jeff:  So already, we're seeing the beginnings of alliances? 
Scott: (shakes his head) I wouldn't call it an alliance.  It's just who you like to hang out with. 
Jeff:  Lauren, who do you like to hang out with? 
Lauren: (taking Nate's hand) Well, I've been very lucky to bond closely with Nate these past few days. 
Jeff:  So are we seeing the beginnings of a romance? 
Nate:  Oh, we get along great, but for now we're just friends. 
Lauren: (smiles) Yeah. 
(Jonny looks somewhat disgusted)
Jeff:  (nods condescendingly)  Majel, I've gotta ask you about the challenge.  Do you feel in any way responsible for your tribe's loss? 
Majel:  Well, I do admit that I fell a few times.  If that makes me responsible, then I'm responsible.  We've got to take responsibility for our failings, same as our victories. 
(Lauren rolls her eyes)
Jeff:  OK.  Does anyone want to admit to feeling vulnerable tonight? 
(There's a pause.  Finally, Jonny speaks up)
Jonny:  I think we're all vulnerable.  No one knows how this is going to play out. 
Jeff:  OK, time to vote.  Majel, you're first. 
(Majel walks to the booth.  She writes down her vote, which is for Lauren)
Majel:  She seems like a fine young lady, but I had to vote for someone. 
(Next Nate votes.  We don't see it.  Jonny and Scott also vote.  Next Joe votes.  We don't see it)
Joe:  I wish I didn't have to vote this person out.  It breaks my heart, but it's for the greater good 
(Mary's next, then Carmen, finally, Lauren votes.  The vote's kept a mystery)
Lauren:  I am so glad to get rid of this person.  Talk about a downer around camp. 
(Lauren returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes. 
(Jeff leaves and comes back with the canister)
Jeff:  Once the votes are read the results are final.  The person will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.  Go across that bridge, there's a nice confessional where you can speak your peace.  OK, first vote: 
That's two votes Majel, one vote Lauren.  Fourth vote: 


Four votes Majel. 
That's a majority.  The other votes are irrelevant.  Majel, I need you to bring me your torch. 
Majel:  Oh... (to the tribe) Well, that's OK, that's OK. 

(Majel brings Jeff her torch)
Jeff:  Majel, the tribe has spoken. (Snuffs her torch) It's time for you to go.   
Majel: (waving) Bye-bye.  God bless. 
(Majel walks out)
Jeff:  Well, I know that wasn't an easy decision for you to make. 
Lauren:  Yes it was. 
Jeff:  You guys can head back to camp.  Out that way. 
(Lauren smiles as Nate puts his arm around her.  Carmen
watches them jealously.  Scott, Jonny, and Joe hand their heads)

Majel's Final Words:  Well... I guess the young folk held my fall against me.  I didn't do so good at the... um, challenge, so that's where I reckon I went wrong.  I'm not mad at any of them.  They're a fine group of kids.  I do wish them the best of luck, and they're in my thoughts and prayers.   Aw, fiddle.   
Voting Record:
Majel:  Lauren
Nate:  Majel
Jonny:  Majel
Scott:  Majel
Joe:  Majel
Mary:  Majel
Carmen:  Majel
Lauren:  Majel  
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