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Episode 2 – Pride Before the Fall   
Jeff: Previously on Survivor: 
The new Survivors were abandoned in the Missouri wilderness.  The Denson tribe had trouble finding camp when Carmen and Mary got them lost. At Velasquez, a fight broke out between Jake and Leah.   At Camp Denson, Majel was more hindrance than help. A relationship began to bud between Nate and Lauren. At camp Velasquez, Jake refused to help, which did little for his popularity.   At Denson, Mary and Carmen failed to make fire. Velasquez, led by Stone, also failed. 
The Immunity challenge was a race for fire. Because of Majel's slowness, Denson lost the challenge.  Velasquez walked away with matches and immunity, while Denson walked to tribal council.  There, Majel was unanimously voted out of the tribe. 
15 remain.  Who will be voted out tonight?  
Theme Song  
Denson - Day 4
(It's early morning.  Joe sits staring at the sunrise.  Everyone else is asleep)
Joe:  (Narrating)  Well, last night we went to the tribal council.  We had to vote someone out, and unfortunately that someone was Majel.  A woman her age simply couldn't compete in the challenges, and that probably doesn't bode well for me, either.  I'm no Spring Chicken myself.  All I can do is try my best to keep the peace around camp and be a leader for these kids. 
(The rest of the tribe dozes in the shelter.  Nate sleeps with his arm draped around Lauren.  Jonny
sleeps just a few inches away.  He wakes up and sees them all snuggled up.  He jumps up in revulsion)
Jonny:  Whoa! 
Jonny: (Narrating)  I went to sleep last night as usual, and then I woke up to find Roomnate and Lauren lying all over each other.  They were right next to me.  I find it freakin' disturbing to think that they could've boinked right by my head. 
(Lauren and Nate start to stir as Jonny walks away in disgust)
Lauren: (Narrating) I know there are some rumors floating around camp about Nate and me.  But nothing's happened!  Like I said, we're just really close friends.  We were just -  keeping each other warm.  It does gets cold out here at night, you know. 
(Lauren and Nate walk over to the campfire holding hands.
Joe greets them, Jonny nods his head in acknowledgement)
Joe:  Good morning, you two!  You look like you could stand some breakfast! 
Nate:  Oh, you ain't a kiddin'! 
Joe:  Just a sec.  I'll whip up some rice for you. 
Lauren: (whining) Rice again? 
Joe: (grabbing a pot) Sorry, it's all we have. 
Nate:  You getting sick of rice? 
Lauren: (coyly) Let's just say I can think of better things to put my lips around... 
(The two laugh and kiss lightly.  Jonny looks away in disgust)
Jonny:  (muttering to himself)  We really should have voted one of them off... 
(Scott shuffles out to the fire.  He looks at Nate and Lauren, then looks at Jonny.
Jonny rolls his eyes to express his disgust, and Scott nods in agreement)
Scott: (Narrating, sarcastic)  I'm really impressed that Nate's a big enough man to have premarital sex.  I wish I could be his friend.  And that Lauren girl is pretty cute.  I can understand why everyone thought she was the hottest girl in school. 
(Joe serves up rice all around.  Jonny and Scott go off to eat away from the group, while
Lauren and Nate stay by the fire with Joe.  Nate wolfs his rice down.  In his
haste, he lets a huge glob of chewed rice fall out of his mouth and onto his shirt)
Lauren: (laughing) Oh, that's attractive! 
Nate:  Yeah, it's a new look.  Rice stains are in. 
Lauren:  Oh?  I must have missed that in the fall catalogue. 
(The shot stays on Lauren and Nate as they laugh, then the focus
shifts to the background, where Scott and Jonny are watching them)
Scott: (laughs) I just think it's hilarious that that girl was really the hottest girl at school.  Look at her eyes, man! 
Jonny:  What about them? 
Scott:  They're all weird.  One of them, like, rolls off to the left.  Even the ugly girls in Springfield are a lot cuter than that girl.  And wasn't she Homecoming Queen or something? 
Jonny:  Yeah, I think so. 
Scott: (laughs) Oh man!  It doesn't take much in Sherman Oaks, does it? 
(Mary walks up to Scott and Jonny)
Mary:  Hey guys!  What's so funny? 
Jonny:  Lauren and Nate. 
Mary:  What about them? 
Scott:  They're supposed to be, like, this really cute couple, but look at them!  Oh man, that guy is cheesy looking! 
Mary:  Well, I think they are a cute couple. 
Jonny:  More like a disgusting couple.  Geez!  Do that have to be all over each other all the time like that? 
Mary:  (Narrating)  I don't know what Jonny and Scott's problem is.  I really think Lauren and Nate make a cute couple.  Maybe they're a little jealous.  Lauren and Nate have gotten really close out here really fast, and Jonny and Scott haven't really been hanging out with anyone.  It wouldn't hurt them to spend a little more time with the group, that's for sure. 
(Mary leaves Jonny and Scott and joins Lauren and Nate by the fire.  Cut to Carmen, still
asleep in the shelter.  Cross fade from Carmen's face to Leah's face over at Velasquez) 
Velasquez - Day 4
(The group sleeps in the shelter.  Mike walks up and shakes Jake awake)
Mike:  Jake, Mr. Stone and I are going on a firewood run.  You comin', man? 
Jake:  (Moans)  It's too early. 
Mike:  (whispering)  We need to discuss strategy, man. 
Jake:  (Growling) OK, just a minute. 
(Jake gets up and shuffles off with Mike.  Stone's waiting for them at the edge of camp)
Stone:  Morning, Jake.  Haven't had much chance to talk to you out here. 
Jake:  Nope. 
Stone:  Mike and I have decided that we want to vote in basically the same way.  And since you're a student of mine and a friend of Mike's, we thought maybe you'd like to vote with us, too. 
Jake:  Yeah, Mike told me. 
Stone:  So, we were thinking that we need to get rid of the weakest person on the team. 
Jake:  Who's that? 
Mike:  S***!  Your grandma Mary Lou, man!  We can't have an old woman on the team.  That s*** almost cost us the f***ing challenge yesterday. 
Jake:  Please don't refer to my grandma that way, Mike. 
Mike:  Oh, sorry man. 
Jake:  (Narrating)  Well, I had a little conference with Mike and Mr. Stone this morning, and they want to get rid of Grandma.  She is going to be a real hindrance to us in any physical challenges, so  I don't know what to do… 
Nikki:  (Narrating)  Alliances?  (Laughs) Oh yes, the alliances have begun!  I've heard that Mike and Mr. Stone are together.  There's a weird pair.  So yeah… But I've been spending a lot of time with Mary Lou.  She's a really cool old lady.  I like her a lot. 
(The morning progresses.  Mary Lou and Nikki cook some rice)
Nikki:  OK, so one time Jeff, that's my brother, went up to Rutledge, so we figured he'd come back with a bunch of knives and guns like he always does. 
Mary Lou:  What's "Rutledge," dear? 
Nikki:  I don't know.  It's some kind of open air market, I think. 
Mary Lou:  Is it all outdoors? 
Nikki:  Oh, I think some of it's enclosed.  But anyway, usually when the guys go up there, they just come with a bunch of knives and guns, but this time he comes back, and he's got 100 pounds of onions! 
Mary Lou: (tittering) Onions? 
Nikki:  Yeah, onions!  100 pounds! 
(Mary Lou's laughing hysterically)
Nikki:  He said it was a good deal.  I think it just cost him like, 10 bucks.  And these were big onions.  Mom would use the same one for like, three days. 
Mary Lou:  And they kept? 
Nikki:  Oh yeah!  We just kept 'em in the basement.  We were eating on those onions for years. 
(Mary Lou and Nikki continue to laugh and chat)
Mary Lou:  (Narrating)  Oh, Nikki's just such a funny girl.  She always tells the best stories.  We get along really well, and she's a real help with all the chores.  I'm glad we ended up on the same team. 
(Filler shot.  Two bunnies snuggled together)  
(Carmen and Mary pick up Tree Mail.  Carmen reads it)
Carmen:  (Reading) Huh?  Um, what's this mean, Mary? 
Mary:  Let me see, Carm.  (Reading) "As seen on TV!" 
                                                                 The ads will say 
                                                                 But now it is 
                                                                 Your turn to play 
                                                                 Run with the ball 
                                                                 Don't be slow 
                                                                 Refreshment awaits 
                                                                 If you score a goal 
Carmen: (making a funny face) What? 
Mary:  Guess we'll find out when we get there, Carm. 

(Leah and Millie read the mail)
Leah: (Repeating to herself) Run with the ball… 
Millie:  (Clapping her hands) All right!  It's some kind of ballgame.  No way we're losing this one!  
Reward Challenge:  Missouri Religion  
(A flat rectangle of grass sits nestled in the trees.  The two
tribes emerge from the forest.  Jeff is waiting for them)
Jeff:  Hey guys.  Welcome to your first reward challenge.  Before I explain the challenge, let me just show you what you're playing for.  I imagine you guys are getting sick of drinking pond water. 
(Shot of a barrel behind Jeff full of ice and Mountain Dew)
Jeff:  Here's something that may go down a little easier.  Ice cold Dew.  Enough to last your tribe until the merge. 
(The Survivors murmur their approval)
Millie:  Yeah!  Do the Dew, baby! 
(Jake rolls his eyes)
Jeff:  OK, here's the challenge:  a real Missouri tradition, a game of football. 
(The Survivors murmur)
Nate: (To Lauren) You any good at football? 
Lauren:  Well, I used to be a cheerleader. 
Jeff:  I don't have to explain the rules, do I?  Here's the deal, first to score a touchdown wins the Dew.  Oh, and one little thing I forgot to mention:  you'll play the entire game tied together. 
(The Survivors groan)
Matt: (To Jake) They better not tie me to Mike. 
Mike:  Shut up, Kilborne! 
Jeff:  Velasquez, since Denson's one member down, you need to choose someone to sit out. 
(Velasquez confers)
Jeff:  You've chosen to sit out Mary Lou.  Let's get you guys harnessed up! 
(The tribes are strapped together with bungee cords and herded onto the field..
They face each other in lines like so:
Lauren Mary Jonny Scott Joe Carmen
Nikki.. Jake Matt Stone Millie.. Leah
Jeff:  Denson, you won the coin toss, so you'll start with the ball.  Survivors ready?  (Doing the arm thing) Go! 
(Jonny snaps the ball to Nate)
Millie:  Kill him!  Take the ball! 
(Matt and Stone plow over Jonny and Scott.  Millie runs and dives at Nate's feet,
bringing him down hard.  The ball flies out of his hands)
Millie:  Fumble!  Get it, get it, get it! 
(Carmen and Leah run for the ball at the same time)
Carmen:  It's mine! 
(Carmen slaps Leah)
Leah: (reeling) Hey! 
(Leah retaliates by shoving Carmen down and grabbing the ball.
 Joe tackles her as gently as possible and the play ends)
Jeff:  Velasquez, you have possession. 
(Everyone untangles themselves and gets back into lines)
Matt: (To Jake) Watch this. 
(Stone snaps Mike the ball.  Matt runs immediately at Lauren and tackles her as hard
as he can.  Lauren shrieks and crumples in pain.  Meanwhile, Mike is motioning to Jake)
Mike:  Go long! 
(Jake runs as far as the cord will allow.  Mike passes to him.  Jake drops the ball)
Jeff:  Incomplete, Velasquez. 
Mike:  S*** Jacobo!  That was right to you, man! 
Jake:  Hey!  I never said I was good at this stupid game... 
(Velasquez huddles, then breaks.  Stone snaps to Mike.  Instead
of passing, Mike just follows Stone and Matt as they plow
over the opposing team.  The rest of Velasquez just kind
of jogs behind.  Mike makes it to the end zone with no problems)
Jeff:  Velasquez!  The Dew is yours! 
Jake: (under his breath) Joy of joys... 
Millie:  (To Denson) In your face, losers! 
(Denson walks away in shame as Velasquez celebrates their victory)  
Jake: (Narrating) Well, that reward challenge was a gyp.  We won Mountain Dew?  I hate that crap!  I wouldn't drink that stuff if I was healthy.  I'm definitely not going to drink it when I feel as crappy as I do.  Would it be that hard to give us some fresh water as a reward? 
(Matt walks up to Jake with a couple cans of soda)
Matt:  You gonna have some, Jake? 
Jake:  Mmm, no... I'd prefer not to puke right now. 
Matt:  OK... 
(There's a commotion on the other side of camp)
Millie: (offscreen) Hoot, hoot, hoot! 
Jake:  What's going on over there? 
Matt:  Oh, Butt Ratch is just bein' stupid again. 
Millie: (Narrating) One of the things I've learned through coaching is that you encourage your team after you've won.  So I put on a little impromptu pep rally after the Reward Challenge to keep our team on a sort of a high.  Not everyone wanted to participate, but for the most part, I think it did us good. 
(Millie yells, trying to pump up the team as they sit around enjoying their soda.
Mike and Stone are into it, but Mary Lou and Nikki look at her like she's a little crazy)
Millie:  That's right!  Velasquez is undefeated!  And we're gonna stay that way, right people? 
Mike:  H*** yeah! 
Millie:  Hoot, hoot, hoot!  Losing is not an option for Velasquezes! 
Stone:  Hear, hear! 
(Millie walks up to Leah)
Millie:  And here's our MVP!  Without Leah's fumble recovery, we couldn't have done it! 
(Leah smiles shyly)
Millie:  Come on, high five! 
(Leah half-heartedly high fives Millie.
Millie calls over to Jake and Matt)
Millie:  Jake!  Matt!  Get over here!  You're part of this team, too! 
Jake: (Calling back) Not as long as she's around. 
(Leah looks uncomfortable.  Millie continues
to try to persuade Matt and Jake)
Millie:  Come on, guys! Join our celebration! 
Matt:  What?  The cel'bration of you bein' annoying? 
(Nikki snickers.  Millie glares at her, then continues with Jake and Matt. Leah
slips out of the camp with her backpack and a couple of cans of Mountain Dew)
Leah: (Narrating)  Yeah!  That reward challenge was great.  I was really happy to have something to drink besides pond water.  But Jake was making me sort of uncomfortable, so I decided to just take some soda and go down to the pond.  (Looking embarrassed) And I guess... I was sorta playing with the matches, too... 
(Cut to a shot of Leah sitting by the pond, sipping Dew and playing with
a match.  Closeup shot of her leg.  A huge Missouri spider climbs onto it.  Leah
notices it and jumps up shrieking.  In the process, she throws the soda and matches.
The matches fly into the pond.  Close up shot of the box sinking beneath the surface)
Leah:  (Narrating)  I guess I sorta dropped the matches in the pond.  I tried to fish them out, but I couldn't find them.  (Looking around in paranoia)  I haven't told anyone yet.  If they find out I lost the matches, I know they'll vote me out.  I just have to keep it a secret. 
(Leah returns to camp.  Daylight begins to wane, and Stone
tends to the fire.  Everyone else is sitting around watching)
Stone: Well, it's gone out.  Where are those matches? 
(Mike looks in the basket they're usually kept in)
Mike:  What the h***?  They're not in here! 
Millie: (sighs) Who had the matches last? 
Jake:  Don't look at me. 
Matt:  I haven't seen 'em. 
Mike:  Well, where the h*** are they? 
(Everyone starts searching for the matches.  Leah
half-heartedly searches, but looks extremely nervous)
Nikki:  I don't see 'em, guys. 
Jake: (Getting frustrated) Dangit!  Where the heck are they? 
 (Jake starts stomping around camp, overturning containers and spastically throwing
survival supplies all over the place, frantically trying to find the lost matches)
Millie:  Jake! Don't tear everything up! 
Jake: (angry) Where are the freakin' matches!?! 
(Jake turns around, sees Leah, and grunts something
unintelligible before storming off.  Leah's eyes dart around)
Jake: (Narrating)  Man!  It frustrates me to no end when I can't find something.  Again, probably not the best idea to spazz out like that in front of the whole tribe, but having Leah around here just doesn't help matters. 
Leah:  (Narrating) Oh man!   They were all really mad, especially Jake.  He is making this whole experience suck so bad for me.  If he were to find out that I lost the matches, I'd never hear the end of it.  You don't think anyone suspects me, do you? 
(Underwater shot of the matches.  A bubble comes out of the box)  
Denson - Night 4
(Evening approaches.  Everyone sits around the campfire
while Carmen and Mary attempt to cook rice)
Joe:  Girls?  Are you sure you don't want some help? 
Mary:  Nah, we're fine, Joe.  We know how to cook rice, don't we, Carm? 
Carmen: (annoyed) Yes, Mary. 
(The water in the pot is boiling.  Carmen picks up the rice tin and tilts it over the pot.
All the rice comes rushing out.  Only a little lands in the pot.  Most lands on the ground.)
Jonny:  (outraged)  Carmen!  That's all of our rice! 
Carmen:  No, it's OK.  They'll give us more. 
Jonny:  Um, no, they won't.  That's all of our rice until the merge. 
Carmen:  Yeah right, Jonathan! 
(Carmen picks up a handful of the rice and throws
it off into the grass.  Joe rushes over and stops her)
Joe:  That's OK, Carmen.  I'll pick it up. 
(While Joe picks up the rice, Jonny and Scott glare at Mary and Carmen)
Jonny: (To Scott) Remind me again why we didn't vote them off? 
(Scott laughs.  Pan over to Nate and Lauren)
Nate: (stroking Lauren's leg) I think you're starting to grow some hair there. 
Lauren:  Oh, I am not!  I got 'em waxed before I came out here! 
Nate: (snickering) I think they missed a spot. 
Lauren:  Oh, you! 
(Lauren leans in and whispers something to Nate.  He
happily nods and they walk off, hand in hand.  Jonny cringes)
Lauren:  (Narrating) Tonight was the night Nate and I had decided to, you know... consummate.  We had the perfect spot picked out.  The moon was full, the grass was nice and springy.  It was so romantic. But then… 
(Night vision.  Nate and Lauren are partially undressed, petting heavily.  Suddenly, there's a high pitched screaming.  Scott bursts out of the bushes, wearing only a pair of white briefs.  He runs around them trilling, then vanishes into the bushes.  Lauren looks incredibly embarrassed.  Nate can't stop laughing)
Lauren: (Narrating) Ugh!  That red-haired freak just... killed the mood!  I have never been so embarrassed  in my entire life!  I am not going to forget this! 
(Night vision shot of Scott and Jonny exchanging high fives)
Jonny: (yelling) No one's getting lucky tonight! 
(Filler shots of the stars circling around at night.  Segue to shot of the dawn)  
Velasquez - Day 5
(Millie and Leah run along the mail path)
Millie:  Come on, Leah!  You're a runner!  You've got to push yourself harder! 

Leah: Hey, hold up!  Looks like we got mail. 

(The two stop running and check the tree mail)
Millie: (Pulling out the message) All right.  Let's see. 
(Reading) You've seen gross before, 
                  But this one's a doozy 
                  Just what would you eat 
                  For a million smackaroozies? 

                  Refuse if you want to, 
                  But be forewarned 
                  If you pass up this feast, 
                  You might be the one scorned 

Leah: (groans) Great!  It's the gross food challenge... 
Millie:  (Scoffs) There's nothing I won't eat.  It's not even a question. 

(Leah looks uneasy)
Leah:  (Narrating) Well, today's the gross food challenge, and I'm really worried.  I already screwed up by losing the matches.  If I mess up on this one, I'm gone for sure. 
(Millie and Leah return to camp)
Millie:  We've got some kind of gross food challenge. 
Mary Lou:  Oh dear!  That doesn't sound pleasant. 
Matt: (To Jake) Wonder what it's gonna be this time? 
Mike: (Butting in)  Who cares!  Don't f*** it up, Kilborne! 
Matt: (Defensive) You're the one who's gonna screw it up, pretty boy! 
Jake: (Breaking them up) OK guys, let's just go do this. 
Immunity Challenge - Hi, Eat Poop  
(A cow pasture.  Several close up shots of the cows chewing.  The tribes approach Jeff)
Jeff:  Welcome, welcome!  We have a real treat for you guys today.  You're going to feast like the flies of Missouri have for centuries.  Here in the midwest, cattle are a huge industry.  You guys like beef? 
(General yes's)
Jeff:  Well you're going to love this, then.  (Uncovering a tray)  Today, you're eating cow dung. 
(The Survivors all break out in incredulous gasps)
Mike:  S***!?! 
Millie:  You honestly expect us to eat that? 
Jeff:  That's right.  Now, don't worry.  We've tested this dung and it is sterile.  It's completely safe to eat. 
OK, here's the deal.  You'll face off one to one.  If you refuse to eat it, you lose.  If you can't keep it down, you lose.  Sound fair? 
Mike: H*** no! 
Jeff:  (Ignoring Mike)  Good.  Denson, since you're down one, someone's eating twice.  Whoever goes first will also go last. 
(Velasquez chooses Stone to eat first.  Denson chooses Scott.  Jeff
pushes over two plates with golf ball sized lumps of dung)
Jeff:  You guys are in luck, it's still got a nice creamy texture. 
(Scott whoops, grabs his ball of dung, and pops it in his mouth.
He chews, swallows,and shows Jeff his tongue)
Scott:  Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi! 
Jeff:  You're good.  Mr. Stone? 
 (Stone reluctantly picks up his dung and carefully chews and swallows)
Jeff:  How was it? 
Stone:  A little salty, to tell the truth. 
Jeff:  All right.  Scott and Mr. Stone are clear.  Next two? 
(Stone and Scott step down.  Jonny and Matt are up next)
Jonny:  You ready for this, Big Matt? 
Matt:  Yeah, let's get it on. 
Jeff:  Matt and Jonny.  Best friends on the outside, rivals in this game. 
Matt: (Looks at Jonny) Oh yeah... 
Jeff:  Here you go, guys. 
(Jeff dishes out two balls of dung.  Jonny and Matt pop them in their mouths simultaneously.
Matt gets it down easy, but Jonny has a lot more trouble.  He gags quite a bit)
Matt: Oh, come on, little Jonny! 
(At Matt's urging, Jonny gets it down)
Jeff:  OK.  You're good. 
Matt:  I knew you could do it. 
Jonny:  Yeah!  Give me some fist! 
(Jonny and Matt bang their knuckles together
as they step down.  Jake smirks at this.
Jake and Lauren go up next)
Jeff:  Jake and Lauren!  Battle of the brains! 
Jake:  Plural?  Now since when do I have two brains? 
Lauren:  Oh shut up, you geek... 
(Jake picks up the dung.  Lauren refuses to even touch hers.
Jake gags several times while he chews the stuff, but does get it down)
Jeff:  Jake's good.  Lauren, you going to eat that or not? 
(Lauren extends a finger and touches the dung.  She cringes)
Lauren: (emphatic) Never.  Not in a million years. 
Jeff:  OK...  Denson's down one! 
Jonny: (To Scott) Can you believe her? 
(Mike and Carmen are next)
Jeff:  Mike and Carmen!  Now, I'm wondering if either of you is gonna do this... 
Carmen: (sticking out her tounge) Yeah right, Jeff!  I can eat anything he can! 
Mike:  You wish, you little skank! 
 (They both pick up their balls of dung and pop them in their mouths.  They both
vigorously chew, trying to beat the other.  Carmen actually finishes before Mike)
Jeff:  Carmen! 
Mike: (Finishing up) Yeah right!  She had a smaller piece! 
(Carmen sticks her tongue out again as the two sit down..
Joe and Nikki are up next)
Nikki:  What do you think? 
Joe:  I think this looks like about the nastiest thing in the world. 
Nikki:  Got that right... 
(Joe and Nikki pop their dung balls in their mouths.  Joe begins coughing a lot.  He throws his head back to avoid throwing up.  He chokes for a moment, then swallows.  Nikki finishes hers without any problems)
Jeff:  OK, you guys are good. 
(Joe and Nikki shake hands)
Joe:  Well done. 
Nikki:  Likewise. 
(Mary and Mary Lou are next.  Neither look thrilled with the prospect)
Mary:  Oh!  That is disgusting!  Did you get the smelliest poop you could find or what? 
Jeff:  It just depends on how important immunity is to you.  I know I wouldn't want to be walking to Tribal Council if I was the one that failed for my team. 
Mary:  You are the devil, you know that? 
Jeff: (smiles) I try. 
(Mary sighs and picks up the dung.  She pops it in and immediately gags)

Mary Lou:  Oh dear... 

(Mary struggles with it, but after a few moments she throws up all over the place)
Mary: (To Denson) Sorry, guys! 
Mary Lou: (groans) Now I really don't think I can eat that... 
Millie:  (Yelling from the side)  Come on, you old bat!  This is for the win!  It's time you do something to earn your keep! 
(Mary Lou picks up the poop and tries to eat it.  She gags and spits it out)
Millie: (enraged) Oh, I can't believe this!  We're voting you out! 
Jeff:  Denson, you're still down one.  Millie, Nate, you're next. 
(Millie runs up.  Nate comes up from the other team)
Jeff:  You think you guys are up for this? 
Millie:  There's no doubt. (looking back at Mary Lou) True Velasquezes don't fail. 
(Nate smiles and eats his dung with no hesitation)
Jeff:  Nate, I think that may be a new record. 
Nate:  Heeeeck yes! 
Millie: (scoffs) I can top that! 
 (Millie pops it the dung and immediately
begins to gag.  She turns around and throws up)
Jeff: (smirks) No good, Millie.  Tribes are now even. 
(Millie returns to her tribe sheepishly.  Matt just laughs at her.
Scott goes back up for Denson, Leah goes up for Velasquez)
Jeff:  Remember, the tribes are even.  If one of you fails here, you lose immunity for your tribe.  Mighty big stakes... 
Scott: (to Leah) Don't worry, it's not that bad. 
Leah: (with dread) Yeah, right. 
(Scott shovels down the dung no problem.  Leah's hesitant)
Leah: (groans) Oh... That looks horrible. 
Jonny: (Yelling from the sideline) Oh, come on, Leah!  I did it! 
Leah: (shrieking) Just shut up, Jonny! 
Jeff:  Leah, I'm gonna count to three.  If you don't pick it up by then, your tribe loses Immunity.  1... 2... 
(Leah picks up the dung.  She puts it in her mouth and immediately starts to gag)
Jake:  Choke!  Choke! 
Jeff:  Jake, what are you doin'?  She's on your team! 
Jake: (shrugs) I know. 
(Leah can't stand the horrid flavor.  She vomits)
Jeff:  That's it!  Denson!  Immunity! 
(Denson runs up to Scott and celebrates.  Jeff hands Scott the Immunity Idol)
Jeff:  Here, have a feel of this guy. 
Scott:  That's mighty forward of you. 
(Denson celebrates.  Lauren kisses Nate, then pulls away when she
tastes the dung in his mouth.  He sits there and laughs at her)
Jeff:  Velasquez, unfortunately, we have a date at Tribal Council.  I'll see you guys tommorrow night. 
(Velasquez walks off in defeat, Millie and Leah hold their heads especially low) 
Velasquez - Day 6
(It's a new day at Camp Velasquez.  The camp is abuzz
with activity as everyone prepares for the upcoming vote)
Mike: (Narrating) S***!  That food challenge was f***ing disgusting, man!  We all ate s***!  Well, except for granny Mary Lou.  There's no question who's going tonight... 
Mary Lou: (Narrating) Well, it's true that I didn't eat the... dung at the challenge.  And I know a lot of people were upset with me.  But Millie and Leah also failed, even after Millie yelled at me for failing.  I'm just afraid that people will be able to overlook their mistakes because they're young and focus on me because I'm the oldest member of the team.  It really looks like I could be the one to go home tonight. 
(Stone and Millie gather firewood together)
Millie:  So, Edwin, who are you planning on voting for tonight? 
Stone:  Can you keep a secret? 
Millie:  Well, yeah. 
Stone: (whispers) I've got an alliance with Mike and Jake.  The plan is to take out Mary Lou. 
Millie:  Oh, thank god!  I'm so glad you're making the right choice! 
Stone:  Well, you know, I don't think the boys would mind if you were to join up with us. 
Millie:  That's a great idea.  It's the way I'm voting anyway. 
Stone:  Excellent, excellent!  So we can expect your vote, then? 
Millie:  As far as I'm concerned, we've got a pact until the end of the game. 
Stone: (sighs) I can't tell you what a load that is off my shoulders. 
Stone: (Narrating) Well, now that Millie's officially on board, I know that I'm in no danger of leaving this game.  I have my alliances set, and I think I can see how this whole thing's going to go.  I had worried that someone my age who has a history of health problems might not make it past the beginning stages, but I don't think that's going to be a problem now. 
(Matt and Jake stand off on their own talking.  Mike begins walking towards them)
Jake:  So, that's the plan anyway... 
Matt: (discreetly pointing) Mike. 
Jake:  Suck!  OK... 
Mike: (breaking in) What are you doing with this loser, Jake?  You're in our alliance, remember? 
Matt: (angrily) Aw, get outta here, Mike! 
Mike: (ignoring Matt) Come on, Jake, we've gotta discuss strategy. 
Jake:  Yeah, OK.  See you later, Matt. 
(Jake walks off with Mike.  Matt just shakes his head
in anger.  Mike and Jake talk in the trees)
Mike:  So it's your grandma tonight, man. 
Jake:  Yeah, great, Mike.  No problem. 
Mike: Cool, man.  Mr. Stone talked to Mrs. Ratch, and we got her vote, too.  That ought to be enough, right? 
Jake:  Oh, definitely.  So, can I go now?  I got stuff to do. 
Mike:  Oh, sure thing, man.  But look at us!  We're really gonna do this! 
Jake: (grins) Yes.  Yes we are. 
(Jake walks back over to Matt.  Leah watches him)
Leah:  (Narrating)  I think I'm safe for now.  Everyone's focused on voting out Jake's grandma, so they've forgotten all about the matches.  Once she's gone, maybe I can convince people that Jake needs to go next.  He's just been such a jerk.  He never does any work and he just makes things very uncomfortable for the rest of us. 
(Mary Lou and Nikki talk in the hut)
Nikki:  It's how the others wanna vote, so...  But I wish I didn't have to do this. 
Mary Lou:  I understand, dear... 
Nikki: (Narrating) How the others want to vote tonight isn't really the way I want to.  But I guess it's best not to make waves...  So, yeah.  The best way to stick around is to go with the majority. 
(Nikki leaves Mary Lou alone in the hut.  She lies down
to rest.  Millie watches her and snickers to herself)
Millie:  (Narrating) I don't know why we're even bothering to go to Tribal Council tonight.  Mary Lou, you're too weak, so you're outta here!  We won't tolerate any weakness on our team.  I think everyone agrees with that, and it makes me feel good that we're all on the same page going into this thing. 
(The tribe members pack up their bags and begin the hike to Tribal Council)

Tribal Council # 2  
(Velasquez walks into Tribal Council.  Jeff's waiting for them)
Jeff:  Guys.  Welcome to your first Tribal Council.  Since this is your first time here, we'll start with a ritual.  Grab your torches and dip them into the flame.  We do this because fire represents life here.  These torches are your life here at tribal council. 
(The Survivors light their torches and sit down)
Jeff:  OK, so it's been a big six days.  You guys won the first two challenges, but lost this latest immunity challenge.  Millie, how'd it feel to lose? 
Millie:  It didn't feel good at all, Jeff.  I'm used to winning.  But when you're on a team with some people who don't want to go all the way, you're understandably going to lose some.  That's why we have to remove the weak links from our team. 
Jeff:  Mary Lou, do you agree with what Millie's saying? 
Mary Lou: (shakes her head) I'd be lying to say I did.  None of us is trying to lose here.  Yes, I failed at the challenge, but I'm not the only one.  Millie's forgetting that she failed in that challenge, just the same as me. 
(Millie glares at Mary Lou)
Jeff:  Mike, what did you think when first saw your tribemates?  Obviously, some people you already knew, and maybe some new friends, too. 
Mike:  H*** yes!  I was stoked to be with Jake.  We're old friends, man.  And I've got to know some of the others well.  Mr. Stone here's the s***, and Nikki and Leah are pretty cool, too. 
Jeff: (nods condesendingly) Matt, do you agree with Mike? 
Matt:  Mmm... sort of.  There are some people I wouldn't want to be on a team with. 
Jeff:  Oh? 
Matt:  I never have got along with Mike and Butt Ratch, and I prob'ly never will. 
(Mike and Millie glare at Matt)
Jeff:  Mr. Stone, what do you think your role in this tribe is? 
Stone:  Well, I have been sort of unofficially appointed the fire tender. (chuckles) I just seem to have a knack for it, even without our matches. 
Jeff: (nods) That's right.  I heard that you guys lost the matches you won at the first challenge.  Leah, tell me what happened. 
Leah:  (Very nervous) It was weird.  One minute they were right where we always kept them, and the next they were gone.  They just disappeared, I guess.  None of us knows what happened. 
(Jake takes note of Leah's nervousness)
Jeff:  OK.  Jake, what's going through your mind as you get ready to vote tonight? 
Jake:  I'm thinking strategically.  Who do I need to vote off to advance my position in this tribe? 
Jeff:  OK.  Well, it is time to vote.  Mary Lou, you're up first. 
(Mary Lou walks to the voting booth.  She picks up the pen and writes Millie)
Mary Lou:  Nothing personal.  Some of us just don't appreciate your... intensity. 
(Nikki votes next, we don't see it.  She's followed by Matt,
also concealed.  Jake is next.  We don't see his vote)
Jake:  It's gonna be great to get rid of her.  This is entirely personal. 
(Flash to shots of Leah, Mary Lou, and Millie.  Jake returns.  Mike's up next,
followed by Stone.  We don't see their votes.  Millie's up next.  She votes Mary Lou)
Millie:  We don't need a weak old lady bogging us down.  With Mary Lou gone, our tribe will be that much stronger, and that's the most important thing.  I'm sorry, but you don't win this game by being nice.  It's cold, hard fact. 
(Leah's up last.  She votes for Jake)
Leah:  I know this isn't going to matter since everyone's voting out Mary Lou, but I'm throwing him a vote to let him know that he can't just treat people any way he wants. 
(Leah returns)
Jeff: (nods) I'll go tally the votes. 
(Jeff leaves and returns with the voting canister)
Jeff: Just a reminder, once the votes are read, the results are final.  The person will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.  First vote: 
Mary Lou 
(Mary Lou is unruffled)
(Jake nods and glances at Leah.
 She doesn't look back at him)
Jeff:  That's two votes Mary Lou, one vote Jake. 

Granny Mary Lou 
Jeff:  That's three votes Mary Lou.. 

(Millie is shocked)
Millie:  What the h***? 
Butt Ratch, I believe that's Millie. 
(Matt smiles and nods)
(Millie is livid at this point)
Jeff:  Three votes Millie, three votes Mary Lou.  The final and deciding vote: 


(Millie is overcome with rage)
Millie:  What?  How? (To Mary Lou) You were supposed to go! 
Jeff: (sternly) Millie, I need you to bring me your torch. 
Millie:  No!  It was supposed to be her! 
Jeff: (yelling) Millie!  Get over here! 
(Millie reluctantly grabs her torch and approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  Millie, the tribe has spoken. (snuffs her torch) It's time for you to go. 
(Millie exits.  She refuses to even look at her tribemates)
Jeff:  Well, judging from tonight's vote, I'd say Velasquez is a tribe divided.  I suggest you guys get back to camp and do some mending. 
(Jake and Matt exchange high fives.  Mike and Stone look angry.
Mary Lou jubilantly leads the tribe as they exit the Tribal Council area)  
Millie's final words:  What the h*** happened?  I was a fierce competitor, I got along with people, I didn't blow the challenges.  I don't understand...  I thought we'd all agreed to vote out the weakest link, but apparantly there was some dissent in the ranks.  I'm not pleased, but what can I really do?  I'm out, and they're still in.  I really don't expect a Velasquez to win it now, but I am rooting for Mike, Edwin, and especially Leah.  If there's any way to turn that trainwreck around, I hope that they can do it. 

Voting Record:
Mary Lou:  Millie
Nikki:  Millie
Matt:  Millie
Jake:  Millie
Mike:  Mary Lou
Stone:  Mary Lou
Millie:  Mary Lou
Leah:  Jake  
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