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Episode 3 – Deceptions  
Jeff: Previously on Survivor: 
At Denson, Jonny found himself increasingly disgusted with Nate and Lauren.  Meanwhile, at Velasquez, bonds and alliances were formed. Velasquez won the reward challenge, a game of football, when Matt and Stone plowed through Denson's ranks. Leah lost Velasquez's matches, then denied everything.  At Denson, Mary and Carmen messed up the rice.  Nate and Lauren decided to consummate, but Jonny and Scott stopped them cold. For immunity, the tribes were challenged to eat cow dung.  Lauren refused to eat for Denson, but Mary Lou, Millie, and Leah failed for Velasquez, giving Denson their first win. There was much speculation who would vote for who, but in the end Jake broke from his Mike/Stone alliance and voted out Millie with his own alliance of Nikki, Mary Lou, and Matt. 
14 remain.  Who will be voted out tonight?  
Theme Song  
(Velasquez arrives back from tribal council.  Mike and Stone are irrate)
Mike:  (To Jake) What the f*** was that?  I thought we agreed we were voting out your grandma. 
Jake:  Sorry, Mike.  I was already in an alliance when I told you that. 
Stone:  So you lied to us?  Jake, I can't believe you would break our trust like that. 
Jake:  (Shrugs) Sorry, that's the way the game goes. 
Matt:  (Narrating)  It was my idea to vote out Butt Rash.  I hated the way she bossed us around.  So Jake got Nikki and his Grandma to vote with us.  We're an alliance. 
Stone:  So it's the four of you:  Jake, Matt, Nikki, and Mary Lou? 
Nikki:  Yeah,  the four of us are together. 
(Matt, Jake, and Mary Lou nod)
Mike:  Aw, s***! 
(Mike storms off)
Leah: (Narrating)  Well, this is looking really bad for me now. Not only did I lose the matches, but I find out I'm in the minority against an alliance led by Jake.  If he finds out I lost the matches, I'm gone for sure. 
(Shot of the stars rushing by.  Segue to a shot of dawn)  
Nate: (Narrating) Lauren and I talked about it, and we decided that maybe we ought to start getting to know the rest of our tribe, or else, you know, they're just going to vote us out.  I'm going to try to get to know the guys and she's going to try with the girls. 
(Scott and Jonny are leaving camp.  Nate runs off after them)
Nate:  Where you guys goin'? 
Scott:  We're going out exploring. 
Nate:  Do you mind if I come? 
(Scott and Jonny look at each other)
Jonny:  I guess not… 
(Helicopter shot of the three guys trudging through the Missouri wilderness)
Jonny:  Look!  A dog! 
(Cut to a shot of a dog walking along a ridge of trees.
Scott begins howling at it.  It perks its head up and stares)
Scott:  (Waving his arms) Hey!  Dog! 
(The dog runs towards them, then jumps back whenever Scott
yells at it.  Jonny and Nate are laughing all the while)
Scott:  (Cracking up) I swear God made animals just so that we'd have something to laugh at. 
(Closeup of the dog whimpering.
 Cut back to camp.  Mary and Carmen are sitting in the grass, making bead necklaces)
Lauren:  Hey. 
Mary and Carmen:  Hey. 
Lauren:  Whacha doin'? 
Mary:  We're making friendship necklaces. 
Carmen:  Yeah.  As long as these necklaces are around our necks, we'll be friends forever. 
Lauren:  Sounds like fun.  Can I make one? 
(Mary and Carmen look at one another)
Mary:  Yeah, sure.  Have a seat, Laur. 
(Lauren sits down.  Carmen is visibly miffed)
Mary:  What's the matter, Carm? 
Carmen:  I thought I was your friend. 
Mary:  Well, I can have more than one friend. 
Carmen:  No you can't! 
(Carmen gets up and storms off.  Lauren mouths 'OK' to the camera)

Carmen: (Narrating)  Who does that Lauren think she is, anyway?  Mary's supposed to be my friend.  Not hers.  (Crosses her arms and stamps her foot) I'm voting her off.  

(Tree Mail's dangling in the breeze.  Leah and Nikki approach)
Nikki:  We got something. 
Leah:  (Pulling out the letter) Let's see what we got here… 
  (Reading)  Your every move 
                   Is being seen 
                   By millions watching 
                   The TV 
                   If you're the biggest 
                   Trivia freaks 
                   You'll get to see 
                   Your own sneak peek 
Nikki:  Wow.  Some kind of trivia!  We're doin' trivia. 
Leah:  But what kind of trivia?  
(Joe and Carmen are reading the Tree Mail)
Joe:  You'll get to see your own sneak peek.  Hmm… A sneak peek of what? 
Carmen: (annoyed) How am I supposed to know! 
(Joe gives Carmen an odd look)  
Reward Challenge:  Yes, Another Lame Trivia Challenge  
(A clearing in the forest. The tribes enter.  Jeff is waiting)
Jeff:  Gather up.  How you guys liking it out here in the Missouri Wilderness?  You ever get bored? 
Survivors:  Yes! 
Jeff:  Yeah, I thought so.  Your reward today isn't food or matches or anything necessary for your survival.  Instead, it's something I think is a lot more important:  entertainment. 
(Jeff opens up a crate.  There's a TV inside.  The Survivors gasp)
Jeff:  Here's what you're playing for.  This TV runs off a solar battery.  If you've got sun, you've got power.  Anything you can pick up out here, you can watch.  The winning tribe is taking this bad boy home.   Not only that, but the winning tribe is going to get to preview an episode of Survivor Missouri.   Sound good? 
(General yeahs)
Jeff:  OK.  The challenge is simple.  I'm going to ask six questions.  The team that answers the most questions wins.  You'll designate one person to answer for your team.  I'll give you guys a minute to make your choices. 
(The tribes confer.  Velasquez chooses Jake.
Denson is going to choose Scott, but Carmen yells to Jeff that she'll do it)
Jeff:  OK, Jake, you're answering for Velasquez.  Carmen, you're answering for Denson.  First question:  What does diurnal mean?  (The teams confer.  Carmen lets out a loud "Nuh-uh!" from the Denson huddle)  Reveal. 
Jake's written Active in the Day 
Carmen's written Toilet 
Jeff:  Velasquez!  Active in the day is right!  Next:  An animal of the phylum chordata has what?  (Teams confer.  Denson's not pleased with Carmen)  Reveal. 
Jake's written Backbone 
Carmen's written Cat 
Jeff:  Phylum cordata is animals with backbones.  Velasquez!  Next:  What's the chemical formula for table salt?  (The teams confer.  Denson is yelling "NaCl!  NaCl!" at Carmen)  Reveal. 
Jake's written NaCl 
Carmen's written Salt 
Jeff:  Velasquez!  Right again.  Denson, if Velasquez gets this next question right, it's over.  Question:  What beverage is Mello Yello a cheap knock off of?  (The teams confer.  Denson's just given up at this point)  Reveal. 
Jake's written Mountain Dew (ugh) 
Carmen's written Green 
Jeff:  Mello Yello is a rip-off of sweet, sweet Dew.  Velasquez!  This TV is yours! 
(Velasquez celebrates.  Denson walks off, scowling at Carmen)  
(The tribe is gathered around the campfire.
The TV's been set up behind it.  Jeff hooks up a VCR)
Jeff:  Velasquez.  You won two rewards.  The first one: this TV.  The second:  a sneak peek of an episode of Survivor: Missouri. 
(The tribe cheers.  Jeff pops the tape in and starts it up)
Nikki:  Hey!  It's Leah! 
(The TV shows Leah sitting by the pond.  Leah gets very nervous)
Leah:  Hey!  Let's watch something else, guys. 
(The tribe shushes her.  On the screen, Leah screams and
drops the matches in the water.  Underwater cam shows the matches sinking)
Leah:  Uh-oh. 
Jake: (enraged) You lost our matches? 
(Leah looks down in shame)
Jake:  You lost our matches and you didn't tell us?  We asked you where they were, and you lied!  You always lie! 
(Jeff smirks and stops the tape.  Jake continues going off on Leah)
Jake:  You stupid, clumsy liar.  How could you drop the matches in a pond?  
Leah: (screaming)  Just shut up, Jake! 
(Leah runs off.  Jake's still extremely angry)
Stone: (Narrating)  Jake went way over the line with his hissy fit.  He made poor Leah run off once, and then when she came back, he just kept yelling at her. 
(Leah walks back into camp with her head down)
Jake:  Where'd you go, stupid?  Were you out losing our mosquito nets?  Or our cooking pots? 
Mary Lou: (Sharply) Jake!  Leave her alone! 
Jake:  But- 
Mary Lou:  You stop badgering her!  She feels bad enough. 
(Jake shuts up, but continues to glare at Leah)
Mike: (Narrating) S***, man.  First Jake lies to us, then he goes ape s*** on Leah.  And you could tell some of the people in his alliance weren't happy with him, either.  S***, man. 

Nikki: (Narrating) Yeah, I don't know.  Jake's just like Rrarr rarr rarr all the time.  (Laughing) It'd probably be a lot quieter around here without him! 

(Shot of Jake walking away from the group as they comfort Leah.
Helicopter shot panning over the woods)   
(Dusk approaches.  The tribe stares at the fire)
Joe: (Narrating) Well, I think we were all a bit annoyed with Carmen's performance in the Reward Challenge. 
Jonny: (To Carmen) Wonder what they're watching on their TV right now? 
Carmen:  Shut up, Jonathan.  I didn't see you answering any questions. 
Jonny:  Because only one person could answer.  Idiot. 
(Carmen sticks out her tongue at Jonny)
Joe:  OK.  Calm down everybody.  Any plans for the evening? 
Mary:  Laurie was gonna let me braid her hair. 
(Nate shoots Lauren a glance.  She nods towards Scott and Jonny)
Nate: (To Jonny and Scott) What are you guys doing tonight? 
Jonny:  Not watching TV… 
Scott:  We'll probably just sit around and talk, man. 
(Shots of Nate talking to Scott and Jonny.  They all seem to have a good time)
. . 
Scott: (Narrating) I think I misjudged Nate.  I talked to him all night, and he seems like a pretty good guy.  Still, he likes Kid Rock.. 
(Shots of Nate sleeping next to the guys and Lauren sleeping next to Mary.
 Filler shots of the night sky)   
(Dawn breaks.  Mary Lou gets up, walks into the bushes and vomits)
Mary Lou: (Narrating) Well, I woke up this morning, and I was not feeling well.  (Whispering) But I tried to hide it.  If people think I'm sick, they might vote me out. 
(Jake and Matt watch Mary Lou go off into the bushes again)
Jake:  I'm worried about Grandma.  I think she's sick. 
Matt:  That's not good. 
Jake:  We've got an Immunity Challenge today.  If she's too sick to compete… 
(Matt winces.
 Shot of Mary Lou vomiting towards the camera.)

Jonny: (Narrating) We had all morning off before the immunity challenge, so Scott wanted to see if he could go find that dog again.  Unfortunately, we somehow ended up with the girls tagging along. 
(Jonny, Scott, and Nate are walking out of camp.  Lauren calls to them)
Lauren:  Hey guys!  Where ya goin'? 
Nate:  We saw this really funny dog yesterday.  We're going out to find it again. 
Mary:  (walking up) What kind of dog was it? 
(Jonny's visibly annoyed with the girls.)
Jonny:  It was a mutt. 
Scott:  Come on, guys! 
(The group starts to leave.  Carmen comes running up behind them)
Carmen:  Yeah right, Lauren!  You're not getting rid of me that easy. 
(Jonny lets out a heavy sigh)
Jonny: Great. 
(Shots of the group walking)
Lauren:  Hey!  Is that it? 
Nate:  Where? 
Lauren:  (Pointing) There. 
Nate:  Oh, yeah. 
(Scott starts whistling)
Scott:  Here, boy!  Com'ere! 
(The dog runs up to Scott and stand on him)
Scott:  Well, it's tame. 
Lauren:  It probably belongs to someone. 
Carmen:  Hey there, doggy. 
(When Carmen approaches, the dog backs off and begins to growl)
Carmen:  Stupid dog. 
(Carmen picks up a rock and throws it at the dog.  It runs away.  The group "Awws.")
Scott: (Narrating) We could've had a dog, but Carmen scared it off.  I'm going to try to find him again tomorrow.  I know it'd be great to have him around camp. 
(Cut to shot of the dog "smiling" at the camera)  
 (Mike and Stone go to get Tree Mail)
Stone:  Wonder what it is today? 
Mike:  No way to tell, man. 
(Stone pulls out the message)
Stone:  (Reading)  So you thought the last challenge 
                            Was generic as it got? 
                            Well, you haven't seen this one 
                            Have you, hot shot? 
                            You're only as fast 
                            As the slowest one 
                            Make it through quicker 
                            Or one of you's done 
Mike:  Aw, s***.   
Immunity Challenge:  Obstacle Course.  Just an Obstacle Course  
(Helicopter shot.  An obstacle course has been set up in a long clearing.  Two paths,
one for each team, lead through tire, a moat, monkey bars, some rope netting, and a wooden wall.)
Jeff:  Welcome!  (To Denson) I'll take back the immunity idol.  Your challenge today is about as straight forward as they get.  We've set up a military obstacle course.  It includes tires, a moat, monkey bars, a rope net, and a wall climb.  The team that gets all its members across the finish line first wins immunity. 
(Close-up of Mary Lou, looking on the course with dread.
The Survivors line up)
Jeff:  Survivors ready?  (Doing the arm thing) Go! 
(Everyone heads off for the obstacle course in full sprints.  Leah leads Velasquez, Scott leads Denson.  They're basically neck and neck.  They arrive at the tires and high step through them no problem.  Jake, Mike, Jonny, and Nate arrive at the tires as Scott and Leah finish them. At the back, Joe, Stone, and Mary Lou are puffing heavily.  They're completely exhausted by the time they get to the tires.  Joe and Stone trip a few times as they try to run through them.  Mary Lou falls flat on her face a couple of times.
Up in the lead, Scott and Leah spray through the moat and start on the monkey bars.  Carmen passes Mike and Jake by somersaulting through the moat.  Mary begins to slow down as she tires.  Joe and Stone begin to close in on Lauren.  Mary Lou Drags herself up from where she's fallen by the tires and continues.
Scott takes a commanding lead over Leah on the monkey bars.  Jake and Mike become annoyed with Leah's slowness.  She drops to the ground and has to run back and start the monkey bars again.  Matt and Joe, fresh out of the moat, climb on the monkey bars ahead of Leah.
Mary Lou flails her arms as she tries to get through the moat.
Scott finishes crossing the rope netting and approaches the wall.  Matt finishes the monkey bars in record time and drops into the net.  Jake, Jonny, Mike, and Nate aren't far behind.  Mary, Leah, Carmen and Lauren have trouble with the monkey bars.
Mary Lou arrives at the monkey bars as the last of the girls finish.
Joe and Stone stumble across the rope netting, their feet falling through the holes a few times.  Scott pulls himself over the wall and crosses the finish line.  Matt and Jake jump and grab the top of the wall.  Jonny and Nate wait on them.
Mary Lou can't even pull herself up to the monkey bars.  She lays down in exhaustion.
The young guys finish up.  Joe and Stone help the girls over the wall, then
pull themselves over.  Joe crosses the finish line just after Stone.)
Jeff: Denson!  All your members are across.  Immunity. 
(Denson celebrates.  Velasquez goes back to help Mary Lou, who vomits a couple of times)
Jeff:  Velasquez, I know it's always tough to see a team member go down.  I'll see you at tribal council.  
Nikki (Narrating) We've got Tribal Council tonight.  That's what?  Two in a row for us?  (Laughs)  Everyone is discussing who to vote for.  Oh yes, the vote is upon us. 
(Mike, Stone, and Leah stand off by themselves)
Leah:  Well, one of us is going tonight. 
Mike:  I don't know.  I still think I can convince Jake to vote for Mary Lou.  She cost us in that challenge big time. 
Stone:  The woman's sick.  It'd be wrong not to vote her off. 
Leah:  (Narrating) Mike and Mr. Stone. (Scoffs) They think they can get rid of Mary Lou.  But I think we have more of a chance of getting rid of Jake.  No one's forgotten how he acted the other day.  I think even his own alliance wants to get rid of him. 
(Leah talks to Mary Lou and Nikki in the hut)
Mary Lou:  I really do wish Jake wouldn't yell like that.  Truth be told, it frightens me. 
Leah:  You saw the way he went off on me!  He's mentally ill.  He needs help. 
Nikki:  I don't know about that.  But yeah, he has caused some real problems. 
(Matt talks to Jake)
Matt:  I want to vote Mike off. 
Jake:  Matt, we already voted off a strong player last time, and you see where that got us.  We need to get rid of a weak player this time, or we're just going to keep losing. 
Matt: Mike's the weakest guy out here. 
Jake:  Matt, no. 
Stone: (Narrating) This should be a really interesting tribal council.  The strong four aren't so strong anymore.  I've heard them arguing amongst themselves.  Jake and Matt may just turn on Mary Lou yet, and Mary Lou and Nikki are pretty upset with the way Jake's been playing this game.  All Mike and I have to do is decide which side we want to vote with.   
Tribal Council # 3   
(Velasquez enters.  Jeff is waiting for them)
Jeff:  Well, welcome back to tribal council.  Jake, how's it feel to be here twice in a row? 
Jake:  It sucks.  I don't want to be here.  I don't want to vote another person out.  But the fact is, we lost, and we have to vote. 
Jeff: (Nods condescendingly) Well put.  You lost, you have to vote.  Mary Lou, did you play any part in that loss? 
Mary Lou:  It was all my fault.  I know. 
Jeff:  If memory serves correctly, you didn't do so well in the last challenge, either. 
Mary Lou:  A lot of us didn't do well at that one. 
Jeff:  Leah,  as someone who didn't do well in that last challenge, feeling vulnerable? 
Leah:  Of course I feel vulnerable.  But I think there's more to this than doing well in the challenges. 
Jeff:  Nikki?  How's camp?  Do you get along well? 
Nikki:  Well, yeah.  But there's been some bickering.  You know, some of us do fight a lot.  (Mock screams) It's a war zone! 
Jeff:  You joke, but there has been some serious conflict, right? 
Nikki:  Well, yeah.  Jake and Leah.  It's- it's really gotta stop. 
Jeff:  OK, it's time to vote.  Jake, you're up first. 
(Jake votes.  We don't see it.  Matt is next.  We don't see his vote)
Matt:  Jake says she's a weak player. 
(Nikki and Mary Lou vote.  Stone's next.  He's voted for Mary Lou)
Stone:  Really nice lady, but she's hurting us in the challenges. 
(Mike's up next.  We don't see his vote.  Finally, Leah votes for Jake)
Leah:  You've been a real jerk since Day One.  Hopefully this will stop the fighting. 
(Leah returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes. 
(Jeff leaves and returns with the voting canister)
Jeff: Just a reminder:  Once the votes are read, the decision is final.  The person will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.  First vote: 
Mary Lou 
One vote Mary Lou, one vote Leah, one vote Jake. 
Mary Lou 
That's two votes Mary Lou, two votes Leah. 
And finally: 
I need you to bring me your torch. 
Leah: (To Nikki) You sided with him. 
(Leah grabs her torch and goes to Jeff)
Jeff:  Leah, the tribe has spoken.  It's time for you to go.  (Jeff snuffs Leah's torch) 
Leah:  OK, later. 
Jeff:  Well, it looks like this tribe has one unshakable alliance.  I'll let you guys get back to camp. 
(The tribe exits)

Leah's Final Words:  I really think they put me on the wrong team.  I mean, here was Jake with all his friends and family on his team, and me with no one.  Of course they're going to side with him.  I'm not mad.  I'm really, really not mad.   
Voting Record:
Jake - Leah
Matt - Leah
Nikki - Leah
Mary Lou - Leah
Stone – Mary Lou
Mike – Mary Lou
Leah - Jake  
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