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Episode 4 - Girls will be Girls

Jeff:  (Narrating) Previously on Survivor: 
At Velasquez, the alliance of Jake, Matt, Nikki, and Mary Lou was revealed.  Mike, Leah, and Stone worried about their futures.  At Denson, Nate and Lauren decided to bond with their tribemates.  Nate, Jonny, and Scott met a dog, while Lauren caused division between Carmen and Mary.  The reward challenge was a game of trivia.  Because of Carmen's stubborness, Denson was shut out.  Velasquez won a TV and a preview of a Survivor Missouri episode.  At the viewing, it was revealed that Leah had dropped the matches in the pond.  Jake went off on her, which gained her some sympathy.  At Denson, Nate and Lauren continued their trial seperation.  The Immunity Challenge was an obstacle course.  In her sickly condition, Mary Lou wasn't up to task.  Denson won their second immunity in a row, sending Velasquez back to tribal council where Jake and his alliance voted out Leah. 
13 remain.  Who will be voted off tonight? 

Theme Song   
(Velasquez returns to camp.  Stone and Mike are angry)
Mike:  This is f***in’ bulls***, man!  You’re all f***ing cheating! 
Matt:  Oh, just shut up, Mike. 
Mike:  Make me, Kilbourn! 
(Matt gets up in Mike’s face.  Nikki and Jake separate them)
Nikki:  All right, calm down there, big guy. 
Mike:  Why should I calm down, you dumb b****? 
Jake:  Mike!  Cut it out! 
Mike:  Oh, and why should I listen to you, Jacobo?  You betrayed me and Mr. Stone. 
Jake:  (Sighs) We’ve been over this, Mike. 
(Stone pulls Mike away to calm him down.  Jake gives the camera a little smirk)
Jake (Narrating) I am so relieved to have Leah out of here.  If things had gone the way I wanted, she’d have been the first one out.  But Matt, and I guess Nikki and Grandma too, wanted to vote out Mrs. Rash.  Guess I can’t complain.  We've got all the power.  
(Dawn at Camp Denson.  Joe’s awake early staring at the fire)
Joe: (Narrating) Well, we had another day off yesterday with no Tribal Council.  The kids all went off together looking for a dog, and I sort of got stuck at camp by myself.  It was then I realized, “Hey, I’m an outcast.”  The way I see it, our tribe consists of three pairs: Scott and John, Nathan and Lauren, and Carmen and Mary.  That leaves me all by myself, which is not a good place to be in this game. 
(Scott and Jonny start to leave camp.  Joe approaches them)

Joe:  Hey fellas.  Where ya going? 
Scott:  We're going to look for the dog again.  As soon as we find him, we're going to bring him back and make him our team mascot. 
Joe:  Say, how about I come with you guys today? 
Scott:  Um, sure. 
Lauren: (Narrating)  The dog!  The two young guys are f***ing obsessed!  This morning they took another trip to find it. 

(Scott leads Jonny and Joe through a field.  He whistles all the while)
Scott: (Whistles) Here, boy! 
Jonny: (annoyed) Scott, maybe we're not going to find the dog today… 
(Just as Jonny says this, the dog comes running)
Scott:  Com'ere!  Com'ere, boy! 
(The dog runs up and starts panting and jumping on Scott)
Joe:  Well I'll be. 
Scott:  Come on, come on, boy! 
Nate: (Narrating, Laughing)  They actually found that dog!  When they brought him back, Carmen was still asleep. 
(The dog runs into camp, startling Mary and Lauren, who let out little screams.
It pads over to where Carmen sleeps and starts licking her face.  Carmen awakes and jumps
up screaming.  Scott and Jonny start laughing at her)
Carmen:  Shut up! 
(She hits the dog on the nose, and it runs back to Scott)
Scott:  It's OK, boy. 
(The dog whimpers.  Helicopter shot flying over the Missouri Wilderness)  
(Jake and Matt go for Tree Mail)
Jake:  Wonder what we're doing today? 
Matt:  I don't know.  
(Jake pulls out the letter and reads it aloud)
Jake: (Reading)  You've been pretty slippery 
                         To make it this far 
                         But others are slippery, too 
                         If you have sure hands 
                         You'll do fine 
                         Butterfingers hungry will go 
Dude!  That's horrible.  I could write a better poem than that!   
(Scott, Jonny, and the dog are also reading tree mail)
Jonny:  Hmm… "sure hands" and "butterfingers."  What the heck? 
Scott:  I don't know, dude.   
Reward Challenge:  Go, Fish   
(Four small square ponds lie on a hilly plain.  Jeff waits for the Surivors to arrive)
Jeff:  Welcome!  Gather round, guys!  Today, you're playing for something that will no doubt be very useful out here:  fishing gear.  A little fish fry sound good? 
(The survivors murmur "yes")
Jeff:  OK, here's the challenge:  Each team has a pond.  In that pond are twenty-five fish.  Your job is to get all of your fish from your pond to the other pond on the far end of the playing field.  It's your job to figure out how to catch them and transfer them.  Denson, since you're one up, you need to pick someone to sit out.  Remember, you can't sit out the same person in back to back challenges. 
(Without skipping a beat, all of Denson says "Carmen."  Carmen scowls
and goes to sit down.  The other Surivors move into position around their ponds)
Jeff:  Survivors ready?  (Doing the arm thing)  Go! 
(The Survivors dart their hands in the water, but no one's able to catch a fish)
Mike:  D***!  Those things are fast! 
(At Denson's pond, Scott starts trilling and dives face first into the pond.  He starts splashing around and whooping.  Several fish are flung out in all the turbulence.  Denson scurries about, picking up the flopping fish.  Within seconds Jonny, Mary, and Nate are running across the field, fish in hand.
Over at Velasquez, they're still trying in vain to catch the fish by hand.  Mike follows Scott's cue, jumping in the pond and splashing about.  He doesn't manage to splash out any fish.
Jonny and Nate manage to get their fish to Denson's pond, but Mary has trouble, repeatedly dropping her fish.  Meanwhile, Joe's picked up a couple of fish and started down the field with them.  Lauren refuses to touch the fish.  She hangs back and watches the challenge in disdain
At Velasquez, Matt manages to nab a fish.  He holds it by the tail and throws it as hard as he can towards the pond on the other end.  Close up of it hitting the ground and splitting open.  Stone and Mike follow his lead when they get their hands on fish.
Scott continues his mad thrashing, yelling "Fishy! Fishy!" at the top of his lungs.  Jonny, Nate, and Joe have returned from depositing their fish and grab more.  Mary still struggles with her first fish)
Jeff:  Denson!  You have four fish!  Velasquez, you don't have any yet! 
(Jake runs down to the other end and starts tossing Matt, Stone,
and Mike's dead fish into the pond.  Mary finally gets her first fish in
At Denson, Scott's almost emptied the pond and most of the fish are flopping around.
Jonny, Joe, Nate, and Mary frantically gather as many fish as they can into their arms.
At Velasquez, Mike has given up on splashing the fish out.  Stone, Matt, and Mike are
making a respectable business of chucking fish to Jake, who tosses them into the pond)
Jeff:  Velasquez, you have ten fish in.  Denson, you're up with 17. 
(Scott grabs the last fish out of the pond and sprints across the field.  He spikes it into the pond.  It bounces across the surface and sinks.  Scott laughs at it triumphantly.  The rest of Scott's team follows with armloads of fish.  They dump in the twenty-fifth fish as Jake watches helplessly)
Jeff:  Denson!  That's your last fish! 
(After the challenge, the tribes are gathered in front of Jeff)
Jeff:  I guess you guys are lucky that keeping the fish alive wasn't a requirement.  Denson, you're taking home the fishing gear! 
(Denson celebrates as Velasquez walks off in defeat)   
Nikki: (Narrating)  Well, after we got rid of Leah, I guess we thought the fights were over.  So yeah, we were really wrong on that one.  Who knew little Mike Ebbing was so violent? 
(Velasquez arrives back at camp sopping wet.  Mike tries to walk around
Matt to get to the fire, and Matt trips him.  Mike falls on his face.  He jumps up and faces Matt)
Mike:  You tripped me. 
Matt:  Nuh-uh.  You just can't walk. 
(Mike pushes Matt.  Matt pushes him back)
Jake:  Hey!  Hey guys, calm down! 
(Mike grabs Matt and tries to pull him down.  Matt pushes him off and jumps on him.  Everyone screams for them to stop, but they roll around on the ground hitting each other.  Jake jumps on Matt to pull him back, but Matt throws him off.  Stone succeeds in pulling Mike back.  He struggles to get back at Matt, who's been restrained by Jake and Nikki now)
Mike:  You little s***! 
(Matt just glares at Mike)
Mike:  S***, man!  I'm gonna kill you! 
Matt:  Derr... 
Mary Lou:  Quiet!  Both of you just be quiet!  
Mike:  Shut up, old woman!  You should've been the first one voted out!  
Matt:  Yeah, right!  You're the next one out, Mike! 
(Mike pulls himself away from Stone)

Mike:  F*** every last one of you! 

(Mike storms off)
Stone:  That was a powder keg just waitin' for a match.. 
Mike: (Narrating)  S*** man!  This is f***ing stupid.  They're all going to vote me out.  G** d***!  This is the biggest load of bull s***  ever. 
Mary Lou: (Narrating) Oh yes, I believe that Mike will be the next one to go.  We don't need that kind of fighting around camp. 
(Filler shot of two deers locking horns)   
(Carmen sits with Mary)
Carmen:  Why'd I have to sit out?   I didn't see Lauren even touching the fish. 
Mary:  I don't know, Carm.  That's just the way it went. 
Carmen:  That's stupid.  (Standing up and yelling)  You're all stupid! 
Joe:  Excuse me? 
Carmen:  You're stupid!  Why'd you make me sit out and let stupid Lauren play?  She didn't even want to touch the fish! 
Lauren:  Hey, calm down, kid.  We won, didn't we? 
Carmen:  Doesn't matter.  You didn't do anything. 
(The dog starts barking)
Carmen:  Shut up, you dumb dog! 
(Carmen runs up to the dog and kicks it.  The dog runs off yelping)
Scott:  Hey! 
(Carmen breaks down crying.  Mary tries to comfort her, but Carmen screeches at her and she backs off) 
Joe: (Narrating)  Well, Carmen had a bit of a tantrum earlier.  I don't think she likes Lauren very much.  Sure, it was immature, but I wasn't pleased with Lauren's reaction. 
(Lauren approaches Carmen)
Lauren:  So you have a problem with me, b****? 
Carmen:  Yeah, I got a problem with you.  You're a stupid, snobby friend-stealer. 
Lauren:  Say whatever you want, b****.  We're all voting you out first chance we get. 
Carmen: (incredulous) Nuh-uh! 
Lauren:  Think about it:  everyone hates you.  No one's going to be sad to see you go.  You are an utterly worthless piece of garbage.  People like you are why contraceptives were invented. 
(Carmen stammers.  Lauren continues laying it on)
Jonny: (Narrating) Could Lauren have been harsher on Carmen?  Man, that girl is a witch!  I've wanted her gone since the very beginning. 
Nate: (Narrating) I saw a whole new side of Lauren last night.  I don't know anymore… 
(Cut to shot of the stars.  Segue to dawn shot)   
(Mike and Stone get tree mail)
Stone:  This immunity's a really important one, Mike.  If we don't win it, you're gone, my friend.. 
Mike:  S***, man.  I know.  Let's see what the challenge is. (Reading) 
                           The game is familiar 
                           But this time it's bigger 
                           Put the ball through the hoop 
                           If you can, you wigger. 
H*** yes!  We're playing basketball! 
Stone:  You're good at basketball, right? 
Mike:  S*** yes, man!  Manager at St. Joe 3 years!   
Immunity Challenge:  Basketbrawl   
(A flat field lies in the woods.  At each end of the field is a huge crater.  Jeff waits for the tribes)
Jeff: (To Denson) First things first, I'll take back the immunity idol. 
(Nate hands back the Idol)
Jeff:  Well, as I'm sure you all know by now, Missouri is a land deeply rooted in tradition.  And one of those traditions is sports.  Now you guys have already had a chance to play some football, Survivor rules.  Today, we're going to be playing a different sport. 
Mike:  It's basketball, dips***. 
Jeff: (Ignoring Mike) Today, we're going to play a little game of Survivor basketball.  Now obviously this isn't a typical basketball court.  Well, that's because we're not playing with your typical baskteball.  Guys, roll it out! 
(A couple of Missourians roll out a huge basketball.  The Survivors gasp)
Jeff:  This baby's eight feet in diameter.  Your goal is to roll this ball into the opposing team's crater.  First team to score three times wins.  Denson, since you've got an extra person, someone's sitting out.  Carmen sat out last time, so choose someone else. 
(Denson confers and decides to sit out Mary.  The Survivors move into position)
Jeff:  Survivors ready? (Doing the arm thing) Go! 
(Both teams run to the giant ball and begin pushing at it.  It's a stalemate for a little while, but Velasquez's superior strength soon begins to show.  The huge ball begins rolling towards Denson's crater.  Denson scatters.  Lauren screams and dives out of the way.   Carmen, convinced to show her tribe she can do some good, steps in front of the ball and puts her hands in front of her.  Velasquez simply rolls over her and up to Denson's crater.  The ball drops in)
Jeff:  Velasquez!  Score! 
(Denson pushes the ball out of the crater and starts pushing it down the court.  They get some momentum going, so none of Velasquez dares step out in front of it.  Denson makes it to Velasquez's crater with no problems)
Jeff:  Denson, on the board! 
(Velasquez pushes the ball out and starts down the court.  The Densons
scatter and the game starts to become very predictable.  Velasquez scores)
Jeff:  Velasquez!  One more point for the win! 
(Denson starts rolling the ball down t.he court.  This time, Velasquez forms a human wall to stop them.  The Densons aim the bal for the weakest part of the wall, Mary Lou.  At the last second, Stone and Mike step in front of her and stop Denson cold.  The rest of Velasquez gets behind them and the game is stalemated again.  Slowly but surely, the ball starts to move towards Denson's crater.  After much struggling, Velasquez scores again)
Jeff:  Velasquez!  Immunity! 
Matt:  That's the first time Mike's won at basketball. 
Mike:  (Surprisingly good natured) Shut up, Matt. 

Jonny: (narrating) Well, we lost the immunity challenge yesterday.  So now Scott and I have to decide who we're going to vote for.  It's tough to decide, since there are so many people I don't like. 
(Scott waves a stick in front of the dog.  Lauren and Nate sit close by, hand in hand)
Scott:  Come on, boy!  Fetch! 
(Scott fakes throwing the stick.  The dog runs after it, then stops and looks around confused.  Scott laughs at it)

Lauren:  God!  Could you be any more annoying? 
Scott:  (Under his breath) Don't take the Lord's name in vain… 
Lauren:  What?  You don't like it when I say "God?" God, god, god!  God d***it!  How do you like that, Red? 
Scott:  Yeah.  Real impressive. 
Nate: (Narrating) Tribal Council's gonna be a pain in the bee-hind.  I find that I'm liking a certain someone less and less. 

(Carmen pets the dog in the hut.  Lauren enters and looks at her in disgust)
Lauren:  Look at the two b****es.  One of you's going tonight. 
Carmen:  Ha!  Shows what you know!  This dog's a boy dog. 
Lauren:  Whatever. 
Mary: (Narrating) The vote tonight's gonna be bad.  Two of my friends out hate each other, and I'm going to have to choose a side. (Sighs)  I really hate this game.   
Tribal Council # 4   
(Denson enters the Tribal Council area.  Jeff is waiting)
Jeff:  Welcome back.  I haven't seen you guys since Day 3.  Was it nice winning immunity twice in a row? 
Joe:  Absolutely, Jeff.  It was like a nice little vacation from the reality of this game. 
Jeff:  Well, first off, anyone want to admit to feeling vulnerable? 
Lauren:  Yeah, Carmen does. 
(Carmen glares at Lauren.  Everyone else rolls their eyes)
Jeff:  Lauren, what makes you say Carmen is vulnerable? 
Lauren:  Look at her!  She hasn't done anything right since we got out here!  She doesn't even deserve to stay. 
Jeff:  Pretty strong words.  What do you say to that, Carmen? 
Carmen:  Lauren's stupid.  
Jeff:  Well said.  Before we vote, I've got to ask about the dog.  Scott? 
Scott:  Well, me and Jonny went out and got him, and he's sort of become our camp mascot. 
Jeff: (Nods condescendingly)  OK then.  It's time to vote.  Lauren, you're up first. 
(Lauren walks to the voting booth.  She votes for Carmen)
Lauren:  No surprise here.  She should not have gotten on my bad side. 
(Scott's up next, then Mary.  Jonny's the next up.  We don't see his vote)
Jonny:  I had to pick one of them, so I chose the more obnoxious one. 
(Nate votes next, then Carmen.  She votes for Lauren)
Carmen:  For calling me a bad name, and for trying to take Mary. 
(Joe's up last.  We don't see his vote.  He returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes. 
(Jeff leaves and returns with the voting cannister)
Jeff:  A reminder:  The person voted out must leave immediately.  First vote:  Lauren 
Two votes Lauren, two votes Carmen. 
Three votes Lauren, three votes Carmen.  The final and deciding vote is:  Carmen. 
Carmen:  Yeah right. 
Jeff:  Carmen, I need you to bring me your torch. 
Carmen: (Sarcastic) Very funny, guys. 
Jeff: (Angry) Carmen!  Get over here! 
(Carmen scurries over to her torch and runs obediently to Jeff)
Jeff:  Carmen, the tribe has spoken.  It's time for you to go.  (Jeff snuffs her torch) 
(Carmen is on the verge of tears.  She looks back, then runs out)
Jeff:  Tough decision, I'm sure.  I'll let you guys get back to camp. 
(The Survivors exit)   
Carmen's Final Words:  I thought those guys were my friends, but they weren't.  They all liked Lauren better.  They're just stupid.  Mary, you're stupid, and Jonathan, you're stupid, and Scott, you're stupid, and most of all, Lauren is stupid.  
Voting Record:
Lauren:  Carmen
Scott:  Lauren
Mary:  Carmen
Jonny:  Lauren
Nate:  Carmen
Joe:  Carmen
Carmen:  Lauren  
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