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Episode 12 – Fall Guy

Jeff: (Narrating) Previously on Survivor: 
Matt was furious that Scott had recruited Lauren's vote.  Without Stone to tend the fire, the Survivors were going hungry.  Tree Mail told the Survivors to head to Velasquez, where they heard from home.   For the reward challenge, the Survivors' loved ones had a huge paintball war.   Matt's brother Keith ended up winning the reward, a trip to a hospital for "special" children.  Back at camp, Scott bonded with the girls.  Matt and Keith returned with Care packages for all.   Later that night, Lauren announced that she was guaranteed second place.   After a tense Immunity Challenge, Lauren once again won immunity, ensuring her place in the final five.   Joe and Mary Lou hoped to align with Matt, but in the end, Matt's alliance to Scott held and Joe was voted out. 
5 remain.  Tonight, one more will go.    
Theme Song   
(Mary Lou sits by herself, staring at the sunrise)
Mary Lou:  (Narrating) Oh my...  Joe really is gone.  For the first time, I really feel lonely out here.  I've always had someone I felt close to from the first day, but now it's just me and the kids.  I really don't think that they're bad kids, but I certainly don't agree with them on most subjects. 
(Les Sachs the dog approaches Mary Lou)
Mary Lou: (shooing) Go away, dog!  Go play with Scott! 
(Les Sachs trots away)
Mary Lou:  I do not like animals. 
(Les Sachs enters the shelter, where Scott, Matt, Mary,
and Lauren sleep in.  Lauren is gazing at Scott)
Lauren: (Narrating) Ever since Scott and I went on our date, I've been fantasizing about him.  I just can't get the boy out of my mind.  I mean, who would think that someone like him would end up with someone like me? (smiles) He's just lucky, I guess. 
(Les Sachs begins licking Scott's face.  He
smiles and opens his eyes.  Lauren laughs)
Lauren:  Looks like you have some company. 
Scott:  (Groggily) Looks like… 
Lauren: (Narrating) And I know he feels the same way.  Who wouldn't fall for this bod?  I am determined to have him before this game is over. 
(Scott pushes Les Sachs away)
Scott:  What time is it? 
Lauren:  Almost breakfast time. 
Scott:  Cool. 
(Scott and Lauren walk out to the smoldering fire, where Mary Lou sits alone)
Lauren:  Is breakfast ready yet, Mary Lou? 
Mary Lou:  Well, about that… 
Scott:  Uh-oh. 
Scott:  (Narrating) So I wake up this morning, and first thing I find out is we're fresh out of food. 
Mary Lou:  This is the last of the rice.  We have enough for breakfast and maybe a small lunch. 
Lauren:  Gawd!  How could this happen? 
Mary Lou:  We ate too much, I guess… 
Lauren:  You mean you cooked too much, hag!  Don't you know how to ration? 
Mary Lou: (sharply) Don't take that tone with me, young lady!  I won't stand for it. 
Lauren: (sheepishly)  Sorry. 
(Matt and Mary come out to breakfast)
Scott:  Good news, guys!  We're out of food. 
Matt:  You got to be kidding me! 
Scott:  Yeah, I'm just joshin' ya. 
Mary:  Scott!  That isn't funny! 
Scott:  Yeah?  Well, I wasn't kidding. 
Matt:  D'oh! 
Mary: (Narrating) When I found out we were out of food this morning, I decided to take matters into my own hands.  I went out to look for more food myself. 
(Mary leads Matt and Scott through the woods)
Mary:  Tell me if you guys see anything we can eat... 
Matt: (Pointing) Squirrel! 
Mary:  How are we going to eat a squirrel, silly? 
Matt:  Be easy if we had a gun. 
Mary:  Oh!  That's terrible!  Shooting a cute little squirrel! 
Scott:  Careful, Mary!  You might step on a bug! 
Mary: (sarcastically) Ha ha-  Oop! 
(Mary trips on a log.  She groans and looks up)
Mary:  Wow!  Guys! 
(Matt and Scott come to Mary)
Mary:  Look! 
(All around Mary are mushrooms)
Mary:  This is enough to last us the rest of the game. 
Scott:  Eetsa me, Mario! 
Matt:  They're probably poisonous. 
Scott:  Yeah, dude. 
Mary:  I bet they aren't. 
Mary Lou: (Narrating) Well, when Mary came back from scavenging, she had a whole load of mushrooms.  She wanted me to fry 'em up, but I wasn't sure if they were safe to eat. 
(Mary Lou has cooked the mushrooms.  The Survivors are
sitting around trying to decide whether or not to eat them)
Matt:  Go ahead, Lauren.  They ain't poisonous. 
(Lauren shoots Matt a dirty look)
Lauren:  I'm not touching those. 
Mary:  Isn't anyone going to eat my mushrooms? 
Scott:  I don't think so. 
Mary:  Fine!  I'll try them, then. 
(Mary eats one of the mushrooms)
Mary:  It's good.  Come on, try one! 
(Everyone declines)
Mary: (Narrating) I went to all the trouble of finding food, and no one wanted to eat it!  I went ahead and ate them, and I'm feeling fine.  I don't know why they’re so paranoid! 
(Matt and Scott go for Tree Mail)
Scott:  Today's our last reward challenge, right? 

Matt:  I think so. 

Scott:  OK.  Let's see what we got here:  (Reading) 
We hope that you've learned 
From challenges past 
'Cause this is the one 
Where you wanna kick- um, butt. 
Use each skill you've learned 
'Cause this is the deal: 
If you're the best 
You'll win some new wheels 

Oh, and just for a treat 
You challenge hogs 
Go ahead 
And bring the dog 
Matt:  "Some new wheels?"  Sweet! 

Reward Challenge:  SuCha2002 
(The Survivors emerge from the woods.  Scott leads Les Sachs.  Jeff is waiting)
Jeff:  Come on in.  It's not often that you get a chance to make up for past mistakes.  Today you will.  Today's challenge combines elements of previous challenges.  If you've learned anything, this'll be a piece of cake.  If not, you'll be repeating history. 
You'll start off tossing rings onto a pole in the middle of a small pond.  Once you land three ringers, you'll grab all five goldfish out of the pond.  You'll load them into your mine cart and push it down the track, then dump your fish into a coffin.  Next you'll roll an oversized basketball through a maze.  Once you've pushed your ball into its crater on the other side, you'll finish by eating a ball of dung.  The first one to finish their dung wins. 
Now, this is our final reward challenge, and it's a doozy.  The reward includes a nice trip, four wheels, and a key.  That's right, you're playing for a vehicle. 
(The Survivors ooh)
Jeff:  Not only that, the winner of this challenge gets to keep the dog. 
Mary Lou: (Under her breath) Lovely... 
Jeff:  Let's do it. 
(The Survivors position themselves in front of their ponds)
Jeff:  All right guys, this is our last reward challenge.  Survivors ready?  (Doing the arm thing)  Go! 
(The Survivors begin tossing rings.  Scott and Matt get three ringers no problem.  The girls are taking considerably longer.  As Lauren and Mary get their first ringers, Scott and Matt try to catch goldfish.  Matt darts his hands in the water, trying to grab them.  Scott dives in his pond and begins splashing out as much water as he can.
Lauren gets another ringer.  Mary keeps trying for two, while Mary Lou has yet to get one.  Matt's having considerable trouble catching a fish.  Scott's managed to splash one out, and it flops beside his pond as he continues thrashing around
Lauren scores her third ringer.  After hesitating a moment, she jumps into the pond and begins splashing around.  Matt continues to grab at the fish in vain.  Scott's splashed out another fish.  Mary Lou scores her first ringer, while Mary keeps at it.
Lauren's dainty splashing isn't even displacing much water, let alone fish.  Scott's knocked a third fish onto the shore.  Matt grunts in frustration as a fish eludes his grasp.  Mary hits another ringer, while Mary Lou keeps plugging away.
Scott manages to knock out another fish.  Lauren gives up splashing and just grabs at the fish.  Surprisingly, she nabs one with her first grab.  Matt still can't catch any of the fish.  Mary gets her third ringer.  She jumps into her pond and tries to grab at the fish.  She's far too slow to catch one.  Mary Lou still can't get another ringer.
Scott knocks out his fifth fish.  He pulls himself out of the water and begins gathering them up.  Lauren finds that her reflexes are quite helpful in nabbing fish as she grabs a third.  Matt's reflexes still fail him, as do Mary's.  Mary Lou hits her second ringer.
Scott dumps his fish in his mine cart and starts to barrel down the track.  Lauren catches a fourth fish, then a fifth.  Matt picks up a rock and throws it at a fish.  He nails it, and it floats to the surface dead.  Mary continues grabbing at fish.  Mary Lou finally scores her third ringer.  She sits at the edge of the pool and hesitantly grabs at the fish.  They escape her hands easily.
Scott gets to the end of the track just as Lauren starts to load her fish into the mine cart.  He dumps them into the coffin and starts towards the next leg.  Lauren barrels her cart down the track.  Matt continues throwing rocks at the fish.  He's killed three.  Mary and Mary Lou have yet to catch a fish.
Scott begins pushing his basketball, which is about four feet in diameter, into a maze of wooden walls.  Lauren gets her cart to the end of the track and dumps her fish into her coffin)
Lauren:  Gawd!  Those things are disgusting! 
(Matt nails his fifth fish.  It's now a simple matter of fishing out the corpes and loading them into the cart.  Mary and Mary Lou still haven't caught a fish.  Scott rolls his ball through the maze.  He arrives at the first junction and turns right.
Lauren grabs her ball and begins rolling it.  Matt dumps the fish into the mine cart and starts down the track.  Mary and Mary Lou simply can't catch a fish
Scott reaches a corner and pushes the ball left.  Lauren reaches the first junction and goes left.  Matt reaches the end of the line and dumps the fish into the coffin.  Scott makes another left turn and meets a dead end.  Lauren reaches another junction and turns right.  Matt starts into his maze.
Scott runs around his ball and turns around.  Lauren reaches another junction.  She peers right, sees it's a dead end, and rolls the ball left.  Matt turns left at the first junction.  Mary and Mary Lou are hopeless.
Lauren reaches her maze's final junction.  She turns right.  Scott's made it back to the first junction and turned left.  Matt reaches his second junction and turns right.
Lauren drops her ball into her crater and runs up to a podium.  A golf ball-sized lump of dung sits on it)
Lauren:  S***!  I can't eat that! 
Jeff:  It all comes down to how much you want a new vehicle... 
(Lauren pokes at the dung with her finger.  Matt turns left at the third junction, while Scott turns left at the second junction.  Scott reaches a dead end.  Matt reaches his maze's final junction and correctly turns right.  Scott turns around and goes back.  Lauren continues to stare at the dung)
Lauren:  I can't do it. 
(Matt drops his ball into his crater and exits the maze.  Lauren turns around and sees him coming)
Lauren:  S***! 
(Lauren grabs the dung and shoves it in her mouth.  She gags, but begins chewing as Matt reaches his podium.  He pops his dung into his mouth and begins to chew.  Lauren chews frantically, takes one last swallow, and opens her mouth wide at Jeff, showing him her tongue.
Jeff:  Lauren! 
(Matt spits out his dung)
Matt:  Not again! 
Lauren:  That is the most disgusting thing I've ever done. 
Jeff:  But well worth it.  Come on, guys!  Let's see Lauren's reward. 
(The other Survivors follow Jeff and Lauren over a hill and through a patch of forest)
Lauren:  I'm so excited!  What is it, an Avalanche?  An Aztec? 
Jeff:  Not exactly. 
(Jeff leads Lauren out into a clearing, where a minivan awaits)
Jeff:  Lauren, your brand spankin' new Dodge Caravan! 
Lauren:  What the h***?  A minivan? 
Jeff:  That's right.  It'll be waiting for you when you get home, but I thought that maybe you'd like to break it in tonight. 
Lauren: (incredulous) A f***ing minivan?!? 
Jeff:  Here are your keys.  We've loaded this bad boy up with a nice picnic for you and a guest.  You'll need to choose someone to bring along. 
Lauren: (Narrating) A f***ing minivan!  Unbelievable!  The top show in the country, and all they can afford to give me is a minivan.  Still, I did get a nice overnight trip, and I got to choose someone to come along with me. 
Lauren:  I'll bring Scott. 
(The Survivors look shocked)
Mary:  Scott?  But Lauren... 
Lauren:  Quiet, Mary.  Now come on, Scott! 
Scott: (Hesitantly) OK... 
(Lauren, Scott, and Les Sachs hop into the minivan and drive off)
Matt:  Man!  This is stupid! 
Mary:  Yeah, why'd she take Scott? 
(Lauren and Scott drive along)
Lauren:  So, Scott, I thought I'd give you the dog. 

Scott: Really? 

Lauren:  Sure.  He seems to like you best. 

Scott:  Sweet.  So... where we going, anyway? 

Lauren:  I'm just trying to find a nice, secluded spot. 

(Lauren stops the van in a sunny glade and sets up the picnic.  Scott
eats a big sub sandwich.  He gets some mayonaise in his beard)
Lauren:  Oh!  You've got something- 
Scott:  Where? 
Lauren:  Let me get it. 
(Lauren reaches over and wipes Scott's face, taking extra time to caress his cheek)
Scott:  OK, I think you got it. 
Lauren:  Yeah... 
Scott: (Narrating)  If I'd known what I was getting into, I'd never have agreed to come with Lauren... 
(It's now dark.  Scott and Lauren sit by the van.  Lauren snuggles up against Scott)
Lauren:  Scott, do you find me... desirable? 
(Scott's taken aback)
Scott: (Stammering) Um, well, I-  um, guess you're pretty... 
(Lauren starts to take off her top)

Lauren:  I'm pretty lucky to be out here with you.  Kiss me. 
Scott:  Hey, hey, hey!  Slow down, Lauren! 
Lauren:  What? 
Scott:  This really isn't a good idea... 
Lauren: (Narrating) What the h*** is the matter with that boy?  A stone fox like me throws herself at him, and he refuses?  What, is he gay? 
Lauren:  You don't want me?  What, you think you're too good for me? 

Scott:  No!  Look, Lauren, I'm sure you're a nice girl and all... 

Lauren:  Wait a sec..  I knew it... 

Scott:  What? 

Lauren:  You're gay, aren't you? 

Scott:  I- 

Lauren:  It all fits.  The flamboyance, the way you were attached that Jimmy kid at the hip- 

Scott:  That's Jonny. 

Lauren:  Whatever.  That's it, isn't it? 

Scott:  Um, yeah.  I like men. 

Scott: (Narrating) OK, I admit it.  I liked it when Jeff was staring at me.  I'm queer and I'm here, so get used to it. 
Lauren:  I'm not judging you.  If that's how you want to live your life, that's fine by me. 
Scott:  Yeah, that's the life for me.  I'm a poopy poker. 
Lauren:  Do you people really call yourselves that? 
Scott:  Um, yeah! 

Lauren:  Scott?  Can you, um... just hold me until I fall asleep? 

Scott:  I guess... 

(Scott holds Lauren, and odd little smile on his face.  Lauren eventually falls asleep.  Scott gets up and leaves her.  Cut to a shot of an owl.  It swoops down and grabs a mouse.  Pan up to the moon,
then seque to dawn.  Cut to Scott walking though the woods.  There's a rustling
off to the side.  Scott looks to see what it is. Matt's walking towards him)
Scott:  Matt Kilbourn! 
Matt:  Scott?  I thought you was out with Lauren. 
Scott:  Um, yeah.  I decided to walk back.  What are you doing out here, man? 
Matt:  I'm trying to find some food.  We still don't got nothing to eat around camp. 
Scott:  Cool. 
(Scott and Matt continue to trudge through the woods)
Matt:  Hey!  There's that squirrel! 
(Matt grabs a rock and sidearms it at the squirrel.  He nails it in the head and kills it)
Scott:  All right, man! 
(Scott walks over and picks it up)
Scott:  Can I have it? 
Matt:  That's our dinner, man. 

(Scott and Matt return to camp.  Lauren's already returned.
When Mary sees what Scott's carrying, she's visibly upset)
Mary:  Oh!  What happened? 
(Scott sticks a finger in the squirrel's mouth and moves its jaw up and down as he talks)
Scott: (Goofy voice) Hello, Mary.  My name is Cadaver the Squirrel. 
Mary:  Stop it, Scott! 
Scott:  I seem to have died today.  I wonder how that happened? 
Matt:  I killed you! 
Mary:  Matt!  You really killed a little squirrel? 
Matt:  It's our dinner. 
Mary:  No!  We can't eat it!  We have to bury it! 
Scott:  Bury me?  But I'm still alive, my lass. 
Matt: (Narrating) I killed that squirrel so we could eat it for dinner.  But then Mary started whining and before I knew it, we was burying the dumb thing. 
(Scott's dug a hole.  Mary, Mary Lou, Matt, and Lauren
are gathered round.  Scott slams the squirrel down into the hole)
Scott: (Laughing) So long, Cadaver! 
Matt: (Bitterly) We didn't bury her mushrooms... 
Mary Lou:  (Narrating) I know exactly how Matt feels.  It was pretty silly to bury the squirrel when we could have had it for supper.  I guess I just can't see animals the same way Mary does... 
(Lauren and Mary go for Tree Mail)
Mary:  So what happened with you and Scott last night? 
Lauren:  I don't want to talk about it. 
Mary:  OK, OK.  Here's what the mail says:  (Reading) 
Your body is battered 
Your mind's dimly lit 
Where is your memory 
When you need it? 
Flip over the baskets 
And try for a pair 
If your memory's good 
You're in the final four 
I wonder what that means? 

Immunity Challenge:  Survivor Concentration 
(Helicopter shot of a huge circular clearing.  It's filled with upside down baskets.
The Survivors approach.  Jeff greets them)
Jeff:  All right, you guys have been out here for 35 days.  Your once strong bodies are now withering away.  The question is, how sharp have you been able to keep your minds?  That's what we're going to find out today.  Today's challenge requires once thing:  memory.  There are 36 baskets, each with an item underneath, 18 matching pairs in all.   Your goal:  uncover as many of these pairs as you can.  One at a time, you'll go out and uncover two items.  If they match up, take them back with you.  If not, the next person will go. 
(Jeff takes the Immunity Talisman from Lauren)
Jeff:  Guess I'll take this back.  It's making a home for itself on your neck. 
Lauren:  Can't think of a better place for it. 
Jeff:  OK, let's play.  We've already drawn straws to determine the order.  Mary, you're up first. 
(Mary lifts up two baskets.  She finds a fish and a football)
Jeff:  Fish and Football.  Matt, you're up next. 
(Matt finds a shoe and a railroad spike)
Jeff:  Shoe and Spike.  Lauren. 
(Lauren finds a toy cat and a pine cone)
Jeff:  Cat and Pine Cone.  Scott. 
(Scott finds deer antlers and the other football)
Jeff:  Deer Antlers, and the other football.  Mrs. Rowan, you're up. 
(Mary Lou remembers where the two footballs were and gets a match)
Jeff:  Mary Lou has a match! 
(Switch to montage mode.  Mary finds a basketball and a box of matches.  Matt finds a butterfly and a chain.  Lauren finds a cap and the other shoe.  Scott matches the shoes.  Mary Lou matches the deer antlers.  Mary matches the pine cones.  Matt finds a toy rabbit and a toad.  Lauren finds a light bulb and a toy cow.  Scott matches the basketballs.  Mary Lou finds the other box of matches and a tire)
Jeff:  Scott and Mary Lou have two matches, Mary has one. 
(Switch back to montage mode.  Each player overturns items.  Scott gets a couple more matches, Mary Lou makes an amazing more three matches, Lauren and Matt both get matches)
Jeff:  Here's where we stand:  Mary Lou: 5, Scott: 4, Mary: 2, Matt and Lauren: 1.  Mary, you're up! 
(Mary fails to match. Matt gets another match, but Lauren and Scott screw up.  Mary Lou gets yet another match.  Mary fails again, as do Matt and Scott.  Lauren and Mary Lou get matches)
Jeff:  Score stands at Mary Lou: 7, Scott: 4, Lauren and Mary 2, and Matt at one.  Mrs. Rowan, I believe you're up. 
(Mary Lou uncovers the final pair, the two toads)
Jeff:  And that's the last pair.  Mary Lou, the talisman's found a new home today. 
(Mary Lou beams as Jeff puts the talisman around her neck) 
(The Survivors arrive back from the Immunity Challenge.  Mary Lou has a big smile on her face)
Mary Lou: (Narrating)  I'm just so happy that I won immunity.  This couldn't have come at a better time.  I'm sure that if I hadn't have won today, the kids would have voted me out like Joe and Robin.  Although I'm not sure I really want to be in the game any more.  It's really starting to wear on me, being out here. 
(Cut to the inside of the hut.  Mary's groaning.  Matt enters)
Matt:  What now? 
Mary:  Ohh...  I feel really sick, Matt.  My stomach hurts. 
Matt:  Ah, quit your whining. 
(Mary Lou enters the hut)
Mary Lou:  What's the matter, Mary? 
Mary:  My stomach really hurts.  I've never felt anything like this.  It hurts! 
Mary Lou:  OK, OK.  It's going to be OK. 
Mary: (Narrating) Ohhh...  I feel so sick.  The pain just comes in waves.  This is just awful.  Ohh... 
Matt: (Narrating) I bet she's sick from those mushrooms.  I told her they was poisonous. 
(Mary Lou tends to Mary in the hut.  Scott and Lauren enter)
Scott:  How you doin', sunshine? 
Mary:  Mmm... Not so good. 
Mary Lou:  I'm worried.  She's in so much pain. 
Lauren:  Hey, hang in there, kiddo. 
Lauren: (Narrating) Ohmigawd!  Another colossally stupid move:  Mary eating poison mushrooms.  I can't see her lasting much longer.  It's sad in a way, but I think it's time to cut her off. 
(Night falls on the camp.  Night vision of a possum climbing a tree.
 The sun rises.  Mary gets up and vomits)
Mary:  Ugh.  Yeah, that's mushrooms all right. 
Mary: (Narrating) I'm feeling much better this morning.  We have Tribal Council tonight, and I missed out on a whole day of scheming yesterday.  I'm thinking Lauren will probably want to get rid of Matt tonight. 
(Mary approaches Lauren)
Mary:  So who is it tonight?  Matt? 
Lauren:  That's what I was thinking. 
(Cut to Matt chucking rocks at squirrels)
Scott: (Narrating)  Matt really needs to stop going off on his own if he wants to stay around.  I got over the whole Lauren thing, and I wish he could, too.  I don't know if I can vote with him anymore.  I just think - I don't know - maybe I've outgrown that whole alliance. 
Matt: (Narrating)  Finally, it's time for Lauren to go.  There's no way that girl's still around after tonight. 

Tribal Council #12 
(The Survivors enter)
Jeff:  We'll bring in the jury. 
(Jake, Jonny, Stone, and Joe enter)
Jeff:  We're up to four now.  At this point in the game, the power is really shifting from this side to the jury's side.  Matt, does seeing these guys make you want to change your game plan in any way? 
Matt:  Not really.  They all know who I am.  I ain't gonna change now. 
Jeff:  Mary Lou, how important was that Immunity Talisman for you tonight? 
Mary Lou:  If I wasn't wearing this, I'd be gone tonight.  Guarenteed. 
Jeff:  Mary, the mushroom incident.  Are you feeling better? 
Mary:  Oh yeah, Jeff.  I've recovered 110% percent.  I'm ready to play this game for three more days. 
Jeff: Lauren, do alliances have any pertinence at this point? 
Lauren:  Well, the fewer people there are, the less important alliances become.  I personally am through with alliances. 
Jeff:  Scott, has this game caused you to have any revelations about yourself? 
(Lauren looks at Scott expectantly)
Scott:  No, none that I can think of. 
Jeff:  OK, then, it's time to vote.  Lauren, you're up first. 
(Lauren goes to vote.  She votes for Mary)
Lauren:  You've outgrown your usefulness, Mary, so I'm cutting you off.  Um, don't call me on the outside, OK? 
(Matt's next.  He votes for Lauren)
Matt:  Finally, you lost immunity.  'Bout time we got rid of you. 
(Mary's up next, followed by Mary Lou.  Finally, Scott votes.  We don't see it)
Scott: (Japanese accent) Oh!  You a losah!  Ha ha ha! 
(Scott puts his vote in the canister and returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes. 
. . 
(Jeff leaves and returns with the canister)
. . 
Jeff:  Just a reminder.  Once the votes have been read, the decision is final.  The person will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.  First vote: 

One vote Matt, one vote Mary, one vote Lauren. 
Black Vote: Lauren
Two votes Mary, two votes Lauren.  And the twelfth person voted out of the tribe: 

Mary:  Me? 
Jeff:  Mary, I need you to bring me your torch. 

(Mary meekly grabs her torch and approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  Mary, the tribe has spoken. (Snuffs her torch) It's time for you to go. 

Mary:  OK.  Bye, guys. 
Jeff: Well, here's what we come down to.  Four people.  Three Tribal Councils.  Two Immunity Challenges.  One sole Survivor.  Rest well, my friends.  Tomorrow's a whole new day. 

(The Survivors exit)

Mary's Final Words:  You guys voted me out?  I thought I'd get Matt's vote, but the rest of you?  I don't really get it, but I guess that doesn't matter, does it?  Um, I'm glad I had the chance to do this, but to tell you the truth, I was ready to be voted out a long time ago.  All the lying and backstabbing was just too much for me.  I wish this could've been a nicer game.  I'm just not too good at getting down and dirty. 
Voting Record:
Matt:  Lauren
Mary:  Matt
Lauren:  Mary
Mary Lou:  Mary
Scott:  Mary
Joe:  Lauren

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