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Episode 10 –  One for the Records

Jeff: (Narrating) Previously on Survivor 
Stone bonded with Joe and Mary Lou.  Lauren's cheer was cause for war between the boys and the girls.   The Reward Challenge required the Survivors to pair off.  The unlikely pair of Scott and Lauren ended up winning the challenge, and won themselves dinner and a movie.  Scott and Lauren bonded over lobster and South Park.   Back at camp, Jonny used Stone's sketchpad without permission, resulting in some harsh words from the professor.   When Mary was stung by a wasp, Matt declined to help.    For Immunity, the Survivors were asked to build a fire.  It was Stone that walked away with the Immunity Talisman.   At Tribal Council, a new twist to the game was revealed.   The black vote allowed Jake to cast a vote against Lauren, but it wasn't enough.  Mary and Lauren joined the new Geritol Alliance to boot Jonny. 
7 are left.  Who will be voted out tonight?  
Theme Song  
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(Dawn breaks.  Joe and Mary Lou are up before everyone else, watching the sunrise)
Joe:  Another beautiful morning.  Boy, I could never get tired of watching the sun rise. 
Mary Lou:  It's so peaceful before the young ones get up. 
Joe:  Oh Mom, I know.  Do you realize- (Looking around, whispering) Do you realize that we have a real shot of winning this thing now? 
Mary Lou:  Oh? 
Joe:  If we can keep the boys and girls split up for one more round, you, me, and Robin can ride this thing to the final three. 
Mary Lou:  That's right, isn't it?  I never thought I'd make it this far. 
Joe:  Oh, me neither.  All these athletic young people?  I mean, who would've thought that you and I would even have a chance? 
Mary Lou:  Not me. 
(Cut to Les Sachs the dog.  He trots through camp and into the hut.
 He nuzzles Matt awake.  Matt groggily shakes Scott)
Matt:  Scott. 
(Scott wakes up)
Scott: (Looking around) Is Jonny really gone? 
Matt:  Afraid so. 
Scott:  (Narrating) It kind of sucks.  Jonny's been my friend out here since day one, and now he's gone.  Who's gonna laugh when I break wind or make a sexist joke?  Matt's still around, but I'm not sure we trust each other 100 percent. 
Matt:  (Narrating) So Jonny was voted out last night.  (Mock crying) I miss the little guy already.  It's not gonna be the same without Jonny 5.  I really hope that me and Scott can still vote off Lauren.  She should of been gone about two weeks ago. 
Mary: (Narrating) Last night we voted off Jonny, which I feel really bad about.  Mary Lou came to me and Lauren and told us they were voting for him.  So of course Lauren agreed to go along with them, since she wanted to stay in the game, too.  So I guess we're going to vote off the rest of the guys.  (Sighs) I am so sick of this game. 
(Mary Lou rings the dinner bell)
Mary Lou:  Soup's on! 
(The tribe gathers around the camp fire for their daily ration of rice)
Lauren: (Narrating) So we were eating our lunch today - overcooked rice – and that creep Joe just wouldn't stop staring at me. 
(Joe stares in Lauren's direction as he eats his rice)
Lauren:  What are you staring at? 
Joe:  Me? 
Lauren:  Yes you, you pervert!  You like what you see? 
Joe:  Oh, I- I'm sorry, Lauren.  I just zoned out for a minute there. 
Lauren:  You were staring right at me, you dirty old man! 
Joe:  No I wasn't. 
Lauren:  Don't try to deny it! 
Mary Lou:  Lauren, calm down. 
Lauren:  I will when he stops looking at me like a piece of meat. 
Joe: (stammering) I- I wasn't. 
Joe: (Narrating) I honestly don't know what set Lauren off today.  I guess we've just been out here long enough that we're all a bit frazzled.  I wasn't staring at her.  I was just staring out in to space and she happened to be in my line of sight. 
(Joe and Mary Lou have left the campfire.  Lauren continues talking about the incident)
Lauren:  I guess you can't blame him.  I do add a much needed babe factor to this show. 
Scott:  Babe factor? 
Lauren:  Hey, I know I'm hot.  At this point, I am the Survivor cutie. 
Matt:  (laughing) She thinks she's hot! 
Lauren:  Face it, I am.  You, on the other hand, are not. 
Matt:  Derr… 
Lauren:  I feel really sorry for the girls who have to watch this show.  The guys have me for the Survivor cutie, but there's no real Survivor hunk.  It's pretty sad when Scott's the hottest guy out here. 
Scott:  I don't know.  Mr. Stone is pretty cute. 
Stone: (Chuckles) I don't know about that. 
Lauren:  At least he doesn't have a staring problem.  Gawd!  That creeped me out so much when he was mentally undressing me. 
Mary: (Narrating) Lauren annoyed me at lunch today.  I don't know if Joe was really staring at her, but what was all that "Survivor cutie" stuff?  She acts like she's the only girl out here.  She is not "all that." 
(Filler shot of a group of deer jumping over an old fence.  Cut to Mary and Stone going for Tree Mail)
Mary:  What is it? 
Stone:  It says, (Reading) A bit of a boost 
                                            For malnourished bones 
                                            Make your bid now 
                                            It's going, going, gone! 
That's a short one. 
Mary:  Wonder what it means? 
(Mary and Stone return to camp and share the message)
Matt:  Oh!  It's the, um… food auction. 
Scott:  Sweet! 

Reward Challenge - Auction House 
 (A wooden shelter sits in the middle of the woods.  Cut to shots of wallets with each of the Survivors' names.  The Survivors emerge from the foliage and enter.  Jeff is waiting)
Jeff:  Welcome.  For today's reward challenge, we thought we'd give you a break on the challenge and just make it pure reward.  You each have a personalized wallet.  Go ahead and open it up.  You each have 200 Missouri dollars inside. 
(The Survivors pull out the money and count it)
Jeff:  Just so you know in advance:  There's a predetermined number of items in this auction. The auction will end abruptly.  You can bid in $5 increments.  Feel free to share as long as you're pooling money.  OK, you guys ready to start? 
(The Survivors murmur "yes")
First item:  A mug of hot cocoa, along with some nice mini-marshmallows.  Tell me this isn't tempting.  We'll start the bidding at $30. 
Lauren: (Squealing) Chocolate!  $30! 
Mary:  40! 
Lauren:  50! 
Mary:  60! 
Lauren:  Mary!  Um, $80! 
Jeff:  Mary? 
(Mary's silent)
Jeff:  OK, going once, going twice, sold to Lauren for $80! 
(Lauren runs down, unable to contain her giddiness)
Jeff:  Pay up.  You got a bargain.  How is it? 
Lauren: (sipping) Ohmigawd!  This is the best hot chocalate ever! 
Jeff:  OK, next item.  A cheeseball and crackers.  We'll start the bidding at $50. 
Mary Lou:  $50. 
Scott:  Ooh.  I'll go 60. 
Mary Lou:  70! 
Scott:  80! 
Mary Lou:  90! 
Scott:  (Laughs)  I hate cheeseballs. 
Jeff:  Then I'll assume no one else is going to bid.  Going once, going twice, sold!  Mary Lou, come on down here! 
(Mary Lou goes down and picks up her cheese and crackers)
Mary Lou:  Ooh!  It's ranch. 
Joe:  You enjoy it, Mom. 
Jeff:  Next item:  An ice cold beer.  Somebody tell me this looks good. 
(No one bids)
Lauren:  Oh, that's right.  You people don't drink.  $5.00. 
Jeff:  5 going once, twice, sold! 
Lauren:  Let's see if I can still chug. 
(Sure enough, Lauren chugs down the beer)
Jeff:  How was it? 
Lauren:  Kind of skunky. 
(Jeff pulls out a bowl of ice cream)
Jeff:  That there is a banana split.  I'd say that's worth at least $80. 
Mary:  Ooh!  80! 
Joe:  I'll go 85. 
Mary:  100! 
Joe:  105. 
Mary:  120! 
Joe:  Too rich for my blood. 
Jeff:  OK.  120.  Going once, going twice.  Sold! 
Mary:  Mmm! 
Matt:  You done wiped yourself out for ice cream. 
Mary:  I don't care. 
Matt:  I'm waiting for some meat. 
Jeff:  Then maybe this will interest you, Matt.  Steak dinner. 
Matt:  $200! 
Jeff:  That's all your money.  Anyone want to pool money and go higher? 
Scott:  I'll pool with someone. 
Joe:  Oh, I'll take that.  Here's $50. 
Scott:  $250. 
Matt:  Jerks. 
Jeff:  Anyone want to give Big Matt a hand? 
(No one)
Jeff:  OK, $250 going once, going twice.  Sold!  Scott, Joe, get down here. 
(Jeff hands Scott a knife)
Jeff:  Why don't you cut into that? 
Scott:  No thanks.  I'm not really hungry. 
Joe:  More for me. 
(Matt seethes as he watches Joe take back the steak dinner)
Jeff:  Matt, here's a chance to redeem yourself.  (Pulling out a covered tray) Mystery item. 
Matt:  I don't know what it is. 
Jeff:  That's the risk.  Might be something really good.  Might be a gag.  Anyone? 
Stone:  $50. 
Jeff:  Mr. Stone thinks it's worth the risk.  Anyone else? 
(No one)
Jeff:  OK.  50 going once, going twice.  Sold!  Stone, get down here and see what you bought. 
(Stone comes down.  Jeff uncovers the tray)
Jeff:  You just bought...  Herbert River water.  Specially shipped from Australia. 
(Stone just glares at Jeff and dumps the water on the ground.
As he walks back, Scott stands up, looking angry)
Scott:  What are you staring at? 
Jeff:  Me? 
Scott:  Yes you, you perv. 
Jeff:  Um, whatever.  Next item.  (Jeff pulls out a plate of spaghetti) Spaghetti.  Who's got money left?  This is a time to get creative and pool your resources.  This auction will not go on forever. 
Matt:  $100. 
Jeff:  Matt bids $100.  Anyone else? 
Lauren:  How much you have left, Mary? 
Mary:  $80. 
Lauren:  I have $115.  Wanna pool? 
Mary:  OK. 
Lauren:  $195. 
Matt:  Ha!  $200! 
Jeff:  Anyone else?  OK, going once, going twice.  Sold to Matt for $200. 
Matt:  Sketty. 
(Matt retrieves his spaghetti and proceeds to inhale it)
Scott:  Stop looking at me! 
Jeff:  (Ignoring Scott)  Last item.  A large pepperoni pizza.  This has got to be worth a lot. 
Lauren:  Oh!  $150! 
Stone:  All I have. 
Jeff:  I believe $200 beats all. 
Lauren:  Mary Lou.  How much you have left? 
Mary Lou:  $110, but I couldn't do that to Robin. 
Lauren:  Sure you could.  Come on! 
Jeff:  It's nice and hot, Mary Lou. 
Mary Lou:  Oh, what the heck? 
Lauren:  $305. 
Jeff:  OK girls.  I believe this pizza is yours.  My friends, that's it.  This auction is officially closed. 
(Everyone walks away in high spirits, except for Stone)

(The Survivors return from the food auction)
Stone:  (grumbling) River water... 
Matt:  Why didn't you eat anything, Scott? 
Scott:  The way Probst was staring at me just made me lost my appetite. 
Lauren: (annoyed) OK, very funny. 
(Cut to a shot of a bird in a tree.  It becomes startled and flies away.
The sun drops in the sky and night falls.  Mary Lou, Joe,
and Stone sit off by themselves and have a strategy session)
Stone:  So which one goes next? 
Joe:  Well, after this morning, Lauren gets my vote. 
Mary Lou:  I swear that girl has no concept of other people. 
Stone:  (Chuckles) Try being in an alliance with her.  She certainly thinks she's running the show. 
Mary Lou:  So we're agreed on Lauren? 
Joe:  Yeah, Mom.  Although… 
Stone:  What? 
Joe:  Well, if we're thinking who we want to bring with us to the end, Lauren would make an ideal opponent in the final two. 
Mary Lou: Why would anyone want her to make it to the end of the game? 
Joe:  Because if you're up against someone very unlikable in the final vote, you're almost guaranteed to win. 
Stone:  Well, I'm willing to chance it and get rid of her. 
Mary Lou:  Me too. 
Joe:  OK, yeah.  It was just an idea. 
(Later, the entire group sits around the fire.  Stone grits his teeth as Lauren talks)
Lauren:  Worst part of the game so far, Mike coming on to me.  Second worst part, Joe coming on to me.  I suppose it's my cross to bear. 
Scott:  Yeah, it's almost as bad as when Jeff was staring at me. 
(Lauren dips her hand into the rice pot and eats what's left)
Lauren:  No one wanted that, did they? 
Stone:  That's it!  I've had it with you. 
Lauren:  Woah!  Forget to take your medication, Gramps? 
Stone:  You think you're clever, don't you?  I'll have you know that our alliance is planning to vote you out.  We were thinking of dragging you to the final four with us, but based on your behavior, you're the next to go. 
Lauren:  Excuse me?  You were going to drag me to the Final Four?  No one drags me. 
Stone:  Well, we aren't going to now. 
(Stone excuses himself)
Mary Lou: (Under her breath) Not a good idea, Robin. 
Scott: (Narrating) The old people seem pretty sure that they're going to be the final three.  That's not going to happen if I have anything to say about it.  (Yelling)  You hear that, peeping Probst? 
Mary: (Narrating) Oh, they were going to drag Lauren to the Final Four, were they?  And where does that leave the rest of us?  I don't like it when people make assumptions. 
(Night shot of a coyote trotting along.  Cut to sunrise.  Scott's at  the
pond bathing.  There's a rustling in the bushes.  Scott turns to the camera)
Scott:  What was that?  (Pointing to something in the distance)  Hey !  (Talking to the camera)  Zoom in on that!  It's a guy! 
Scott:  (Narrating)  I was washing my nubile young body today and I heard a noise.  I looked off in the distance and saw Jeff Probst hiding in the bushes watching me.  Should you guys let him out of his cage during the day?  He could hurt someone running around like that. 
(Scott runs back into camp)
Scott:  You guys aren't going to believe this!  Jeff Probst was spying on me while I was taking my bath! 
Mary:  No, he wasn't! 
Scott:  Yes he was.  He had a pair of binoculars.  The cameramen all saw him.  He likes to watch young men cleanse themselves. 
Mary Lou:  I don't believe that for a moment, you joker. 
Scott:  No, really!  He was staring at my firm, naked body with undisguised lust. 
Matt:  Don't we all? 
Scott:  Matt, I'm serious.  Jeff Probst was staring at me. 
Lauren: (very annoyed) OK, we get it. 
Lauren: (Narrating) I can't believe how far Scott is taking this joke.  I think he has some of the older people convinced he isn't lying. 
Joe: (Narrating) I heard a rumor that Jeff is a homosexual.  Is that true? 
Mary Lou:  (Narrating) Oh, you know what they say about the boy who cried wolf. 
(Filler shot.  A hummingbird darting in and out of a flower.  Matt and Mary are out hiking)
Matt:  Hurry up. 
Mary:  OK, OK!   Don't walk so fast! 
(They continue along when Mary lets out a little scream)
Matt:  What? 
Mary:  There's a huge toad! 
Matt:  Let me see it. 
(Close up on the toad.  It is indeed huge.  Matt grabs a stick and
pokes at it.  It hops towards Mary, who jumps back and screams)
Matt:  It ain't gonna hurt you. 
Mary:  I know.  It jumped at me. 
(Suddenly, the toad jumps at Matt.  It lands right on his boot,
and he stumbles back, startled.  Mary starts laughing at him)
Mary:  Look at the big tough man now! 
Matt:  Dumb thing. 
(Matt picks up a rock)
Matt:  Get back. 
Mary:  Matt, don't! 
(The toad jumps at Matt.  He sidearms the rock at it and nails it the head.  It dies)
Matt:  Got it! 
Mary:  Matt!  You killed it! 
Matt:  Yeah, so? 
Mary:  It wasn't doing anything. 
Matt:  Well, it shouldn't have messed with me. 
Mary:  Oooh, you killed something 1/20th your size.  I'm so impressed. 
Matt:  It's just a toad. 
Mary:  Yeah, well how'd you like it if someone killed you 'cause you were just a dork? 
Matt:  You're the dork. 
Mary: (Narrating) It was completely unnecessary to kill that toad.  He didn't even feel sorry about it.  Matt is so mean. 
Matt:  (Narrating, sarcastic) Oh no, a toad died. Why don't you cry, Mary? 
(Close up of a fly landing on the dead toad.  Joe and Stone go for Tree Mail)
Joe:  It really wasn't a good idea to tell them we were going to drag one of them to the Final Four.  They can still gang up on us. 
Stone:  I know.  She just made me so angry. 
Joe:  Well, let's see what immunity is, eh?  (Reading) 
Throughout the game 
Your muscles strained 
Now is the time 
To use your brain 
Last one standing 
Is immune 
So think darn hard 
Ya wrinkled prune 
Stone:  Well, I'm glad we'll be using the old noggin. (chuckles) Even if mine isn't on straight. 

Immunity Challenge -  Puzzlor 
(A huge square, made of 64 wooden tiles, sits in a flat field.
The Survivors emerge from the woods.  Jeff is waiting for them.)
Jeff:  Gather round.  Today's immunity challenge doesn't involve endurance or athletic ability or any of the things our previous challenges have.  This one is pure brain power.  You'll each take a position on the perimeter of this giant board.  You'll take turns moving.  Every time you move, turn over the square behind you.  You cannot step on a space that's been turned over.  Once you can no longer take another step, you're out.  Last one standing wins immunity. 
(The Survivors arrange themselves like so:
 • = Stone   • = Joe  • = Lauren  • = Scott  • = Matt  • = Mary Lou  • = Mary )
Jeff:  OK, we've drawn randomly for the order.  Mr. Stone will go first.  After that, we'll move counter clockwise around the board, so Joe's next, then Lauren, with Mary moving last. 
(Stone takes a step up, turning over the tile behind him. Joe moves right.  Lauren attempts to trap Joe by moving left.  Scott moves down, Matt moves right, Mary Lou steps diagonally down and right, and Mary moves up.  The board now looks like this: 
Jeff: Stone!  Your turn. 
(Stone moves up.  Joe's next)
Joe:  Lauren, I believe you have me trapped. 
(Joe steps right into the corner)
Lauren:  You could've moved diagonally. 
Joe:  Whoops. 
(Lauren moves up.  Scott moves down)
Scott:  Jeff!  This is really getting old!  Stop staring! 
(Matt steps right, Mary Lou goes up, and Mary goes up.  The board looks like this:
(Next round.  Stone goes diagonally up and left.  Joe stands and looks around)
Jeff:  Joe!  Have a seat! 
Joe:  Shows how smart I am! 
(Lauren moves up, Scott moves down, Matt goes right again, Mary Lou heads up, and Mary goes up and left to try to escap Stone's trap.  Here's the board:
(Stone moves up, Lauren goes diagonally up and left to get away from Scott)
Lauren:  You can't trap me that easily. 
(Scott also moves up and left.  Matt moves down, Mary Lou goes right, and Mary goes up)
Mary:  I'm just slowly dying over here. 
(The breakdown now:
(Stone goes diagonally up and right.  Lauren moves diagonally down and left.  Scott steps up, Matt goes
diagonally down and left.  Mary Lou moves down, Mary moves up.  The board:)
(Stone moves right, hoping to trap Mary Lou.  Lauren goes down.  Scott moves diagonally down and left.  Matt moves left, sealing Mary Lou's fate.  Mary Lou goes right.  Mary has no where to go)
Jeff:  Mary.  Come join Joe. 
Mary:  Nuts! 
(Where we stand:
(Stone moves down and right.  Lauren moves down and left.  Scott goes down.  Matt, in a tricky crossover, goes down and left.  Mary Lou takes a step to the right)
Mary Lou:  Oh dear... 
(The board:
Jeff:  The game is winding down... 
(Stone moves down.  Lauren goes left.  Scott moves down and left.  Matt goes left.
Mary Lou continues her death march to the right.  The standings:)
(Stone moves left, Lauren moves up, Scott moves left, and Matt moves down.  Mary Lou can't move anywhere)
Jeff:  Mary Lou, join us.  I think this is foregone. 
(The board:
(Stone has no where to go.  He steps out.  Lauren takes the last space, to her right.  Scott and Matt are unable to move.)
Jeff:  Lauren!  Immunity! 
(Jeff hands Lauren the Immunity Talisman)
Jeff:  How 'bout doing us the honor of turning the rest of these over? 
Lauren:  Mmm... No. 
(Lauren walks off, leaving the tiles unturned.  The other Survivors follow)

(It's raining.  All seven Survivors are huddled in the hut)
Mary:  I hate it when it rains.  There's nothing to do. 
Lauren:  I don't know, it's kind of peaceful.  (Starts singing a Brittney Spears song) 
(Mary joins in, much to Matt's dismay.  He gets up and walks out into the rain)
Lauren:  Not a music lover, I guess. 
Scott:  He'd have to hear music first. 
Matt: (Narrating) Those girls are so annoying.  (falsetto) Look at me.  I can sing. 
(Later, the rain's died down.  Mary Lou, Joe, and Stone discuss strategy)
Stone:  Well, we can't vote Lauren.  Who goes? 
Mary Lou:  Well, as much as I like him, Scott's tough in the challenges. 
Joe:  Yeah, that's what I was going to say, Mom.  He's too big a threat not to go now. 
(Scott and Matt sit off by themselves.  Mary and Lauren approach them)
Lauren:  Guys. 
Scott:  Yes? 
Lauren:  Look, if we don't do something about the nursing home alliance now, we're all gone.  We need to vote together. 
Matt:  Yeah right. 
(Matt gets up and leaves.  Scott shrugs and follows him)
Scott:  Matt, I think they're right here.  This is our last chance to stay in the game. 
Matt:  I'm not voting with Lauren.  Why can't we join up with the old folk and vote her and Mary off? 
Scott:  Dude… 
Lauren:  (Narrating) If Matt won't come around tonight, he's going to blow the game for all of us. 
Stone:  (Narrating) I'm counting on the fact that the young people won't band together.  They dislike each other too much. 
Tribal Council # 10 
(The Survivors enter)
Jeff:  Guys, have a seat.  We'll bring in our jury.  We're up to two now. 
(Jake and Jonny enter.  They both wear towels on their heads as turbans)
Jeff:  OK, first things first.  In answer to certain allegations, I was not watching Scott bathe.  I was nowhere near Scott when he was bathing.  In fact, I was helping set up the Immunity Challenge. 
Scott:  Uh-huh.  If you were "setting up," then why was it a repeat challenge? 
Jeff: (Ignoring Scott) Matt, has the introduction of the black vote changed your strategy at all? 
Matt:  No, sir. 
Jeff:  Lauren, as someone who received a black vote last time, has it got you thinking? 
Lauren:  Not really, Jeff.  I can't control how the people voted off are going to behave.  If Jonny decided to vote for me last time, his vote's going to be wasted tonight. 
Scott:  Stop staring at me! 
Jeff:  (Slightly agitated) Stone, what's your strategy at this point in the game? 
Stone:  I plan to stay true to my alliance and keep giving it all I have. 
Jeff:  Mary Lou, how do you balance the ruthlessness needed to get to the final two with the niceness needed to win a jury vote? 
Mary Lou:  I'll just keep being myself, Jeff. 
Scott:  Is that an immunity idol in your pocket, or are you happy to see me? 
Jeff: (angry) It's time to vote.  Scott!  Get your scrawny a** over there. 
Scott:  You would know. 
(Scott goes to vote.  We don't see it.  He's followed by Lauren.  She votes for Stone)
Lauren:  (Blows a kiss) When I get to the Final Four, I'll send you a postcard. 
(Mary's up next.  We don't see it.  Mary Lou is after her.  She votes for Scott)

Mary Lou:  You're a funny guy, but you're also a threat in the challenges. 

(Joe's up next.  We don't see.  He's followed by Matt.  We don't see his, either)
Matt:  Strategy. 
(Finally, Stone votes.  He puts his vote in the canister and returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes. 
(Jeff leaves and returns with the canister)
Jeff:  Just a reminder.  Once the votes have been read, the decision is final.  The person will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.  First vote: 
That's three votes Stone, three votes Scott. 
Black Vote: 
And look at this:  Stone.   Mr. Stone, I need you to bring me your torch. 
Stone:  Darn it. 
(Stone brings Jeff his torch)
Jeff:  Mr. Stone, the tribe has spoken.  (Snuffs his torch) It's time for you to go. 
(Stone exits)
Jeff:  Six people.  Three pairs.  Tie ballgame. I'll let you guys get back to camp. 
Scott:  See you in the morning, honey. 
(The Survivors exit)  
Stone's final words:  Well, for me this game has been a series of disappointments and betrayals.  Not one alliance I've built has stood the test of time.  (Chuckles)  Maybe it's just shoddy craftsmanship.  What can I say?  I gave it my best, and I didn't win.  I'll be keeping an eye on y'all.  Don't do anything I wouldn't do. 

 Voting Record:
Scott:  Stone
Lauren:  Stone
Mary:  Stone
Mary Lou:  Scott
Joe:  Scott
Matt:  Stone
Stone:  Scott
Jonny:  Stone

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