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Episode 7 – Blood or Water?
Jeff: (Narrating) Previously on Survivor:
At Denson, Scott felt vulnerable and Jake slept in.  At Velasquez, Mary broke away from Lauren.  The Reward Challenge was the 2nd Annual Survivor shootout.  After a close opener, Matt dominated the final round and won Velasquez a steak dinner.  After the reward, Mary strengthened her "FBC Alliance" with Matt and Jonny.  Lauren sided with Mike and Stone.  At Denson, the first chicken was killed and eaten. The Immunity Challenge involved building a distress signal.  Denson's signal was superior, and they won immunity.  At Velasquez, Lauren realized that a tie at Tribal Council would result in her being ousted.  In desperation, she promised Matt, Jonny, and Mary that if they kept her around, she'd help them vote out Mike. Fortunately for her, they agreed to her plea.  Mike was voted out by the shaky new alliance.
Tonight, strategies and friendships will shift as the two tribes merge into one.  Who will be the first person voted out of the new tribe?
Theme Song

(It's Dawn at Velasquez)
Matt (Narrating) Well, last night we had to choose to vote out Mike or Lauren.  I don’t like either of them, but I liked Mike less.
Lauren (Narrating) This morning, I’m… elated.  Not only am I still here, but I’ve regained some control.  I actually convinced those three idiots to vote the way I wanted.  It’s a whole new game, and I’m at least partially in charge of it.
(Matt, Jonny, Mary, and Lauren sit around the fire)
Lauren:  So this is how I see the rest of the game going… First one to go after the merge is the red-haired guy.
Jonny: Scott?
Lauren:  Yeah, he’s way too much of a loose cannon.
(Jonny and Matt start to protest)
Lauren:  No, no, no!  Stay with me on this… if it’s going to be us four till the end, certain sacrifices are going to have to be made.  Now after Red goes…
Jonny: (Narrating) Pfft!  Lauren thinks she has this whole thing figured out.  What makes her so sure we’re sticking with her till the end?  So we voted with her once.  That doesn't make us an alliance.
(Off to the side, Stone cleans the cooking pot)
Stone: (Narrating) Mike was really the hope I was clinging to in this game.  I can’t say I’ll miss him that much.  The boy was a cuss and a braggart.  But he was also strong.  Far stronger than this weary old man.  I’d hoped to ride his strength all the way to the final two.  So now, I’m going to have to make some changes in my strategy.
(Stone continues scrubbing at the pot.  Back by the fire, Lauren
continues talking.  Cut to shots of Matt, Jonny, and Mary rolling
their eyes.  Pan up to the sky.  Helicopter shot flying
over trees, overhead shot of Camp Denson)

(Scott plays with Les Sachs the dog.  The Family Alliance stands in the hut, having a discussion)
Mary Lou:  So how is this going to work, then?
Nikki:  There are only four of us against six of them.  So we’re definitely not invincible anymore.  So yeah…  I don’t know.
Joe:  What we need to do is get a fifth alliance member.  Am I right, Jakkum?
Jake:  Yeah.  We’re gonna need five at this point in the game.  Now, assuming Matt didn't get voted out last night…
Mary Lou:  Do you expect him to still honor our alliance?
Jake:  I don’t see Matt backing out on a deal.  Once he joins back up, we’ll be five strong.  Unless the other five are really unified, we should be able to Pagong ‘em.
Nikki:  “Pagongum?”
Jake:  (annunciating) Pagong them.  Pick them off one by one.  It’s a term from the first Survivor.
Nikki: Oh, OK.
Joe: (Motioning out of the hut) And what about Scott?
Jake:  He’s on his own.  See, that’s why we have the advantage here.
Nikki:  How do you figure?
Jake:  Coming into the merge, we have our five already.  All the leftovers are going to have to scramble around and partner up with people they don’t really like or trust.
(Matt and Jonny are alone now)
Matt:  So at the merge it’s me, you, Jake, and Scott.
Jonny:  Didn’t you say that Jake was already in an alliance, though?
Matt:  Well, I was thinking he’d leave them to come with us.
Jonny:  I don’t know.  I don’t think Jake would just pack up and leave his alliance.
Matt:  Yeah he will.  We’re his friends.  He told me at the beginning that me and him was going all the way.
Jonny:  The game’s changed a little since the beginning.
Matt:  Jake’s with us.
Jonny:  So you say...
Jonny: (Narrating) Big Matt seems to think Jake’s going to join our alliance.  But I’m not so sure.  I’d really like to tell Mary and Lauren to kiss off, but I’m not sure I can afford to do that yet.
(On the other side of camp, Lauren pulls Mary off to the side)
Lauren:  Are you sure you can trust those two?
Mary: (Flippantly) Yeah.  I trust them.
(Mary walks away)
Lauren: (Narrating) I don't like the people I'm aligned with.  But you know what?  I have no choice but to side with them.  From what I've heard, the other team has a strong group of four that I'm going to have to contend with.  That's why I think it's a good idea for our alliance to snatch up Mr. Stone.
(Stone tends to the fire.  Lauren approaches)
Stone:  Well hello, Lauren.  (chuckles) Here to help me with the fire?
Lauren:  (sharply)  Cram it!  Listen gramps, without an alliance, you're done.  We need a fifth member, you need to stay in the game.  Now, do we have a deal?
Stone:  Well, I don't know, Lauren.   The other –
Lauren:  Yes or no?
Stone:  OK. I'm with you. Just tell me how to vote.
Lauren:  Good.
(Lauren leaves)
Stone: (Narrating) Not exactly my first choice for an alliance, but I guess beggars can't be choosers.  At this point in the game, it's my only chance.
(Jake and Nikki go for Tree Mail)
Nikki:  The Jakemeister.  The Jake-o-rama.  Jake-o-matic bubble.  What's it say?
Jake:  Let's see:  (Jake skims the message)  Better take this back to camp.
(Jake and Nikki arrive back at Camp)
Joe:  What is it?
Jake:  OK, listen to this: (reading)    You've all seen Velasquez
                                                             Oh wait- we're lame
                                                             Scott and Joe have lived here
                                                             For all of the game
                                                             Send 'em on over
                                                             But prepare a feast
                                                             You've got guests comin'
                                                             Ya gaggle of beasts
So, um, Joe and Scott need to hike over to Velasquez, and I guess we're entertaining whoever's left of our tribe.
Mary Lou:  So they're reuniting the old tribes?

Jake:  Looks like.

(Mary reads Tree Mail to the tribe)
Mary: (reading)    You've all been to Denson
                              Oh wait- we're lame
                              Stone and Matt have lived here
                              For all of the game
                               Send 'em on over
                               But prepare a feast
                               You've got guests comin'
                               Ya gaggle of beasts
So we have to send Matt and Mr. Stone to Denson.
Stone:  Fine by me.
Matt:  Yeah.
(Scott and Joe pack their bags and prepare to leave)
Joe:  OK, I guess we'll see you sometime before Tribal Council.
Mary Lou:  But you know how we're voting if we don't?
Joe:  Sure thing, Mom.
Scott:  Hurry up, man!
Joe:  Coming!
(Joe and Scott depart from camp.  Les Sachs follows them.  The tribe waves goodbye)
Joe:  Well Scott, I guess we'll be seeing our old teammates again.
Scott:  Yeah.  I've missed Lauren a lot.
Joe:  Really?
Scott: (Laughs) No.  Being sarcastic, man.
(Elsewhere, Stone and Matt are walking to Denson)
Stone:  So Matt, I've never really had much chance to talk to you.  What do you plan to do with your life?
Matt:  Oh, I dunno.  I'm working in a factory right now.
Stone:  Really?  Do you have any interest in art?
Matt:  Can't say that I do.
(Cut back to Scott and Joe)
Scott: (Pointing) Hey, isn't that them?
Joe:  I think so.
Scott:  (Yelling) Matt Kilborne!
(Cut back to Matt and Stone.  Matt looks around)
Matt:  Did you hear that?
Stone:  Hear what?  (Chuckles) They say your ears are the first things to go.
(There's a high pitched trilling)
Matt: (Nodding) It's Scott.
(The four approach one another)
Scott:  Here are a couple of fine-looking young ladies.  Where you headed?
Matt:  We're going to Denson.
Scott:  We're on our way to Velasquez.
(Matt looks like he wants to talk to Scott, but refrains with Joe and Stone there)
Stone:  (To Joe) I don't believe we've met.  Edwin Stone.
Joe:  Joe Smith.
Stone:  Good to meet you Joe.  (chuckles)  Nice to see some gray hair for a change.
Joe:  Well, there's not as much of it to be gray as there used to be.
Stone:  (Chuckles) Is that right?  Well, we won't keep you.
Joe:  Yeah, see you fellas later.
(The four start to separate)
Matt:  Hey Scott,  Jonny was wanting to talk to you.
Scott:  Oh, OK.
(The Survivors continue their hikes.  Pan over the forest to Camp Denson.  Jake keeps a lookout)
Jake:  Hey!  Here they come!  It's Matt and Mr. Stone!
Mary Lou:  Good.  Supper should be ready in a few minutes.
(Stone and Matt enter camp)
Jake:  Well lickee me!  It's Matt Kilbourn!
Nikki:  Hey, you guys!  Welcome back!
Stone: (sniffs) Something smells good.
Mary Lou:  Well, I'm making chicken soup.
Stone:  That sounds delicious.
(Stone, Mary Lou, and Nikki go off to check on supper)
Jake:  Matt, can I talk to you for a second?
Matt:  Yeah.
Jake:  You still with us, man?
Matt:  You still with me?
Jake:  Yeah, like I said, I'm sticking with you till the end.
Matt:  Good.  I told Jonny you was with us.
Jake:  Jonny?
Matt:  Yeah.  You, me, Jonny, and Scott.
Jake:  Aw crap…
Matt:  What?
Jake:  Matt, I'm still in my family alliance.  With Joe and you, that makes us a solid five.
Matt:  What about Jonny and Scott?
Jake:  Matt, you can't have too big of an alliance.  Up past five or so, it doesn't really work.  It'd just break into a couple smaller alliances anyway.
Matt:  But I told Jonny we was an alliance.  You, me, Scott, and Jonny.
Jake:  No, that's not going to work.  'Cause we need you for our alliance.
Matt:  No, we need you for our alliance.
Jake: (Narrating)  Well, I'm now in deep doo doo.  Matt wants me to abandon the family and join up in a smaller alliance with him and Jonny and Scott.
Matt:  (Narrating)  It makes me mad.  Jake's trying to back out on our alliance.
(Jake and Matt eat soup in silence while Nikki and Mary Lou
happily converse.  Neither seems to be happy with the other)

(Scott, Joe, and Les Sachs arrive at Velasquez.  Mary's the first to see them)
Mary:  Hey!  It's Scott and Joe!
(The rest of Velasquez quickly gathers around)
Jonny:  I didn't think we'd see you guys till we merged.
Joe:  Well, we're here now.
Lauren:  Well, we just made some rice, so I guess you guys can have some of that if you're hungry.
Joe:  Yeah sure, that sounds wonderful.
(Scott pulls Jonny aside.  Lauren hangs back and eavesdrops on them)
Scott:  Matt said you wanted to talk to me.
Jonny:  You saw Matt?
Scott:  Yeah, we met up on the way over.
Jonny:  Oh, OK.  Matt wants to make an alliance with him, me, you, and Jake.
Scott:  I don't know if Jake will do that, man.
Jonny:  Yeah, that's what I said.
(Lauren interrupts)
Lauren:  So you and Matt are going behind my back, are you?
Jonny:  Yes.  We are.  Voting with you once doesn't make us an alliance.  LAUREN, WE DON'T LIKE YOU.  WE DON'T WANT TO BE AN ALLIANCE WITH YOU.
Lauren:  You're going to regret this, you little s***.  Hey Mary!
(Lauren walks off)
Scott:  Was that smart?
Jonny:  I don't care.  I'm sick of her crap.
Mary:  (Narrating) So Lauren tells me that Jonny and Matt were forming another alliance without us.  That makes me just a little mad.  (Sighs)  I guess we're back to girls versus boys.  (Pause)  Girl power!
Joe: (Narrating)  Once we got to Velasquez, the place just exploded.  Whatever kinds of alliances they had going over here just exploded once Scott got here.  It just makes me glad that my alliance is solid.  
(It's now late at night.  Jake speaks in hurried whispers with Nikki and Mary Lou)
Jake:  Matt doesn't want back in.  He has another alliance now.
Nikki:  So what does that mean?
Jake:  Four of us.  Six of them.  Not good odds.
Nikki:  Not at all.
(Cut to a shot of the stars rushing by.  Segue to dawn.
A deer munches on grass.  Tree Mail blows in the breeze) 

(Joe picks up Tree Mail by himself.  He returns to camp)
Joe:  OK guys!  Pack up!  We have fifteen minutes to gather as much as we can carry.  We're all moving to a new location.
Scott:  Pack up what?  This isn't even our camp.
Jonny:  Hey, yeah...  This is mostly their stuff.
Scott:  Watch this!
(Scott kicks Velasquez's TV.  It falls over backwards and explodes when it hits the ground)
Jonny:  Woah!  Did you see the way that thing blew up!
Lauren: (Irrate) You idiots!  What are you doing?
Scott: (Tearing down Velasquez's hut)  It's not our stuff. 
(The Survivors are being good and packing everything up)
Jake:  Matt, can you help me with this fishing gear?
Matt: (coldly) I don't know.
Jake:  Matt, I told you I'd think about it.
(Matt walks away and picks up something else.  Jake sighs.
 Both tribes leave camp and start on their ways.  Cut back and forth
between the tribes as they walk through the Missouri wilderness.
Cut to a Helicopter shot of a new camp with a Red Survivor Flag.  A hut
has already been built.  Velasquez gets there first, and Denson soon arrives.
There's a huge clamor as everyone begins talking at once)
Lauren: (bitter) Sorry if some of your stuff's missing.  (motioning to Jonny and Scott)  These two thought it'd be more fun to disassemble camp than to carry stuff.
Jake: (Ignoring Lauren) Jonny Weir!
Jonny:  Jake Kropf!
(Mary approaches Nikki and Mary Lou)
Mary:  Hi!
Mary Lou:  Hello.
Mary:  You're Jake's grandma, right?  I'm Mary Hercules.
Nikki:  Hercules?  Like the strongman?
Mary:  (rolling her eyes)  Yes.
Joe:  Everybody!  If I could interrupt!
(Everyone shuts up)
Joe:  We found this crate sitting here when we got arrived.
Lauren:  Well?  What are we waiting for?  Open it up!
(Joe and Stone pry open the crate.  Stone pulls a piece of paper out of the top)
Stone: (reading) Welcome to your new home for the rest of the game.  You are now one tribe.  Your tribal color is red.  You'll need to come up with a new tribal name and create a new flag.
To help the process along, here's a little housewarming gift.
(Stone tilts the crate forward.  It's full of crackers, cheese, fruit,
and wine.  All the girls begin screaming.  Closeup of Matt rolling
his eyes.  Everyone starts grabbing food and eating)
Jake:  (grumbling) Crackers and cheese.  Why do they give finger foods to starving people?
Lauren:  Who wants some of this wine?
Stone:  I don't drink.
Joe:  Neither do I.
(There are murmurs throughout the Survivors)
Lauren:  Oh, come on?  I'm the only one who drinks?  OK, then.  I can't think of a better time get wasted.
(Lauren takes a big swig of the wine)
Jake: (Narrating) Since Lauren's the only one of us who drinks, she drank the whole bottle of wine they gave us.  You know how some people are funny when they're drunk?  Um, not Lauren.  She just got bi- um, witchier.
Lauren: (slurred, to Jonny) You made a big mistake f***ing with me!  I'm going to take you down!
(There's an awkward silence)
Joe:  (Changing the subject)  We need to decide on a name for ourselves.
Lauren:  I have a name for us!  (She starts into a cheer)  We are…  S. S!  We are… S.S!  We'll be the Cardinals!
Jake:  The Cardinals Tribe?
Lauren:  Yeah.  You got a problem with that, geek?
Joe:  Does anyone else have a suggestion?
Lauren:  (Screaming)  We're going to be called the Cardinals!
Joe:  OK, OK!
Jonny:  (Narrating)  So we're called the Cardinals, since Lauren wouldn't shut up.  I thought the name had to sound tribal.
(Cut to a shot of the sunset.  A possum sneaks through
the underbrush.  Les Sachs barks at it.  A figure approaches in the moonlight)
Matt:  Is someone coming?
(The figure enters the camp.  It's Jeff Probst)
Mary:  It's Jeff!
Mary Lou:  Well, welcome to our new home, Jeff!
Jeff:  Thank you.  You guys settled in?  Why don't you guys follow me?  We're not going far.
(The Survivors get up and follow Jeff out of camp.  He leads them
to a little gully off to the side of their camp.  Several
rectangular holes have been dug in the ground)

Immunity Challenge - Pine Pajamas
Jeff:  So, you're officially merged.  A new tribe, a new game.  You’re no longer playing for team immunity.  Individual immunity is now at stake.  (Shining a flashlight on a butt-ugly necklace)  This is what you covet.  Wear this, you’re immune from Tribal Council.  You cannot be voted out.
Tonight, we're having a very interesting challenge.  It's called “Pine Pajamas.”  We have here ten wooden coffins, one for each of you.  You’re gonna lower yourselves into the coffins and just lay there.  Obviously not for the claustrophobic.
Raise any part of your body above the rim of the box, you’re out.  Fall asleep, you’re out.   This challenge is all about willpower.  Since you won’t be able to see your opponents, you won’t ever really know how well you’re doing.  You may think you’ve been laying there for days, and it could end up being just a few minutes.  I think that time’s going to take on a whole new meaning for you guys in this challenge.
OK.  You guys ready?
(The Survivors murmur and split up. They each pick out a coffin and lower themselves into it)
Jeff:  OK, remember, any part leaves the coffin, you’re out!  This is for immunity.  Survivors ready?  (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(The Survivors lay flat.  Cut to shots of each Survivor laying in their coffin.  Jake has his arms crossed on his chest, staring up at the sky.  Scott seems fairly comfortable.  Jonny and Matt lay fairly still.  Joe, Mary Lou, and Stone look like they're having a hard time getting comfortable.  Nikki and Mary squirm considerably.  Lauren's clumsily draped back.  She struggles to keep her eyes open.
After just fifteen minutes, Lauren's snoring loudly.  Jeff nudges her with a stick.)
Jeff:  Lauren, you fell asleep.  You're done.
Lauren:  S***!
(Lauren gets out and stumbles back to camp to sleep off her drunkenness)
Jeff:  Who will go next?
(Jake continues to stare at the sky.  Matt and Jonny both look around their coffins in boredom.
Nikki tries to adjust her position.  She accidentally sticks a leg above the rim of the coffin)
Jeff:  Nikki!  Your leg.  It came out.
Nikki:  Oops!  (Laughing)  I lasted long.
(Nikki gets out and goes to join Lauren at camp.  Stone, Joe, and Mary Lou
are all tossing around in their coffins quite a bit.  Stone finally stands up)
Stone:  My back can't take this.  That wood's too hard.
Scott:  (Calling from in his coffin)  I know what you mean, man.  I give up, too.
(Scott doesn't actually get up.  Stone shrugs and walks back to camp.  Time elapses.
 A loud snoring begins to emanate from Joe's coffin.  Jeff nudges him with the stick)
Jeff:  Joe!  You fell asleep.  You're outta here.
(Joe shuffles out of the coffin and back to camp.  More time passes.  Mary Lou stands up)
Mary Lou:  I'm sorry, but I just can't take it anymore.
(Mary Lou walks back to camp.  By now, it's very late into the night)
Jeff:  OK, time to make this interesting.  There's a small door by your heads in your coffins.  We're going to open it and let a few rats in.
(Cut to inside Mary's coffin.  A small door slided open.  A rat peeks out, then
scurries into the coffin.  It crawls up onto her belly.  She screams and jumps up)
Jeff:  Mary's out.
(Cut to a quick montage of Jonny, Matt, Jake, and Scott.  Jonny's pressed
up in the corner to avoid the rats.  Matt has killed his rats
with his pocket knife.  Jake and Scott lie there
and allow the rats to crawl around on them)
Jeff:  OK.  How about a little more company?
(Close-up of the door.  A huge tarantula crawls out.  Cut to Jonny.
 When he sees the spider, he lets out a little yelp and jumps up)
Jonny:  There's no way I'm staying in there with that thing!
(There's a loud thump.  Cut to Matt, who's just flattened his
tarantula.Jake continues to stare at the sky.  Scott has his
arms behind his head and still looks quite comfortable. The spiders
and rats crawl around on them.  More time elapses.  The sun starts to rise.
 All the Survivors but Lauren get up and come out to watch the challenge.
 Eventually, even Lauren stumbles out, completely hung over)
Jeff:  OK, we've tried scaring you out.  Now how 'bout a bribe?  First one of you guys to get out gets a full breakfast.  You got your bacon, your eggs, your pancakes, and your juice.  We have hot coffee, if you're so inclined.
(No one budges)
Jeff:  No takers?  Then I guess I'll let these guys-
Matt:  Ah, what the heck?
(Matt stands up)
Jeff:  OK, Matt, this is all yours.
(Jake jumps up)
Jake:  And I believe that necklace is mine!
Jeff:  Sorry, Jake.  This necklace is Scott's.
(Jake's face falls.  He jerks his head over and sees Scott standing up.  He's laughing)
Jake:  You jerk!  You faked me out.
Scott:  I thought I'd get someone with that.
Jeff:  OK, it's been a long night, but Scott, you win immunity!
(Scott puts on the necklace, Matt chows down on breakfast.  Everyone returns to camp)

Mary:  (Narrating) The mood around camp is one of pure strategy.  Matt and Jonny tried to form another alliance behind me and Lauren's backs.  So we went to Mr. Stone.
Jake: (Narrating) By my count, we have three alliances.  The Family, Jonny, Matt, and Scott, and then Mary, Lauren, and Stone by default.  This is my dilemma.  Do I stick with my family and try to take out six people, three of which I happen to be pretty good friends with?  I'm not even sure we can do it.
(The Family is having a heated discussion)
Jake:  But what I'm saying is that if the other six band together, we're screwed.  Plus, look at our previous votes.  Grandma has five, Uncle Joe has two, and I have two.  A four vote tie could be fatal for any of us.
Joe:  Jakkum, you've come with us this far.  You can't back out now.
Nikki:  Yeah, Jake.  What's it gonna be?
Joe:  Blood is thicker than water, Jakkum.
Jake:  I don't know, OK.  I just don't know.
(Far off shot of Jake talking to Matt.  Neither looks pleased.  Stone watches)
Stone:  (Narrating)  I think Jake's doing a bit of flip-flopping.  So our alliance really needs to decide what to do about that.  There might be some way we can exploit it.
Lauren: (Narrating)  Tribal Council's going to be war.  My alliance isn't directly involved, but we're three votes.  We could make all the difference in who goes tonight.
Mary Lou:  (Narrating)  For the first time since Day 3, I'm worried.  I could go tonight, and it could be my own grandson who sends me home.
(Close up on Jake.  He looks haggard) 

Tribal Council # 7 

(The tribe enters)
Jeff:  Welcome to your first Tribal Council as the Cardinals.  Unfortunately, you're going to have to vote someone out of your new tribe.  Let's talk about the immunity challenge.  How was it being trapped in those coffins?
Mary Lou:  Oh, it was terrible, Jeff.  I'm not very comfortable in closed spaces to begin with.  I'm just glad I got out before the bugs started coming in.
Jeff:  Jake, you thought you had immunity, only to have it snatched away.  How did that feel?
Jake:  It sucked.  It'd feel a lot better about tonight if I had that immunity necklace.
Jeff:  Scott, you do have the immunity necklace.  How are you feeling tonight?
Scott:  (Laughs loudly)  I am invincible!
Jeff:  Let me just ask.  Do Tribal lines play any part in the way you guys are going to vote tonight?
Jonny:  Denson and Velasquez don't have anything to do with anything.  We had our impressions of each other coming into this, and the tribes didn't do much to change those.
Jeff:  Lauren, did the tribal experience change your opinions about anyone?
Lauren:  No, not really.  I still feel about the same now as I did coming into this game.  It was about me on Day 1 and it's still about me.
Jeff:  OK.  I can't wait to see how the vote goes tonight.  Mary Lou, you're up first.
(Mary Lou walks to the voting booth and writes down Matt)
Mary Lou:  You can't have it both ways, Matt.  I wish you the best of luck.
(Mary's up next.  We don't see her vote.  Following her is Lauren.  She votes for Mary Lou)
Lauren:  I hear you have a lot of votes.  This is hoping we bust up your alliance.
(Up next is Jonny.  We don't see.  Stone votes, then sits down.  Matt is next.  We don't see his vote)
Matt:  Breaking up the alliance.
(Joe's next, followed by Nikki.  She votes for Matt)
Nikki:  Sorry, Matt.  You should've stuck with our deal.
(Joe votes next, followed by Scott.  Finally, Jake votes.  We don't see it)
Jake:  I wish I didn't have to do this.  But I do.  So suck.
(Jake returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff leaves and returns with the voting canister)
Jeff:  Just a reminder.  Once the votes are read, the decision is final.  The person will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.  First vote:
Mary Lou
Mary Lou
That's two votes Matt, two votes Mary Lou.
Mary Lou
Three votes Matt, three votes Mary Lou.

Three votes Matt, three votes Mary Lou, three votes Nikki.  And the final vote:

(Nikki looks completely shocked)
Nikki:  Me?
Jeff:  Nikki, I need you to bring me your torch.
Nikki: (To Jake) I can't believe you did that.
Jake:  I'm sorry.
Jeff:  Nikki, the tribe has spoken.  It's time for you to go.
(Nikki exits)
Jeff:  Well, I think the look on Nikki's face said more than I ever could.  I'll let you guys get back to camp.
Nikki's final words:  Wow!  I- I really wasn't expecting to go tonight.  I'm not sure why they voted me out.  Jake turned on me, so… yeah.  I really don't know what to say.  I didn't make it as far as I thought I would, but yeah.  I guess that's just the way the game is.  (Laughs)  Good luck, Mary Lou!  I hope you go all the way!

Voting Record:
Mary Lou:  Matt
Mary:  Mary Lou
Lauren: Mary Lou
Jonny:  Nikki
Stone:  Mary Lou
Matt:  Nikki
Nikki:  Matt
Joe:  Matt
Scott:  Nikki
Jake:  Nikki

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Extra Feature!!!
Just for fun, I'm putting up this alternate episode 7.  It's my very first experimental
episode.  It has no bearing on the real story I've got going now, but youmight think
it's neat to see how my writing has improved since this first tentative effort.  Or not.
~ Mumbo