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Episode 8 – Divide and Conquer

Jeff: (Narrating) Previously on Survivor 
At Denson, the family decided to re-enlist Matt to the alliance so that they would have a majority.  Matt, meanwhile, planned to pull Jake into a new alliance with the other young guys, Jonny and Scott.  Lauren, in an attempt to take control of the FBC Alliance, recruited Stone.   Tree Mail informed the Survivors that the original tribes would be reunited for one night.  When Matt arrived at Denson, he and Jake clashed over which alliance they will be members of.   The next day, the tribes packed up and moved to a new camp.   A very drunk Lauren demanded that the new tribe be called the Cardinals.  The Immunity Challenge asked the Survivors to lay in coffins.  After a full night and morning, Scott was the last one in his coffin, earning him the Immunity Talisman.  Jake couldn't decide whether to stay with his old alliance or abandon it for a new one. In the end, he jumped ship and joined the young guy alliance to vote out Nikki.  

9 remain.  Tonight, one more will go. 

Theme Song 
(The sun rises.  Jake lies in the hut, staring at the ceiling)
Jake: (Narrating) Last night, I made a pretty gutsy move.  I've been in an alliance with my family since the beginning of the game, but last night I dumped them to be with my friends.  I don't think it's a move that's going to be highly regarded by the rest of the tribe. 
(Jake stumbles out to breakfast)
Joe:  Well, look who's up.  It's Mr. Arnold himself. 
Jake:  Arnold?  Tom Arnold? 
Joe:  No, Benedict. 
Jake:  Oh, right. 
Mary Lou: (Narrating)  I was pretty upset with Jake for betraying our alliance.  I cornered him this morning and asked him to explain himself. 
Jake:  Come on, Grandma!  Our alliance was a sinking ship.  You had your five votes, and Uncle Joe and I had two a piece.  We were screwed in a tie breaker. 
Mary Lou:  But it wouldn't have even been a tie. Our four votes would take out Matt, and Nikki and I would've only had three votes a piece. 
Jake:  Well yeah, this time... 
Jonny: (Narrating) We weren't sure how Tribal Council was going to go last night.  Jake never gave us a final answer on how he was voting.  So we told him that we were voting for Nikki.  If he wanted to join us, we could vote her out.  If not, all of their alliance would have votes piled up on them, and we could work with the other alliance to take them down. 
Jake:  It was either jump ship last night or be pagonged.  I was saving my own skin. 
Mary Lou:  I'm so disappointed in you, Jake.  Do I really mean that little to you? 
Jake:  No, Grandma!  Of course not!  Don't take this so personally!  It's just a game. 
Mary Lou: (Snippy) Well, we'll see what kind of a game it is! 
Jake: (Sighs) I'm sorry.  OK? 
Mary Lou:  I'm not sure "sorry" is good enough. 
(Jake sits on a log staring at the ground.  Matt, Scott, and Jonny approach him)
Scott:  Hey, man.  We're going to chuck apples at cows.  Wanna come? 
Jake:  I dunno, guys. 
Scott:  Hey there, sunshine.  What's the matter? 
Jake:  Grandma and Uncle Joe aren't too happy with me right now. 
Scott:  Aw…  Turn that frown up side down. 
(Jake brightens a little)
Jake:  OK, let's go. 
(The guys go and throw apples at cows.  The cows are running away, and
Scott's chasing them down, trilling all the while.  Matt narrates over the footage)
Matt: (Narrating) Jake voted with us.  That is sweet.  We had a little fight, but things are good now.  We're set up to vote out everyone else and be the last four.  Very, very sweet. 
(A cow gets pegged in the side of the head with an apple. The guys laugh uproariously.
Cut back to camp.  Mary Lou is cooking lunch.  Joe and Stone watch her)
Mary Lou:  Oh dear… what did I do with the salt? 
Joe:  I haven't seen it, Mom. 
(Mary Lou begins walking around camp looking for the canister of salt.  Finally she finds it)
Stone:  (Narrating)  Mary Lou spent a good ten minutes trying to find the salt today, so that got me thinking.  What if I were to build a spice rack for her?  I think it could really help my position in the tribe if I could build something useful. 
(Stone stands at the edge of Camp.  Mary, Lauren, Joe and Mary Lou are eating)
Stone:  Who wants to help me find some good wood? 
(No one answers)
Lauren:  You go ahead.  I'm sure whatever you find will be fine. 
Stone:  OK. 
(Montage of Stone gathering logs and sticks and throwing them into camp)
Lauren:  What does that idiot think he's doing? 
Mary Lou:  He wants to build me a spice rack, dear. 
Lauren:  Really? 
(Close up of Lauren rolling her eyes)
Lauren: (Narrating) Stone's going to build a spice rack?  That's um… nice. 
(Mary and Joe go for Tree Mail)
Mary:  Wow!  Our first reward!  What is it?  What is it? 
Joe:  Let's see:  (reading)    You've all dodged the bullet 
                                                To make it this far 
                                                Let's see how dodgy 
                                                You really are 
                                                A round rubber ball 
                                                To peg all your foes 
                                                The winner will get 
                                                To sleep with the ghosts 
Mary:  What?  Are they going to kill us if we win this? 
Reward Challenge:  Divide and Clobber 
(Close up on a red rubber ball.  Pull out to reveal it's in the middle of a huge
circle, divided into nine parts.  The Survivors arrive.  Jeff greets them)
Jeff:  Hey guys.  Go ahead and... fall in line.  So, your first individual reward.  Let me tell you, this is a good one.  The winner of this challenge will be taking a mystery trip.  You'll be staying in a nice hotel, that, among other things, has showers and room service. 
(The Survivors ooh)
Jeff:  OK, here's the challenge.  This circle is divided into nine parts.  Each of you will select a section.  In the middle of the circle are three rubber balls.  You're playing a giant game of Dodgeball.  One hit, you're out.  If you catch a ball, the person who threw it is out.  If you take someone out of the game, you take over their territory.  If the sections aren't connected, though, you won't be able to take advantage of it, so it may be to your advantage to try to take out your neighbors first. Do not step out of the circle, or you will be disqualified.  We'll retrieve any balls that go out of bounds.  Sound fair? 
(The Survivors nod)
Jeff:  OK, I'll let you guys pick sections. 
(The Survivors arrange themselves like so:)
Jeff:  Survivors ready? (Doing the arm thing) Go! 
(Jake, Scott, Matt, and Jonny immediately run towards the center.  Jake gets there first and grabs a ball.  Before he can do anything, however, Scott has snatched up a ball and pegged him)
Jeff:  Jake!  Have a seat! 
(Jake exits the game, grumbling.  Since the ball bounced off Jake, Scott still has it.  Jonny and Matt hold the other balls.  Matt looks at Lauren, who's cowering in the back of her section.  He winds back and throws the ball as hard as he can.  She screams and tries to get out of the way, but isn't fast enough.  The ball nails her on her outer thigh, leaving a big red welt.  Crying slightly, Lauren goes and joins Jake on the bench.
Jonny tosses his ball at Mary, who skillfully dodges it.  Meanwhile, Matt's moved
into Lauren's territory and is eying Scott.  Scott makes
a beckoning motion to Matt.  Matt grins and lobs another
power throw.  At the last second, Scott drops his ball and catches Matt.)
Scott:  Ha ha, loosah! 
Matt:  Aw shoot! 
(Matt exits the game.  Mary throws the ball at Scott, hoping to catch him unaware, but he spins around and jumps over it.  All three balls are now in Scott's territory, which spans three sections. He leisurely strolls over to one, picks it up, and rockets it at Mary Lou.  It pegs her in the hip.  Limping slightly, she goes to the bench.
Joe snatches up the ball.  He throws it underhand at Jonny, who easily catches it.)
Joe:  Well, it was worth a try. 
(Jonny turns his attention to Stone.  He throws the ball at Stone's feet, and Stone can do little to avoid it.  He takes the hike to the bench.  Scott, Mary, and Jonny are now the only players left.  Mary retrieves the ball Jonny threw at Stone.  Smiling wickedly, she runs towards Jonny and throws the ball with all her might.  Jonny sidesteps the throw and the ball flies out of bounds.
Scott meanwhile rockets a ball at Mary, who once again dodges it.  She waits for it to be retrieved.  Jonny now has his ball back.  He lobs it at Scott, who easily dodges it.  Mary takes advantage of Jonny's moment of vulnerability and nails him in the side.  Mary moves into Stone's old territory and awaits Scott's next move.
Scott runs around back to his original sector and throws a ball Mary's way.  She sidesteps it, but Scott has another ball in his arsenal.  This one hits its mark, and Mary's taken out of the game)
Jeff:  Scott!  You win the mystery trip.  I hope you're ready to go, because we're leaving ASAP. 
Scott:  Cool. 
(A Chrysler Minivan pulls up next to the playing field.  The door slides open and Scott starts to get in)
Jeff:  Oh, Scott?  I'm thinking you might need a companion on this trip.  You can bring along one person. 
Scott:  Well, Mary did come in second… 
(Mary's face brightens)
Scott:  But I believe I shall take Jonathan. 
Jeff:  Jonny! 
Jonny:  All right! 
(The losers walk off as the van pulls away.  Mary looks particularly despondent.
 Cut to a helicopter shot of the van driving along the Missouri highway.
 Inside, Scott and Jonny look excitedly out the windows.  Jeff sits in the front seat)
Scott:  So, Jeff.  Where we going? 
Jeff:  You guys are in for a real treat.  You'll be spending the night in Missouri's most haunted hotel, the Grand Avenue Bed and Breakfast in Carthage. 
Jonny:  (Skeptically)  A haunted hotel? 
Jeff:  That's right. 
(Cut to a helicopter shot.  The van pulls into a bustling town.  People
smile and wave as it goes by. It stops in front of a rather run down mansion)
Jeff:  Here we are. 
Scott:  Look out, Jonny.  It's haunted. 
Jonny:  Yeah… 
(Suddenly Scott grabs Jonny by the shoulders and screams in his face.
 Jonny jumps back in terror.  Scott laughs hysterically at him)
Jeff:  (Cutting in) Let me show you guys to your room. 
(Cut to a rather dumpy looking room.  Jeff enters, followed by Scott and Jonny)

Jeff:  This room is the very room in which James Lane, aka Cigar Man, smoked his last stogie.  You guys scared? 
Scott and Jonny:  No. 
Jeff:  OK, well I'll leave you to get settled in. 
Jonny: (Narrating)  Uh-huh.  A "haunted" hotel.  What a load of crap. 
Scott:  (Narrating) We were all settled in for the night.  We'd both taken showers, had a meal, and settled down to watch TV. 

(Scott and Jonny lay on their beds watching TV.  Suddenly, the walls start to rattle)
Jonny:  What the f-? 
(A low chuckle fills the room and cigar smoke pours into the air.  Scott and Jonny look around nervously)
Jonny:  What the heck is going on? 
Scott:  (Dracula voice)  It's the ghost. 
(The cigar smoke becomes more intense)
Jonny:  Let's get out of here! 
Scott:  No way, dude. 
Jonny:  Well, I'm out of here! 
(Jonny leaves the room)
Scott: (Narrating)  It was so cheesy!  You could tell they we pumping the smoke in through the air vents.  (Laughs) And Jonny ran off like a scared little girl. 
Jonny: (Narrating) I don't know what happened in there, but that was seriously freaky. 
(Cut to shots of Scott sleeping peacefully, Jonny sitting in the hallway, wide awake.
Cut to an outside shot of the hotel, pan up to the sky.  Pan back down on dawn at camp)  
Cardinals Camp
(Stone's already up, scrounging for wood.  He carries back and armload as Mary and Lauren are getting up)
Stone:  Morning, morning, girls! 
Mary: (Cheerily) Good morning, Mr. Stone. 
(Lauren just glares at Stone)
Stone:  So, I was thinking we'd work on the spice rack today. 
Lauren:  "We?" 
Stone:  Yeah.  I'm going to need help. 
Lauren: (Narrating)  Who does this guy think he is?  No one orders me around. 
(Stone has Mary holding two sticks together)
Stone:  OK, Lauren, here's what I need you to do. 
Lauren:  (Sighs)  What? 
Stone:  These boards are going to have to be tied together, since we don't have proper equipment.  Do you know how to tie a half-hitch? 
Lauren:  No. 
Stone:  Here, let me show you then. 
(Jake strolls by)
Jake:  Hey, how's Super Rack 2002 coming along? 
Stone:  Just fine.  Would you like to help?  We could use another hand. 
Jake: (Laughs) Fat chance! 
(Jake walks away)
Stone:  Well, he had his chance.  Now, Lauren, here's how you tie a half-hitch. 
Lauren:  If you already know, why are you teaching me?  Hello?  Why don't you do it yourself? 
Stone:  I don't think I like your tone. 
(Lauren kicks the skeletal spice rack they've constructed.  It shatters)
Lauren:  F*** you!  I don't care about the stupid spice rack!  No one does! 
Stone:  (stammering)  I-  but- 
Lauren:  Zip it, gramps!  I've had it up to here with you!  Look, I'm the boss of this alliance, not you!  So just shut the f*** up and stop trying to grow a personality! 
(Lauren storms off)
Stone: (Narrating)  Lauren is-  let's put it this way, I'm not too fond of Lauren.  I'm beginning to think there are probably ways I can win this game without the pleasure of her company. 
Mary: (Narrating) I never know how to feel about Lauren.  Sometimes she's so nice, but other times she just says some really nasty stuff.  I don't know. 
(Jonny and Scott walk back to camp)
Scott:  Wait till everyone hears you slept in the hall. 
Jonny:  You'd have to be crazy to sleep in that room.  It was possessed! 
(Jonny and Scott enter camp)
Mary Lou:  Welcome back, you guyzers! 
Joe:  How was it? 
Scott: (Laughing) They took us to a haunted hotel!  We were sitting there watching TV, and- 
(Lauren narrates over Scott's story)
Lauren: (Narrating) Oh, please tell me how you ate and had a shower.  I was in no mood to hear Red's bragging. 
(Scott continues his story)
Scott:  And they pumped this smoke in through the vents to make us think- 
Lauren:  Oh, just shut up!  No one cares! 
Matt:  I do! 
Lauren:  Like you count.  God!  No one wants to hear about your stupid trip.  Just learn when to shut your yap! 
Jake:  Pot, meet kettle. 
Lauren:  What was that, geek?  You got a problem? 
Mary Lou:  OK, let's just calm down… 
Lauren:  I won't calm down! 
Joe:  (Narrating)  Lauren, you're digging your own grave.  We get it.  You hate us all.  At least pretend to get along with us. 
(Lauren continues ranting, then storms off.  Jonny and Jake go for Tree Mail)
Jonny:  That girl is a beeyotch. 
Jake:   No kidding.  Let's see what we got: (reading)  Head for the forest, 
                                                                                           Don't waste time, dopes! 
                                                                                           It's time for you morons 
                                                                                           To learn the ropes 
                                                                                           The winner is safe 
                                                                                           From the council's votes 
                                                                                           Reach the end first 
                                                                                           Or you might go 
Ropes…  ropes… rope course challenge, I'll bet. 
Jonny:  Great. 

Immunity Challenge – What's a Carribeaner? 
(Jeff waits in a forest glade.  The Survivors approach)
Jeff:  Hey guys.  (To Scott) I'll take back the Immunity Talisman.  Today's challenge is an important one.  It's for immunity.  The challenge should be familiar.  We've set up a ropes course through these woods.  You'll be attached to the rope by these two carribeaners.  You must leave one carribeaner on the rope at all times.  There are six stations along the way.  At each station, there's a medallion with your name on it.  Grab the medallion and move on.  Keep in mind that there's only one correct path between each station.  All the rest are dead ends.  You guys understand? 
(The Survivors murmur "yes.")
Jeff:  OK, move into position.  Survivors ready?  (Doing the arm thing) Go! 
(The race begins.  There are a bunch of confusing shots as each Survivor is shown running along a rope.  Whenever they get to a tree or other obstacle, they unattach one of their hooks, move it around the obstacle and reattach it, then repeat the process with the other hook.  The words at the bottom of the screen tell us that Jonny is leading.
Soon Jonny makes it to the first station.  He grabs his medallion and attaches his caribbeaner to one of the nine ropes leading away from station one. Since the first nine ropes all lead to the same place, soon all the Survivors have collected their medallions from Station One.
The path Jonny chose ends up being the right one.  He reaches Station Two.  Jake and Scott are following along the same line.  Everyone else takes the wrong line from Station One.  Matt, Joe, and Lauren hit dead ends and head back for Station One.
Jonny's racing towards Station Three.  Once again he's chosen the right path.  Jake and Scott make note of the path he's taking and follow him.  Mary and Stone reach Station Two.
Jonny reaches Station Three and goes off along a false path.  Jake and Scott follow him again.  Matt, Joe and Lauren have found the right path and are headed for Station Two.  Mary Lou's still lost between Stations One and Two.
Mary and Stone arrive at Three and take another false path.  Jonny reaches a dead end and heads back for Three.  When Jake sees him coming, he turns around and bumps into Scott.  Jake quickly reattaches and attaches his hooks and goes around Scott, who also starts heading back for Three.  Jake chooses a new path and goes down it.  Scott chooses a different path.
Matt, Joe, and Lauren arrive at Two and start down the path to Three.  Mary Lou is back at Station One trying another path.  Jonny gets back to Three.  Jake's path ends up being correct and he reaches Four.  Scott sees him reaching Four, realizes he's on the wrong path, and turns around.  Jonny starts down Jake's path.
Scott gets back to Three as Mary and Stone arrive.)
Mary:  Which way? 
Scott:  (Pointing down the path he just returned from) That way. 
(Mary starts down Scott's path, and he just laughs and takes the correct one.  Stone follows Scott.  Matt, Joe, and Lauren arrive just in time to see which way everyone's going.  Mary Lou finally reaches Station Two.
Jake and Jonny take separate paths to Five.  Jake's path is wrong, Jonny's is right.  Jake reaches a dead end and turns around as Jonny reaches Station Five.  Scott, Stone, Matt, Joe, and Lauren arrive at Four as Jake returns.  They push each other to get onto Jonny's path first.
Scott takes second place, followed by Jake, Matt, Joe, Lauren, and Stone.  Meanwhile, Jonny's found the correct path to Station Six.  He arrives and collects his medallion.  Mary Lou's still lost.  Mary's figured out she's been duped and returned to Three alone.  She guesses the wrong path and also becomes lost.
As the pack closes in on Jonny, he breathes in and chooses a rope.  After making it around several large trees, Jonny sees a clearing, where Jeff is waiting.  He slows to a jog and ends the course)
Jeff:  Jonny!  Immunity! 
(Jeff hands Jonny the immunity talisman.  Scott and Jake emerge from the woods,
followed by everyone else.  After some time, Mary and Mary Lou arrive)
Jeff:  I was afraid we were going to have to send out a search party.  I'll see you guys at Tribal Council.  
Jonny: (Narrating)  Winning immunity was very nice.  I'm around for at least three more days.  Now we have to decide how our alliance is going to vote. 
(Jake, Jonny, Matt, and Scott are gathered in a circle talking.  Les Sachs watches, wagging his tail)
Jake:  Hmm… now who could we vote out?  Hmm… I'm not really thinking of anyone who stands out. 
Matt:  What?  I thought we were going to vote out Lauren. 
Jake:  Sarcasm radar.. turned off. 
Matt:  Oh. 
Lauren: (Narrating) Oh, I guess I've said some things that might have rubbed people the wrong way.  I could go tonight, but I don't think I will.  There are other people who are just begging to go. 
(Mary Lou and Joe sit in the hut)
Mary Lou:  What should we do tonight? 
Joe:  I'm not sure, Mom.  We can't really vote off Jakkum, can we? 
Mary Lou:  Well, I'm still not very happy with him.  But that Lauren girl has a real mean streak. 
Joe:  Oh Mom, I know.  I've had to live with it since the beginning of the game, and it hasn't become any better. 
Stone: (Narrating) Does the alliance still stand?  I don't know.  I haven't talked to Lauren since the spice rack incident.  She's been kind of keeping to herself. 
(Far off shot of Mary approaching Lauren, then being turned away)
Mary: (Narrating) The guy's alliance?  I'm not sure how we can compete with that. 
(Shots of the Survivors packing up, grabbing their torches)
Jake: (Narrating) Blah, blah, I don't like her, she doesn't like me.  Tribal Council is all about alliances.  Tonight, we'll see which alliance is strongest.  
Tribal Council # 8  
(The Survivors enter Tribal Council.  Jeff is waiting)
Jeff: Come on in, guys.  Have a seat.  Well, you've made it this far.  And from this point on, even if you're voted out, you will have an effect on this game.  Whoever's voted out tonight will become the first member of the jury that will ultimately decide the winner of this game.  That said, we have another little surprise for you guys, but that won't be revealed until next Tribal Council. 
(The Survivors react)
Jeff:  So OK, you've made it this far.  Joe, what has taken you to this point in the game? 
Joe:  Well, I like to think that I'm cooperative and hard-working.  But really my old alliance helped out a bit. 
Jeff:  Your family alliance?  Not really too solid after Nikki's departure, is it? 
Mary Lou:  Jake left us high and dry, and it's not easy to forget something like that. 
Jeff:  Jake.  Why'd you do it? 
Jake:  It was the most strategic move.  Too many total votes made my old alliance weak. 
Jeff:  (Nods condescendingly)  Jonny, Scott, how was your trip? 
Scott:  It was really scary when the fake ghost came.  Jonny wet his little panties. 
Jonny:  Shut up, Scott. 
Jeff:  Do I sense a bit of animosity? 
Jake:  I believe that was gentle ribbing, Jeff. 
Jeff: (Ignoring Jake) How was the mood around camp when you came back? 
Scott:  Someone who will remain nameless threw a little girl temper tantrum. 
Jeff:  Lauren, I think he's talking about you.  How do you feel about your position in the tribe? 
Lauren:  I think I'm solid, Jeff. 
Jeff:  OK, it's time to vote.  Jake, you're up first. 
(Jake gets up and votes.  His vote goes to Lauren)
Jake:  For having big weird eyes.  Or not. 
(Jonny's next.  We don't see it.  Mary's the next to vote.  We don't see)
Mary:  It's the only way I can stay in the game.  Sorry. 
(Stone's next, followed by Lauren.  We don't see either of their votes.
 Mary Lou is up next.  She votes for Jake)
Mary Lou:  Jake, Jake, Jake…  Why'd you have to betray your grandmother?  I still love you, but this is a game. 
(Matt votes, followed by Joe.  Finally Scott votes for Lauren)
Scott:  The ghost told me to vote for her. 
(Scott returns)
Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes. 
(Jeff leaves and returns with the voting canister)
Jeff:  Just a reminder.  Once the votes are read, the person will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.  First vote: 
Two votes Lauren, two votes Jake. 
That's four votes Lauren, two votes Jake. 
Four votes Lauren, four votes Jake.  And the final vote: 
Jake:  Idiot! 
Jeff:  Jake, I need you to bring me your torch. 
(Jake approaches Jeff)
Jeff:  Jake, the tribe has spoken.  (Snuffs his torch)  It's time for you to go. 
Jake:  I suck. 
(Jake leaves)
Jeff:  Well, it seems the balance of power has shifted yet again.  I'll let you guys get back to camp. 
(The Survivors exit)  
Jake's Final Words:  Dumb!  Dumb!  Dumb!  Cardinal rule of Survivor, don't betray your alliance.  Man!  I suck.  Well, at least I'm on the jury now.  So I'll make my appearance in the last episode.  I hope I wasn't too ruthless, but I'm satisfied with the game I played.  I guess.  Ah, screw it all.  
Voting Record:
Jake:  Lauren
Jonny:  Lauren
Mary:  Jake
Stone:  Jake
Lauren:  Jake
Mary Lou:  Jake
Matt:  Lauren
Joe:  Jake
Scott:  Lauren  
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